GAC to Become DAS

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Well-Known Member

Interesting in how one video she states "Loosing Disney for me is not and option", and then in this video she states "Disney is over". Also very interesting how she can turn on and off the tears/emotional distress like a light switch. Is she bi polar or on drugs? And then people wonder why nobody trusts. Also interesting how she has her facts wrong on those that were selling themselves and GAC for profit. She said it was the Disney employees and that is not what was in that undercover story. But hey as long as she gets what she wants, screw everyone else.
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Active Member
I agree completely, She is using her son as a threat to peoples safety. If he is such a threat, he should not be around people. I'd like to ask her what security should do to her son when he attacks people.

That has been one of the most disturbing things about how certain people have reacted to the changes. If there is one right my "able-bodied" child has at Disney it is the right to not be harmed by out-of-control children or adults. Disney has the obligation to protect the safety of ALL it's guests and I would be a little worried if I were a parent who decided to push the "he's going to get violent" threat because Disney might just call you on it and ask you to leave the park.


So then all 2 year old children should receive FOLP? Oh and for what is worth 2 year olds are teachable so if severely Autistic children is as you say like two year olds then why aren't the teachable also? I think it is insulting to describe these individuals as unteachable.
Just go back and try and remember what it was like having a 2 year old and then imagine your child never grew out of that phase. You as a parent would either go insane or abandon the kid like so many deadbeat dads do or find places like Disney where you can get away from it all. Many of these parents choose the latter.


Active Member

Interesting in how one video she states "Loosing Disney for me is not and option", and then in this video she states "Disney is over". Also very interesting how she can turn on and off the tears/emotional distress like a light switch. Is she bi polar or on drugs? And then people wonder why nobody trusts. Also interesting how she has her facts wrong on those that were selling themselves and GAC for profit. She said is was the Disney employees and that is not what was in that undercover story. But hey as long as she gets what she want screw everyone else.

Exactly. She never even tried the new system. She went in there loaded for bear and nothing short of a green light pass was going to work for her. That's not exactly the example that you want to set for any child - disabled or not. Compromise is a part of life as well as giving something new a try before stating that it won't work.


Well-Known Member

"This is a nightmare" I am assuming that "this" means Disney? Then stop going, if it is so bad. This womans videos show just how self important she really believes herself to be.


Well-Known Member

Giant cupcake? Oh good sugar up the "kid" that she says gets violent, and will hurt others. What is the world is wrong with this woman? Oh and whoever said life was supposed to be fun? Everyone has their problems. Handle your problems and don't make them someone else's.

Again, you do not harm someone else for your own gain.
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Well-Known Member
That woman is trash, and I laughed out loud at "Universal here we come." I guess she doesn't realize that Universal is using the same policy and is probably stricter about it than Disney will be.

Also I read a post from "the forum that must not be named" that said Disney is giving out special passes that allow autistic people to ride attractions over and over without getting back in line. Probably why they are asking if the person has autism before they issue the new DAS's. I knew this "new system" wouldn't change a thing. All smoke and mirrors to appease the general public after the Today Show exposed them.


Well-Known Member
"Disney is done"...pretty general statement. Yes the whole company is going under because of a system that is used EVERYPLACE ELSE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME WAY. *sigh*

Also it shows how full of it she is when she says that it was disney employees abusing the system. Sadly shes looking for attention and shes getting it.


Well-Known Member
That woman is trash, and I laughed out loud at "Universal here we come." I guess she doesn't realize that Universal is using the same policy and is probably stricter about it than Disney will be.

Also I read a post from "the forum that must not be named" that said Disney is giving out special passes that allow autistic people to ride attractions over and over without getting back in line. Probably why they are asking if the person has autism before they issue the new DAS's. I knew this "new system" wouldn't change a thing. All smoke and mirrors to appease the general public after the Today Show exposed them.
oops, did I do a Voldemort on this forum then by posting that link lol


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It doesn't. But what you are facing is the wrath of people who are losing that one good thing.

And you nailed it!

Life is hard. We all have our crosses to bare.

My BF is her Mom's primary care giver and it greatly impacts their families entire life every moment with Grandma's dementia. They got a one time break and headed to Disney this summer. They eventually got out of Toy Story queue because they were in stand by over an hour and a long way to go while groups kept reboarding Toy.The family never did experience the attraction and are bitter with Disney. So my BF didn't get Liver or Chicken, let alone Chocolate Cake as your analogy referenced. How is that fair?

