Funniest thing you've heard at WDW

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Originally posted by sillyspook13
I could go on and on with things I've heard, but I'll only give the most recent.

Last night, in Electric Umbrella at EPCOT, I overheard a teenage girl complaining about how much she hates Disney's pizza because "it's too much like real pizza."


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's so sad :lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
One time I was at Disneyland and I was walking up to the Matterhorn and there were 2 old ladies near me, and one of them said, "I wonder why they built Disneyland around a real mountain." I pointed out to her that the Matterhorn Mountain was fake. She was like, "Really?!" She just couldn't believe it.


Well-Known Member
I just remembered an interesting conversation my sister had with a guest......

GUEST: (complaining about the safari) "I'd love to see a lion kill and eat a tiger!"

SISTER: "Actually, that wouldn't happen in nature because lions and tigers live on two different continents."

GUEST: "You're just saying that because this is Disney!"

:rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by sillyspook13
I just remembered an interesting conversation my sister had with a guest......

GUEST: (complaining about the safari) "I'd love to see a lion kill and eat a tiger!"

SISTER: "Actually, that wouldn't happen in nature because lions and tigers live on two different continents."

GUEST: "You're just saying that because this is Disney!"

:rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes:
Oh my gosh :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yeah, you can go see a lion kill and eat a tiger at Universal Studios, but not here, at Disney World :hammer: :brick:

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Once at Muppet Vision 4-D this family put their glasses on during the pre-show and started to watch it thinking it was the actaul you all know that they say dont put on the glasses until safety seated in the theater......they were sayin the whole time during the pre-show "Is this 3-D?" lol and to top it off after the pre-show they went through the enrance and left saying that it was one of thr worst 3-D movies they had ever was priceless.....i mean come on how dumb can you get??


Well-Known Member
I heard another good one yesterday. (It was like one of my dad's jokes- a real groaner.) While on Body Wars, I sat in front of a group of rowdy teenage guys. One of the guys kept complaining of motion sickness. After the ride his friends started making fun of him. Another guy said "If we all throw up, we should throw up in the same spot. Then we can create a PILE of BILE!":hurl: :rolleyes: :lol:


Well-Known Member
The funniest moment I can remember from Walt Disney World was on the Tower of Terror. My :fork: ex-girlfriend:fork: and I were on the ride. A couple from France sat behind us and throughout the entire ride they were speaking french extremely loud. They wouldn't be quite and it was highly annoying. But when the part comes before the drop, in total darkness, they shut up. And the male of the group spoke in plain English and said "Oh crap". He didn't speak again for the rest of the ride. It was classic!


Originally posted by Disneynutcase
But the best and still very comically quoted event happened to us in the mid-80's. We were at Epcot heading for American Adventure from the Japan pavilion and passed this line of maybe 10 or so very east-coast sounding family members--all very nasal and very Bah-stun east coast. The person leading the group (DAD) yells "Ah-HA!" like he's just struck gold with the Mom right beside him gasping excitedly, "We just found the place that sells Hamburgers & Hot Dogs!" From there as we passed each member of this family it became this weird pass it on as in--"Didja hear that? Hambugahs and Haht Dawgs...Hambugahs and Haht Dawgs! Finally!...Oh good! We can have hambugahs and haht dawgs!" and so and so forth all the way to the last person in this family. We really laughed at this scene because it was like these people were circling World Showcase lagoon (apparently horrified by its great ethnic cuisine) searching in vein for something familiar to eat.

Now on our subsequent trips every time we pass the walk-up food stand at the Epcot U.S. pavilion, my wife and I always break into our "Ah-HA! There's the place that sells Hambugahs and Haht Dawgs..." routine. Cracks us up every time.

Holy beJesus! I think you saw MY family! LOL If it included mom, dad us 3 boys, my aunt, Uncle and cousin... that was us. Being from Long Island and NY, you grow up with a funny accent (I know this by living out in Kentucky the last few years, cept I lost most of my accent). It's retarded, but "Dawgs! Finally!...Oh good! We can have hambugahs and haht dawgs!" sounds similiar to how excited my family would have gotten back then. You see.. my brothers and I were extra particular about food as kids.. we wouldn't eat it if it wasn't 'just right'. Our main qualm was how there is mustard on McDonalds burgers everywhere, but NY (ketchup only, thank you). Dad had to special order us hamburgers with no mustard on vacations (it's silly, I know.. I eat them with mustard+ketchup today no problem). I can see my mom getting excited in the 80's by finally finding food that we kids would eat. We'd sure drive mom and dad nuts. :) I can't say for sure if it was really us getting excited over hotdogs and hamburgers, but it sounds so dang plausible i can't stop laughing inside. Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
haha!! these are great stories! i havent got any at the moment, but i'll keep thinking!!! :sohappy: :D


New Member
This may not be funny but it was to us. It was the last night of our trip in February and we were so tired. We were riding the boat from the MK to the Poly. We were going towards the Poly, had already stopped at the Grand Floridian. I meet we were feet from the dock.

