Funniest thing you've heard at WDW


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What's the funniest thing you've heard someone say while strolling WDW? The funniest thing I've heard came from the mouth of my 8 year old daughter. It has to do with the cinnamon roasted almonds that are sold throughout the park. Over the years, she has come to love them and refers to them as "hers'. One time, as we were approaching one of the stands, down-wind, she got all excited and yelled...."Dad, I smell my nuts!!!"
My wife and I about dropped to our knees with laughter. Of course, she had no idea why we, and the two dozen people around us, were hysterical.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Hear's one..."Yea Tonight TinkerBell is going to jump of the very tip of the castle". And while I was standing in line for the "Barnstormer" these 3 people were talking on the phones to different people that were in the MK, and the lady said "So what's the wait time for the Hulk"? Different park, different company. Get a clue! Idiots :lol:.

-Sir Hiss-

Going to Disney World tommorrow!:sohappy: :sohappy: :


New Member
Well this is the funniest thing i SAW.. A few years ago right in front of county bear jamboree, some girl wasnt watching where she was walking and walked right into a pole...

OH.. I thought of one... At the Port Orleans RS pool.. Me and my sis were getting a tan and this lifguard kept repeating OVER AND OVER AND OVER, ETC... "Please come down the slide on your back or bottom only.. Walk Please" In the most annoying voice i've ever heard! We couldnt stop quoting his line the whole trip.. hehe


New Member
funniest thing i heard? hmmm...has to be the fact that i heard these 10 year olds coming off of ToT and saying it wasn't scary. what's funny about that? you won't get me on that ride :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Kinda like Sir Hiss527's

At Disney MGM... walking towards RnRc overhearing "Where is the Back to the Future Ride?" lol... I felt like saying... "oh... about 10-15 miles from here" :lol:

I have a bunch more... but that is the first one that jumped to


New Member
hmm lez c... i was on Kilimanjaro Safaris and these british ppl behind me throughout the whole ride kept saying that all the animals were robotic even tho they were running around and stuff lol.. what idiots.. also on Kilimanjaro safaris we(me,my brother, my mom and my dad) were on it and at the part wit a cliff she wnet zooming fast and almost flipped the truck over(it was on two wheels) it scared the ________ out of me lol


Well-Known Member
December in the MK while waiting for the parade, a father walked past with his son on his shoulders. "Daddy, what's that?" asked the boy. "that's tomorrowland" said the father. "So, are we going there tomorrow?" asked the boy!


New Member
I've got three good ones:

My superhero-on-the-brain three year old nephew (who still introduces himself to people as Peter Parker and/or Bruce Wayne) upon seeing Malefacent in the Share A Dream Come True Parade--aka the snow globe parade at MK--insisted that Mal was Batman...then went so far as to LOUDLY sing, "Duh-da-duh-da-duh-da BATMAN!" over and over, drawing laughs from people around us.

On the same day, my youngest daughter loudly exclaimed with delight in the midst of Spectromagic, "Mom, this is better than the video AND the book!" Y'see, we had probably seen the WDW vacation planning video a bit too much and we also have this kid book called "Meet Me In The Magic Kingdom" that has the parade in it...

But the best and still very comically quoted event happened to us in the mid-80's. We were at Epcot heading for American Adventure from the Japan pavilion and passed this line of maybe 10 or so very east-coast sounding family members--all very nasal and very Bah-stun east coast. The person leading the group (DAD) yells "Ah-HA!" like he's just struck gold with the Mom right beside him gasping excitedly, "We just found the place that sells Hamburgers & Hot Dogs!" From there as we passed each member of this family it became this weird pass it on as in--"Didja hear that? Hambugahs and Haht Dawgs...Hambugahs and Haht Dawgs! Finally!...Oh good! We can have hambugahs and haht dawgs!" and so and so forth all the way to the last person in this family. We really laughed at this scene because it was like these people were circling World Showcase lagoon (apparently horrified by its great ethnic cuisine) searching in vein for something familiar to eat.

Now on our subsequent trips every time we pass the walk-up food stand at the Epcot U.S. pavilion, my wife and I always break into our "Ah-HA! There's the place that sells Hambugahs and Haht Dawgs..." routine. Cracks us up every time.


New Member
this is a funny thing not saying..... i work in tland and when carrousel is open its one attration i run. i always tease the guests to put on their special glasses that are under their seats and somtimes about half the room will look for them. ill laugh and then do my speil. one day not too happy, i told them to get their glasses and put them on in a hurry. THE WHOLE ROOM looked down under their seats for those glasses!!!! i was laughing so hard i couldnt even speil. it made my day and i smiled for the rest of my shift!!!!! gotta love the magic:sohappy:


This One Again

This is the story I always post in the Funny Stories Threads:

I was teasing a young British lad in an All Star Pool. I asked him how he came over from England, did he drive, did he walk?

