funny dis. moments?


Active Member
In 1997 we were at MK with our three sons 14, 6 and 4 we managed to get on Splash mountain even with the 4 year old, and started out. At the first small water drop our 14 year old says I want out. I tell him he has to hang on. At the big drop my 4 and 6 year old are laughing, while the look on my 14 year old is one of white knuckle stone cold silence. After the two younger boys want to get back on, so while we are in line again, a women behind us comments on how brave my two young sons are to get on again. They laugh and point to their 14 year old brother, who is still very pale and refusing to get back on, saying they hope they won't be scared when they become teenagers.

To this day my oldest son now 22 hates Roller coasters.
The younger two now teenagers still love them
MCRRBA said:
In 1997 we were at MK with our three sons 14, 6 and 4 we managed to get on Splash mountain even with the 4 year old, and started out. At the first small water drop our 14 year old says I want out. I tell him he has to hang on. At the big drop my 4 and 6 year old are laughing, while the look on my 14 year old is one of white knuckle stone cold silence. After the two younger boys want to get back on, so while we are in line again, a women behind us comments on how brave my two young sons are to get on again. They laugh and point to their 14 year old brother, who is still very pale and refusing to get back on, saying they hope they won't be scared when they become teenagers.

To this day my oldest son now 22 hates Roller coasters.
The younger two now teenagers still love them

It took me a long time to get past it. But I was scared of them before the ride on Space Mountain too. I did end up getting over my fear eventually hopefully your son will too. Just takes that first step, once you get onto another one and realize they're not bad, your cured. :)


Well-Known Member
During our trip this past February, Goofy's son Max was hitting on my wife in Epcot. It was hillarious. His hormones were in overdirve and he was dipping her and hugging her. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt for the longest time. We had given the handler our camera to take a group photo, and she was soooo good that she caught all of the action on film. We still laugh and talk about it when we look at the photos. What a GREAT time.


New Member
My parents usually travel with us to Disney (tragically, my Dad passed away in January at age 82, so he won't be with us this year. I will be taking the mass card from his funeral with me on all the rides!!), so this story is about my Dad.

Dad did NOT do rides, even when I was little. Dh and FIL went off to ride Space Mountain, I was waiting with my Mom and MIL , and my Dad kind of wandered off on his own. I thought he had gone to the bathroom and my Mom thought he went to ride TTA (he liked that one), so we didn't really wonder why he wasn't with us. Eventually Dh and FIL came off SM, but still no Dad. We all started looking at each other to see if anyone knew where he had gone. Suddenly we saw him coming towards us, looking a little disheveled. We all started asking where he had been, "There" he said, pointing. We all turned and looked to where he was pointing - it was Space Mountain!!! We all yelled "You rode Space Mountain???????" He explained he thought it was in the line for TTA, got on and didn't realize he was on the wrong ride until after "launch"! Now please understand, at this time, he was 79 years old, had had a quintuple bypass, high blood pressure and major back problems, so we all started asking - "didn't you read the signs or hear the pre-ride warnings?". He just kind of shrugged. I just had to ask him -"What did you think of the ride"? "It was fast!!!!" was his reply. We were all hysterical laughing. Later in the trip we went to Universal. Dh and FIL went to get on The Hulk - what do I see but my Dad following along behind them!!! I went running after him yelling "Dad, Dad - you DO NOT want to get on this ride!!!". He was feeling a little bold!! He even rode MIB, Spiderman, and Jurassic Park later that day! One of my most treasured pictures is of my Mom and Dad on Jurassic Park! We wanted to put a Space Mountain pin on Dad's suit in his casket but my son had traded his. We will be getting another one when we go in April and we will bury on top of his grave. I know that may sound creepy to some, but it is honor of my favorite Disney memory!! I will be missing my Dad very much on this trip!


New Member
A Moment with Goofey

:) One year while at Magic Kingdom I was walking by the Teacups when I noticed Goofey posing for everyone. I was just being friendly and loud with Disney spirit. Goofey flagged me over and gave me a courtesy photo with no wait. It dawned on me that I was being credited for having a good attitude.
I Love just being at the parks and saying hello to the characters. I am hoping to enhance the fun for the younger ones and young at heart. My favorite gag is to go to customer relations and complain about a rude cast member,Cruela DeVille. :lol:


I Got Dive Bombed

Beware of the birds in Magic Kingdom around Tom Sawyer Island. I think all will agree with me on this...I have yet to figure out why people feed the birds. Those are some of the fattest birds I have ever seen. The next thing you know they will be rolling over and playing dead for a scrap of turkey leg. Anyway, I was minding my own business when a bird pooped on me, right on my head! :eek: Very embarressing....Has this happened to anyone else?
HannahOr18 said:
Beware of the birds in Magic Kingdom around Tom Sawyer Island. I think all will agree with me on this...I have yet to figure out why people feed the birds. Those are some of the fattest birds I have ever seen. The next thing you know they will be rolling over and playing dead for a scrap of turkey leg. Anyway, I was minding my own business when a bird pooped on me, right on my head! :eek: Very embarressing....Has this happened to anyone else?