It isn't that the guests of Disney do not have empathy for those in need of assistance it is when many guests take advantage by using the assistance offered at an inordinate rate and are disrespectful to the impact of other guests experience.

It is enlightening to read the whys so many believe they should be able to continue to impact other guests vacations, now hoping to score a pile of FPs. For Disney, no good deed goes unpunished.
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Active Member

Giant cupcake? Oh good sugar up the "kid" that she says gets violent, and will hurt others. What is the world is wrong with this woman? Oh and whoever said life was supposed to be fun? Everyone has their problems. Handle your problems and don't make them someone else's.

Again, you do not harm someone else for your own gain.

She said that they gave her the passes because they did not want to see him beat up his mother but I am thinking after watching all her videos that they may have actually wanted to see just that.


Active Member
Just go back and try and remember what it was like having a 2 year old and then imagine your child never grew out of that phase. You as a parent would either go insane or abandon the kid like so many deadbeat dads do or find places like Disney where you can get away from it all. Many of these parents choose the latter.

I actually have a young child now and sorry but I have never thought of abandoning him or giving him up and he can be very difficult but then again we don't subscribed to the lazy parenting theory either. . We go to the parks with a plan and even at his young age understands consequences and rewards.


Well-Known Member
That woman is a Saint for what she is burdened with and Disney knows it. Get over it and go to the back of the line.

You mean referring to her own child as "that kid" and needlessly making things worse by waving him around guest services for her entitlement?

Yeah will go and call us all here "heartless"...there is no changing your opinion of us all (and it really shows what type of individual you are by the constant name calling..truly classy), but you conveniently ignore anyone or anything said to you that makes sense to a situation...selectively replying to what you feel makes you look like you're in the right and then bashing everybody else. The truth is, you are the sort of person who brought these changes on. You're "screw everybody else" mentality is what caused this problem to spiral out of control in the first place. Its that "screw you" mentality that is clearly shown by those who are ABUSING the system (one way or another) that caused complaints. So want to know the harsh reality? YOU (not specifically, obviously) created this "problem" you are so passionately vocal about.

I'll bring it up again, even tho as usual you will choose to ignore it because...well..thats "your thing", NO ONE on here has said ANYTHING about being heartless and uncaring to ANYONE (disabled or no)...just because they dont feel that the world should bow down to their every desire does NOT mean that they are looked down upon or disliked. So if you want to be taken seriously, perhaps you should re-evaluate how you debate things.


Active Member
That woman is a Saint for what she is burdened with and Disney knows it. Get over it and go to the back of the line.

A saint would not let her potentially violent child who is so disabled that he cannot understand the concept of coming back to wait in line (per her description), but will let him enter a ride on his own where (again, according to her) anything could set him off WITHOUT ANY SUPERVISION. She has no idea what her son could encounter at the FP line and if he gets so violent that she might have to call the police, then shame on her for putting the safety of other guests and CM's at risk so that she can play "gotcha" with the CM outside.

That's not a saint, that's someone who is exaggerating a problem in order to get what she wants because she doesn't want to deal with it and it's loathsome.


A saint would not let her potentially violent child who is so disabled that he cannot understand the concept of coming back to wait in line (per her description), but will let him enter a ride on his own where (again, according to her) anything could set him off WITHOUT ANY SUPERVISION. She has no idea what her son could encounter at the FP line and if he gets so violent that she might have to call the police, then shame on her for putting the safety of other guests and CM's at risk so that she can play "gotcha" with the CM outside.

That's not a saint, that's someone who is exaggerating a problem in order to get what she wants because she doesn't want to deal with it and it's loathsome.
You all are just furious with Disney because of this allowance they made for those with severe autism. If you all are so upset with this policy, why don't you contact Disney instead of trashing this mother all over a public forum? The sacrifices she has made for her child (marriage; other children; friends) warrant her getting some kind of break in life. Very selfish IMO.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member

This is her Facebook page (not her personal profile). Don't bother messaging her because she is attacking everyone who tries to debate with her, deleting the posts, trying to get them fired if she finds out they are a CM, etc.

I encourage you to report it to Facebook to be removed. You can do this by clicking the gear icon next to "Message." She is not listening to any reason and instead spreading hate and vitrol.

Heck, report her Youtube page too for secretly recording Disney CMs.

I also encourage you to write to Disney. Tell them how upset you are that they are already caving in to people like her. Tell them how abuse of the system and certain families riding over and over again hinders the experience for everyone. If they don't put their foot down then we will be right back at the exact same level of abuse in no time.
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