A couple behind us saw the smoke coming from the volcano pool area and said..oh my God where is that smoke coming from, I think the hotel is on fire. I was about to burst with laughter. Then they pointed at the Concierge louge and said ....there is O'hana where we ate this morning. I think they were tired and confused.

We were tired and ill and it made us silly again.


New Member
On my little sisters first time on the haunted mansion she came off it pretty shook up. Around three days later while we were in Epcot she looked around and asked “ are the ghost still with us” ( referring to the hitchhiking ghost at the end of the ride) We could not stop laughing!:lol:


New Member
I have one that I am sure that you have all heard to some degree before.

I took my mom in November and while on the WDW Railroad the cast member reminded people to hold on to their belongings. He said "if you happen to lose one of your belongings during the ride turn to me in the back and raise your hand. I will then raise my hand and together we will both wave goodbye to your stuff" That alone made mom and me laugh but then the kid in front of us told his parents he though the cast member was rude and was going to report him to Mickey as soon as he found him.

:lol: :lol:


New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The funniest thing I ever heard came from my own mouth. My daughter and I were having breakfast with the characters at the Crystal Palace as is tradition. We so love Winnie the Pooh and friends. However, on this day, in my excitement to see the characters, as Eeyore approached our table, I yelled TIGGER!!!
I was on the monorail one time i think sophmore year in HS. As we arrived at i think it was the TTC there was a driver change....and i remember the driver going....well i wish i could ride black all night long, its a shame i have to go operate orange. My older sister and I asked him what was the reasoning behind his logic. Very frankly he said, because orange has non-disney word brakes. then he started to laugh.....i guess that wasn't as funny as i thought, sorry for wasting everyones time.


New Member
I think this is one of those you have to be there moments. But last week and MK this littlw girl, like 6-7ish, runs to wher the american flag is looks at the castle and goes, "It's beautiful" as she put her against her chest. She turns to her dad and goes, "let's go find her." (cinderella) It was just so priceless the way that she said it. It would have made a perfect disney commercial.....:lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyJedi
Holy beJesus! I think you saw MY family! LOL If it included mom, dad us 3 boys, my aunt, Uncle and cousin... that was us. Being from Long Island and NY, you grow up with a funny accent (I know this by living out in Kentucky the last few years, cept I lost most of my accent).

Wow - It's a smal world after all.

OK, ok, I know, well someone had to say it.



Well-Known Member
Funniest thing I ever saw, was my then 5 year old son, on his very first time through the Great Movie Ride.

At that time they were doing the shoot out at the western town. Well when the bullets started to fly he crouched down on the floor below the seat level until they stopped shooting. He was quite serious about it, and he has some great instincts there.

We laughed about it for quite a while, and we did explain to him that it was only fake. :D

Cindy in NY


New Member
During the Muppet 3d movie, my ds4 yelled out "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" after the cannon or whatever it is went off.

This next one is so annoying I probably can't even explain it properly. Anyone observing would probably be chuckling at my misfortune. But we were discussing where to watch the THREE O'CLOCK parade. (BTW a great spot is in liberty square, directly in front of the liberty bell - it's one of the first few stops on the parade route) Anyway my parents were confusing the 3:00 parade with both spectromagic and the fireworks!

"we have to see Tinkerbell."
"No, that's for the fireworks. That's at nighttime."
"well yes but the parade is at nighttime."
"no that's Spectromagic, and it won't be taking place tonight."

:brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:



New Member
On one of my trips they were repainting the castle, and there was a mom and son near me, and the mom saw the guys up in the air painting the castle and she said "Wow look at that new ride", and her son said, "Good one Mom, but they're just painting."

Also we were at the Animal Kingdom, on the Safari, and one lady was just like, "there are potchers in Disney World, WE need to save the animals" and she was being serious.

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