Trip Report Fun With Friends & Family!! Vol. 2-7

As I'm attempting to organize my photos(they're still playing Pulp Fiction tricks on me & for the life of me I can't figure out how to get them back in order) I'm realizing that with the sheer amount of people in this TR it could get awfully confusing. My apologies, in advance. Fortunately though, out of the 18 participants in this TR there are only 6 that you've never met so hopefully it won't be too bad!!🤞🤞🤞

Along with the participants there are a few other confusing factors in this TR. Dates, resorts & flights, naturally!!
As I said to someone the other day while doing a presentation, "I live this therefore it's like second nature to me but I can see where it could be confusing to someone else"(not referring to this trip-I was doing something for work.) I told them that at anytime if it got to be too much of a whirlwind to please stop me & have me clarify things. I invite you to do the same!!

If I haven't scared you away at this point I want to say welcome to you all & hope you enjoy following along!!

In regards to my family:
For me: Tuesday, January 17th(started out as the 19th) - Tuesday, January 24th(was supposed to be the 23rd)
E, J & R: Thursday, January 19th(late) - Tuesday, January 24th(was supposed to be the 23rd)
C, D, A & E: Thursday, January 19th(late) - Sunday, January 22nd
D, S, K & K: Thursday, January 19th(early) - Monday, January 23rd

E, J, R & myself were booked at SSR. I was in charge of booking the room. A few weeks before we left I happened to notice that instead of booking a 1 bedroom villa I somehow only booked a regular room!!🤦‍♀️o_O Thank goodness I noticed it ahead of time but the bad news was that there were no more 1(or 2) bedroom villas available.

With my tail between my legs I ended up getting us 2 rooms at POR!! It could be worse, right??;)

C, D, E & A were staying at SSR while D, S, K & K were at Pop Century!!

These awesome friends!! Do they really need an introduction??

Then there's these friends!! Who I happened to run into by accident!! Remember my friend, A, that passed in December 2021? I had been going down once a month to see her & would stay at Disney since it was so close to her house. Here's her daughter & husband!! It was so great to see them & spend some time with them!! And it was so strange how I ended up running into them. One of those, IMO, "things that happen for a reason." I'll get into that later!!

We had a surprise, awesome end to our trip by being able to hang out with @Darstarr & Ant!! I was excited for them to be able to meet some of our crew(including Spillsie!!🤣-right @Darstarr!!)

Here's where it's going to get really confusing--the family!! But, you know all of us but 4 so hopefully this won't be too painful!!
Here we go:
D(my youngest sibling, has only been to Disney once as a child & once as an adult, swore up & down he would never go there again, can't stand it there-I'm sure you get my drift. Then he meets his girlfriend & she wants to take her kids to Disney for the first time. Now, here he is!!)
Myself, niece E, nephew J
D's girlfriend S & her son & daughter, K & K(more confusion!!)
Mickey's not part of the family but in a special way he is!!
Sisters C & E(remember last TR when I said it made them sound like nuns!!), BIL D(my sister C's husband & R's cousin-more confusion), niece A & last but not least, R!!

Ok, now here we go!!

Here I was, traveling solo. Originally, I was supposed to fly down Thursday evening with E, J, R, C, D, E & A. But, in talking with a special friend of mine I found out that she was going to be there on Thursday so I changed my plans & flew down Tuesday evening after I got done working so we could spend some time together!!

I went to Primanti's & got a turkey, bacon club sandwich.

Time to leave gloomy Pittsburgh behind!!

Right before I put my phone into airplane mode I found out my room number!!
BTW-the reason it only says 1 guest is b/c initially when I decided to add 2 extra nights on my trip I didn't want to pay for a 1BR at Saratoga just for myself so I decided I would stay at POR for those 2 nights then take the boat down(with my luggage) on checkout morning then finish out the trip at Saratoga. The good news is once the whole stay was switched to POR I didn't have to change rooms after the first 2 nights!!


Well-Known Member
With my tail between my legs I ended up getting us 2 rooms at POR!! It could be worse, right??
Ohhh darn… what a hardship.🙄🤩 I hope the logistics of not staying with everyone wasn’t too difficult!!
fitting in enough clothes for almost a week was not an easy feat!!
I applaud your perservearance!
conditioner that I used for a few days. The next time I went to use them I happened to look a little closer. I was using the shampoo alright but I was using body lotion as the conditioner!
This happened to me. Steven accidentally bought travel size conditioner instead of shampoo so my heat looked really odd on my last trip and I didn’t figure out why till about the 3rd day!!