Never at Disney but elsewhere...many, many times. I guess i'm just a prime target :eek:



New Member
For spring break of my junior year in high school (almost 6 years ago) myself and two friends went down to Disney for a week. The most fun I have ever had on a vacation. Two things stood out in my mind as being hilarious.

We went to Fantasmic very early, not quite sure why. Ended up sitting to the left of the entrance. Even though it was April and busy, it seemed to be empty at this showing. We were waiting around for a while for the show to start when one of the cast memebers who was selling light up toys came by. My friend and myself, both huge star wars fans, bought those light up 'lightsaber' toys. We dueled in the completely empty far left section of seating for about 10 minutes before the show started. Quite a crowd was watching us and either thought we were interesting, or complete fools! Meanwhile my other friend and cousin were laughing through the whole thing. :)

Right after Fantasmic ended as we were leaving, my friend put on a lobster foam hat he had purchased from Red Lobster earlier in the day. It was not a standard hat, but basically a foam lobster with a place for your head. Very big and oversized. The entire way out he was shouting "I am lobsterman" to the amusement of many people. When we left MGM and were walking past the line for the parking trams, he stopped and yelled "Can I have your attention please" (the entire tram line turned and looked) "Lobsterman says Hi" and walked away. It took me several minutes to gather myself and I dont think I stopped laughing until we had finished walking to the car.

Yes, a strange trip...


New Member
my brother (legend of WDWBro) and i were in line to ride RnR one more time before going to dinner at Boma. there was this woman and her little daughter in front of us in line. the daughter couldn't wait to get on the ride (we could see that she had ridden it before) but the mom just would not go on. as the line was moving, we were eventually able to convince her to go on for the first time. boy was she scared, she screamed the entire time. but when we got to the end, she said that she loved it. it just feels good to help a person (and just before a delicious dinner at AKL :slurp: )


OMG this one time we were waiting for my parents to come out of the bathroom....and no joke this idity bitty little kid comes out of the bathroom stark nakkid OMG it was soooo crazy!! Don't paretns watch theirs kids what type of rednecks do they let into disney nowadays!!

And then this one time we saw this mom holding this kid over a planter out to the side of the rock n'er rollercoaseter and the kid was ing into the bushes!@!!@ Seriously I was disgusted but it was funny LOL OMG!!!@@!


New Member
I have funny things that have happened to OTHER people, LOL...

In '97, my first trip to WDW, we were on Space Mtn. behind some random guy. We were almost at the end, and kind of in that "Ahh, winding down" phase, when all the sudden his car dropped out of sight. He was laughing, and all the sudden shrieked "Oh ____*T!", which made us laugh hysterically.

On the same trip, my best friend and I were waiting for IllumiNations to start. The first firework went flying out over the lagoon with a bang, and she HIT THE DECK. I missed most of the show because I was laughing so hard.

And during my internship, some friends came to visit. We were on Haunted Mansion, and it stopped during the graveyard scene. Every 15 seconds or so a ghoul would pop out from behind a tombstone, and every 15 seconds or so the girl in the doom buggie in front of us would scream. Once it finally started again, we were laughing so hard we missed the rest of the ride.

I'm sure something embarassing has happened to me, but I'm blocking it out :animwink:


New Member
My family is insane

ok, my family is completely nuts--we've had countless funny moments; fortunately many were caught on tape :lol:

1) picture this--the second time me, my sisters, and my dad rode the Rock n' Roller Coaster, the line took longer than expected, and when we got out, my little brother was waiting outside with my mom, crying. My mom looked at us and said "We're gonna miss the buss!" Immediately, my family of 6 began to sprint across MGM, dashing left and right to avoid people(who were staring). A cast member saw us and said "Run, Forrest!" It was like Home Alone! We just made the bus, and when we stopped running, my dad switched on the video camera and filmed us--sweaty and gasping for air. He then put the camera right up into his face and did a scene out of The Blair Witch Project, saying "I don't know weather to close my eyes, I don't know weather to open my eyes.."

2) My Dad, attempting to be funny in a packed crowd headed for Fantasmic, announced aloud "It's like the Crunch Factor!" and smiled to himself. What the heck is the Crunch Factor? How is that a joke? Nobody laughed...I just pretended I didn't know him.

3) Captain Hook assulted me. Haha, kidding, but he tried to take my purse, which was strapped around the front of my body. He then grabbed my neck with his hook. Another time, Buzz wouldn't let go of my hand.

4) My brother chiped his front tooth on a pole in line waiting to see Mickey.

