Trip Report Fun With Friends & Family!! Vol. 2-7

As I'm attempting to organize my photos(they're still playing Pulp Fiction tricks on me & for the life of me I can't figure out how to get them back in order) I'm realizing that with the sheer amount of people in this TR it could get awfully confusing. My apologies, in advance. Fortunately though, out of the 18 participants in this TR there are only 6 that you've never met so hopefully it won't be too bad!!🤞🤞🤞

Along with the participants there are a few other confusing factors in this TR. Dates, resorts & flights, naturally!!
As I said to someone the other day while doing a presentation, "I live this therefore it's like second nature to me but I can see where it could be confusing to someone else"(not referring to this trip-I was doing something for work.) I told them that at anytime if it got to be too much of a whirlwind to please stop me & have me clarify things. I invite you to do the same!!

If I haven't scared you away at this point I want to say welcome to you all & hope you enjoy following along!!

In regards to my family:
For me: Tuesday, January 17th(started out as the 19th) - Tuesday, January 24th(was supposed to be the 23rd)
E, J & R: Thursday, January 19th(late) - Tuesday, January 24th(was supposed to be the 23rd)
C, D, A & E: Thursday, January 19th(late) - Sunday, January 22nd
D, S, K & K: Thursday, January 19th(early) - Monday, January 23rd

E, J, R & myself were booked at SSR. I was in charge of booking the room. A few weeks before we left I happened to notice that instead of booking a 1 bedroom villa I somehow only booked a regular room!!🤦‍♀️o_O Thank goodness I noticed it ahead of time but the bad news was that there were no more 1(or 2) bedroom villas available.

With my tail between my legs I ended up getting us 2 rooms at POR!! It could be worse, right??;)

C, D, E & A were staying at SSR while D, S, K & K were at Pop Century!!

These awesome friends!! Do they really need an introduction??

Then there's these friends!! Who I happened to run into by accident!! Remember my friend, A, that passed in December 2021? I had been going down once a month to see her & would stay at Disney since it was so close to her house. Here's her daughter & husband!! It was so great to see them & spend some time with them!! And it was so strange how I ended up running into them. One of those, IMO, "things that happen for a reason." I'll get into that later!!

We had a surprise, awesome end to our trip by being able to hang out with @Darstarr & Ant!! I was excited for them to be able to meet some of our crew(including Spillsie!!🤣-right @Darstarr!!)

Here's where it's going to get really confusing--the family!! But, you know all of us but 4 so hopefully this won't be too painful!!
Here we go:
D(my youngest sibling, has only been to Disney once as a child & once as an adult, swore up & down he would never go there again, can't stand it there-I'm sure you get my drift. Then he meets his girlfriend & she wants to take her kids to Disney for the first time. Now, here he is!!)
Myself, niece E, nephew J
D's girlfriend S & her son & daughter, K & K(more confusion!!)
Mickey's not part of the family but in a special way he is!!
Sisters C & E(remember last TR when I said it made them sound like nuns!!), BIL D(my sister C's husband & R's cousin-more confusion), niece A & last but not least, R!!

Ok, now here we go!!

Here I was, traveling solo. Originally, I was supposed to fly down Thursday evening with E, J, R, C, D, E & A. But, in talking with a special friend of mine I found out that she was going to be there on Thursday so I changed my plans & flew down Tuesday evening after I got done working so we could spend some time together!!

I went to Primanti's & got a turkey, bacon club sandwich.

Time to leave gloomy Pittsburgh behind!!

Right before I put my phone into airplane mode I found out my room number!!
BTW-the reason it only says 1 guest is b/c initially when I decided to add 2 extra nights on my trip I didn't want to pay for a 1BR at Saratoga just for myself so I decided I would stay at POR for those 2 nights then take the boat down(with my luggage) on checkout morning then finish out the trip at Saratoga. The good news is once the whole stay was switched to POR I didn't have to change rooms after the first 2 nights!!


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E & J got there for some of the show also!!

J was having fun!!

As was mousekeeping with his stuffed animal!!

Next day was HS. For once I wasn't the one being stopped by security!!😂

No surprise as to what we rope dropped!!

I got in trouble for this one. J(keep in mind it's January & he's wearing a sweatshirt) kept whining about how hot he was & wanted me to buy him this. I finally gave in b/c I got tired of him asking for it. E was not not thrilled in the least.

So what do you think her thoughts were on a PCB?😏

I don't know, the one that complains the most about them seems to enjoy them quite a bit!!

I think it's all an act!!

At this point everyone was there except my brother's crew.


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Lots of happenings were going on at Baseline.