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
I'm following along, too:)
I have several H2O soaps, and hair products that I've gotten on many trips. I love the smell of them, and use them whenever I need a Disney "fix" at home.
Traveling with a big crowd is difficult at times, but lots of fun. I have done a big family trip once with about 11 of us. I still remember how much fun we had. :)


Well-Known Member
Miss You Hello GIF by Ryn Dean
I'm late to this TR but so happy that you've started another one!!! How nice that you were able to add on a couple extra days on both ends of this trip to spend time with friends! I wish I could have flown down for a couple days to spend time with you too!!! Your flight was uneventful which is so unusual when you fly Spirit these days! Love that you were able to get the rooms at POR and such a prime location at that! Can't wait for more!!! 🥰


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can't use the H20 conditioner. It does not work at ALL on my long hair. Your room looks so nice, though!! I really want to stay there at some point!
E can't use them either. Thanks!! I highly recommend giving it a try!!
That's a lot of people! But I am here following along!
Yes, it is!! Glad you're here!!
Amy Poehler What GIF

Just kiddin, I think I got it. So far.....
If you got past that first post you're good. People will be brought in gradually. It's not like everyone was together all at once!!
Sure @riverside we believe it was an honest mistake and not a ploy to stay at Riverside
I swear it was!! I couldn't believe I had made such a huge mistake!!
Along for the ride
Yay!! Glad you're here!!
Just used some of those Disney H20 tubes this weekend!

That's awesome!! Love them!!
Glad you're here!!
Ohhh darn… what a hardship.🙄🤩 I hope the logistics of not staying with everyone wasn’t too difficult!!
It was an honest mistake!! No, it wasn't an issue!!
This happened to me. Steven accidentally bought travel size conditioner instead of shampoo so my heat looked really odd on my last trip and I didn’t figure out why till about the 3rd day!!
Yikes!! I can't believe my hair wasn't greasy since I was using lotion instead of conditioner!!
I'm following along, too:)
I have several H2O soaps, and hair products that I've gotten on many trips. I love the smell of them, and use them whenever I need a Disney "fix" at home.
Traveling with a big crowd is difficult at times, but lots of fun. I have done a big family trip once with about 11 of us. I still remember how much fun we had. :)
Glad you're here!!
Great minds think alike!!
That's neat!! It is a lot of fun!!
Confused Confusion GIF

But still following along!
Sorry!! But, glad you're here!!
Yay!! Welcome!!
I am late but in my defense, I have been thinking…
The other day my middle son had a fit because we were out of the “little Disney soaps”. I told him bring a screw driver next time we go to Disney😂
🤣 🤣 🤣Love it!!
Confused Kevin James GIF by TV Land

I’m here!
Don't worry--it's not that bad!!
Pedro Pascal Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Along for the ride!
I swear it's not that confusing!!
Miss You Hello GIF by Ryn Dean
I'm late to this TR but so happy that you've started another one!!! How nice that you were able to add on a couple extra days on both ends of this trip to spend time with friends! I wish I could have flown down for a couple days to spend time with you too!!! Your flight was uneventful which is so unusual when you fly Spirit these days! Love that you were able to get the rooms at POR and such a prime location at that! Can't wait for more!!! 🥰
Yes--I was really excited about that!!
I know. Unfortunately, there were issues with the return.....
I was super excited about the location!!

I think I'm here for the Alphabet Soup trip report! ;)🤣😂
🤣🤣🤣 That's great!!
I'm here!

thinking hard elizabeth holmes GIF by
Glad you are!!
Following along! I'm excited to see how others enjoyed Disney on my January bday. I was supposed to be there, as well, but my elderly dog made an unexpected improvement, so I had to cancel the trip. It was a good reason to have to cancel though 😁
Sorry you had to cancel your trip but I'm glad your dog is better!! Hopefully you can reschedule soon!!


Well-Known Member
Just got caught up! I'm confused, but who cares. I'll figure it out :hilarious: You're really making me want to go solo again soon! We have some low priced Spirit flights from Memphis, but i'm scared of those budget airlines after Frontier stranded me in Orlando. ha!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I always love reading your trip reports, I hope they never stop. I get there 1 or twice a year but I need my Disney fix and reading trip reports help. I love the picture of the Pittsburgh airport, I live about 15 minutes away in Hopewell TWP.
Thank you very much!! I'm glad you enjoy them!! I love doing them but wish I could be more timely with posting!!
I agree that reading TR's definitely helps!!
That's so convenient!! Without traffic/accidents on the parkway I can be there in 30-40 minutes. I always get stressed when I have an evening flight b/c of the rush hour traffic on the parkway. Heck-getting into the Fort Pitt Tunnels is torture itself!!
The inside of the airport is nice. I wish I could say the same for the parking lots. They're so beat up & feel "creepy" to me!!
Just got caught up! I'm confused, but who cares. I'll figure it out :hilarious: You're really making me want to go solo again soon! We have some low priced Spirit flights from Memphis, but i'm scared of those budget airlines after Frontier stranded me in Orlando. ha!
🤣 🤣 🤣 Sorry about that!!
I'm so glad I did!! I was able to chill & relax a bit before all the family came in!!
I'm totally with you. I felt the wrath of Spirit on this trip--& the next one!!:mad:

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