5) My older sister had to do the can-can in the Hoop-de-Do Musical Revue--entertained all

6) This was more cute than funny, but the first time we rode Peter Pan's Flight, my brother looked down when we left the underneath track, turned to the car behind us, and said, "Look, Mom, we're flying!!!" The only thing was, the people behind us weren't our parents. They were confused.
Another time, the first time my brother went on Splash Mountain, right before the drop, he shouted, "I'm gonna die!!"
Besides that, he's definately had many public displays of pouting--more annoying than funny at the time.
My brother also made jokes to our waiter at The Coral Reef that were so dumb--"What happens when you cross a sword and a fish?? A swordfish!" Our waiter was so sweet though, he pretended they were funny.

7) The first time I rode ToT, my sister talked me into it. I had my moment of panic when the doors closed--I turned to my sister, who was behind me, and yelled "I'm going to kill you!" Everyone in the elevator cracked up, but I was freaking out.

Hmm...those are the only Disney ones I can think of so far, but there are a bunch of other ones (namely Universal) that were good too.


New Member
Short shorts

My husband and I were walking around EPCOT and noticed that many of the young women were wearing very short shorts. Well I guess this older woman thought she still had it and decided to roll her shorts up really high. :eek: She rolled them so high you could see both her cheeks and her underwear sticking out on both sides. So of course my husband had to videotape it! :rolleyes:


New Member
Looking back on it now, the funniest moment was when Pluto had an accident and needed to go to the vet for emergency surgery on Castaway Cay. At the time, it was upsetting. Thankfully he recovered by the time we went back to the ship. He was so happy to see us again. :)

At universal, the funniest moment had to be when I accedently hit Angellica from the rugrats in the head with my shoulder. It wasn't my fault really. She's like 5 feet tall and her head is like 3 feet wide.


New Member
crazycalf said:
At universal, the funniest moment had to be when I accedently hit Angellica from the rugrats in the head with my shoulder. It wasn't my fault really. She's like 5 feet tall and her head is like 3 feet wide.

I am in eternal debt to you! :lol:
  • Getting a splinter from the handrails in Frontierland and having the woman at First Aid almost scream when she saw it (2 inches!!)
  • Once, I was going into Magic Kingdom after it had rained. It was about 7 in the morning (early opening), so the sun had yet to dry up the rain. I, trying to beat another large group in line, was running up to the gate. Right when I was getting ready to put my ticket through, I slipped in a big piddle. While this was embarrasing enough, I managed to slide, on my @ss, under the turnstile and into the park, all the while holding my AP up in the air for the guy at the gate to see. Everyone working there (at the front of the park) and all my family was in stitches after making sure I was OK. I have yet to break that aura of idiocy.


Well-Known Member
Several years ago, we had watched Illuminations at Epcot,then drove over to MK for one more hour of magic. We decided to take the ferry over since the kids were too tired to go up the ramps to the monorail. Just after we boarded the boat they closed the gate and we took off. Much to our surprise we discovered that we were the only passengers on the ferry. When we crossed paths with the crowded ferry leaving MK, we waved (Queen style of course) and laughed. Then when we landed at MK, my husband shouted out to me and the kids "Right this way, Mrs. Eisner!" We laughed all night about the looks we got from the crowd.:lol:

Thumper's Mom

New Member
YEARS ago (way back in 1983 - I was 19 then), I was in MK with my sister (she is 22 yrs. older than me). We had seen King Louie in the morning and we took turns taking pictures of each other. I got the BIGGEST hug from him!! Later in the day, we see him again. He comes up to us...another BIG hug, but this time, the hug is accompanied by a growl!!!! :D Again, in the late afternoon, we were walking in FantasyLand...King Louie spots us and he starts jumping up and down like a gorilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lookaroun He runs over to me, grabs me, dips me down, and starts making LOUD kissing sounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss: A dad was walking by with his young kids. He laughs and tells us to "Knock it off you two, there are kids present!" :hammer: Well, the 2 of us start laughing and he was literally hanging on me, laughing. To this day, I can't see King Louie without my heart skipping a beat (and let me tell you, I STILL want to know who was inside that costume ;) )

In 2000, my DH and I took the kids to WDW. We were riding Dumbo. I had our 9 yr old son with me and DH had the girls. We had the backpack with us and in the side pocket was a bottle of carbonated flavored water. As the ride stopped, Kirk grabbed the backpack and pulled. The bottle got snagged and fell onto the seat of the car. The impact caused the top to fly off and the carbonated water started to spray out...........then it started to spin, getting every spot in the seat soaked!! :lookaroun I just couldn't leave that mess there so I timidly approached a CM and told him what happened. They needed to shut the ride down for a few minutes to clean up our mess. I told my son to "Walk away and don't look back!" There was a LONG line behind us!!! :veryconfu

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