He said, "NO! I came on a big Virgin!"


New Member
Re: This One Again

Originally posted by RandeB
This is the story I always post in the Funny Stories Threads:

I was teasing a young British lad in an All Star Pool. I asked him how he came over from England, did he drive, did he walk?

He said, "NO! I came on a big Virgin!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Walking down MSU I saw a family stop a cast member to ask a question. The father asked no joke, "What time is the three o'clock parade?"

This is when i feel bad for the cast members having to be nice! :hammer:

It made me wonder why this family was permitted to breed........


New Member
Originally posted by BUZZ BABE 34
this is a funny thing not saying..... i work in tland and when carrousel is open its one attration i run. i always tease the guests to put on their special glasses that are under their seats and somtimes about half the room will look for them. ill laugh and then do my speil. one day not too happy, i told them to get their glasses and put them on in a hurry. THE WHOLE ROOM looked down under their seats for those glasses!!!! i was laughing so hard i couldnt even speil. it made my day and i smiled for the rest of my shift!!!!! gotta love the magic:sohappy:

That reminds me of, "...OK ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Imagination Institute... If we could ask you to kindly reach to the left or your seat, and safely secure your seat-belt...for the 30 foot drop!" Lol.... the seatbelt thing gets me everytime, until they say, '30 feet drop'. Lol.


New Member
lol i have a good one from a recent trip to animal kingdom...

ok so here we are waiting to meet several characters who were outside near the pizzafari restaurant (very close to the entrace of camp minnie-mickey) so anyway, as we go from character to character down the line, there is this one woman infront of us the whole time; shes on a cell phone trying to describe where she is to another family member who is obviosly somewhere else in the park.

so heres where the fun starts... so we couldn't help but overhear this woman painstakingly trying to describe her location over the cell phone, but for what ever reason never deceided to simply read the enormous sign to her right reading CAMP MINNIE-MICKEY... this honestly went on for over 10 mintues and you should have heard this lady! she said things such as... "um, i see a bench... um theres lots of people.... i see some lanterns.... i see this totumpole looking thing.... um.... theres some trees..." [yes because there is only one place with trees, benches, and people in Animal Kingdom!!!]:hammer: you can only imaginge how frustrating it must have been to listen to her go on and on for over 10 minutes for me (lol and everyone around her was going nuts too) so finally, i couldnt take it anymore; so i went up to her and sad "excuse me, if it helps, we're right infront of camp minnie-mickey, (pointing to the sign)." the lady then pauses, and HANDS ME THE PHONE! and has me tell them that by just looking at their guide map, just find the entrance of camp minnie-mickey and go to there!!!!! i thought it was too funny, and sure enough just before we got to the last character, an older man arrived along with a little girl and that was that. -i couldnt get over it though, too funny.


Well-Known Member
In the beginning of the actuial ride part of ALien Encounter when they say they will pick a person to time travel and the spot lights swirla round the room and then land on someone, on our first time on the ride they were on my sisiter. She later told us we had to go on the ride again b/c it was so scary. She thought she was the "chosen one", that she was the only to feel the actual ride, that everythign was ONLY happening to her in her seat. It was priceless and hysterical when she realized that all the special effects obviously were working on everyone, not just herself. So cute!!


New Member
Originally posted by alee4eva
Walking down MSU I saw a family stop a cast member to ask a question. The father asked no joke, "What time is the three o'clock parade?"

This is when i feel bad for the cast members having to be nice! :hammer:

It made me wonder why this family was permitted to breed........

Actually, "What time is the three o'clock parade?" is supposed to be the most-asked question at WDW.

The problem is, people don't ask the question that they really mean: "What time is the three o'clock parade going to get to wherever I'll be at that time?"

Think of it this way: "What time will the three o'clock parade get to the Hub?" Or "What time will the three o'clock parade get to Town Square?"

Why people can't figure out how to ask what they really want to know, I don't know. But the question is so popular, that if you look at those Mickey and Friends on Holiday stickers that they sell, one of the stickers on the Magic Kingdom roll is "What time is the three o'clock parade?"


Well-Known Member
I could go on and on with things I've heard, but I'll only give the most recent.

Last night, in Electric Umbrella at EPCOT, I overheard a teenage girl complaining about how much she hates Disney's pizza because "it's too much like real pizza."



Thats a pretty ridiculous thing Bagheera.. I totally believe u though. However, this particular family didnt seem to have any other question considering the cast member replied "3 o'clock" and they were content with that answer.

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