A lost a tooth.

The adults decided that we all wanted to pitch in & buy a gift for E(niece.) She had been very helpful the entire trip with taking all the younger kids on rides etc. She had really wanted a certain Pandora bracelet & a few charms(I'm thinking one of them was Dumbo??) So I went to the store on Sunset Blvd to buy them & we presented her with the gift while we were at Baseline.

She was excited!!

My nieces, nephew & I went to RNRC while everyone else did other things. I know some went to Muppets. Most probably stayed at Baseline!!🤣

We had to make sure we went on this favorite!!


Everyone went on ToT except R & myself. R will not ride that-period!!

We ended up here instead.


Hey Gertie!!


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R & I made it to our dinner reservation before everyone else so we waited for them in the bar.


Well, that's a first.....

Mine-my usual.

Our waiter was a hoot!!

The kids were determined to get stickers so they all finished their food!!


Since R didn't eat his vegetables this is what the waiter brought him for his dessert!!

K was intrigued & wanted to try it!!

Last picture on the way out!!


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I missed this one too. That's my brother & R.

Departure Day--or was it?
We took our luggage to bell services. My sister C & her family left earlier in the day while the rest of us were all on the same flight that evening.

Last park of the trip!!

The only thing my brother remotely likes about Disney is The Lion King movie. He has been a fan of that movie since he was a kid!!

J & I took a spin on Everest.

We all went on the safari.

I took a picture of the menu but none of the food. Why, I don't know...

And I'm not sure what this was about.

Now, this was an absolute must do for my brother!!


I about cracked up when I came across this picture--he was still doing it back then!!🤣


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On our way out I stopped to pick up a knife that @MickeyCB asked me to get for her husband.

My brother's crew headed back to their resort & we went to ours with plans of meeting them at the airport. We had a reservation at Wine Bar George. Ant & Darstarr had extended their trip so I asked them if they wanted me to add them to our reservation.

We were having a blast but here's when things started to go south.

Keep in mind the flight was originally supposed to be 9:40.


It was at this point that E called it, "We're not flying back today. We'll get to the airport then they'll end up canceling the flight & we'll be stuck there. Let's see what is available for tomorrow."
So, that is what we did. We ended up with an early afternoon flight on Spirit for the next day. My brother's crew ended up taking the flight. He said it was delayed a few more times but they ended up making it back around 2:30.

Since we now could hang out longer that is exactly what we did!!


It was nice to have the extra time to spend with our friends but we had to head back b/c at this point we still didn't have a room for that night!!

I was able to get us 2 rooms for that night. After that we went to The River Roost to relax after all the stress we had gone through the last few hours.


J had done some shopping in DS.

He loved his new shirt!!


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Room #2!!

I believe we were being picked up late morning so we really didn't have time to do anything but that's ok, we still got extra Disney time!!

Bye Riverside!!

Check out this mess!! R had been having lots of tendonitis problems with his elbow this trip. He was spilling things constantly. He spilt a few things at Wine Bar George so Darstarr started calling him "spillsie." So, when this happened you know I had to send her this one!!

And, this my friends is Pittsburgh in January.

Cold, dark & dreary.

A few days later @MickeyCB & Gary stopped by my work. He was able to get his knife!! I'm glad he got it & liked it!! Unfortunately, what has since happened to it is not good. I will let @MickeyCB share the story if she wants.


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On our way out I stopped to pick up a knife that @MickeyCB asked me to get for her husband.
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My brother's crew headed back to their resort & we went to ours with plans of meeting them at the airport. We had a reservation at Wine Bar George. Ant & Darstarr had extended their trip so I asked them if they wanted me to add them to our reservation.
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We were having a blast but here's when things started to go south.
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Keep in mind the flight was originally supposed to be 9:40.

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It was at this point that E called it, "We're not flying back today. We'll get to the airport then they'll end up canceling the flight & we'll be stuck there. Let's see what is available for tomorrow."
So, that is what we did. We ended up with an early afternoon flight on Spirit for the next day. My brother's crew ended up taking the flight. He said it was delayed a few more times but they ended up making it back around 2:30.

Since we now could hang out longer that is exactly what we did!!
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It was nice to have the extra time to spend with our friends but we had to head back b/c at this point we still didn't have a room for that night!!

I was able to get us 2 rooms for that night. After that we went to The River Roost to relax after all the stress we had gone through the last few hours.
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J had done some shopping in DS.
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He loved his new shirt!!
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Excellent choice of jersey!


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MARCH 2023

We decided to do a quick last minute trip for J's birthday. It was only going to be for 2 nights. C & family had DVC points that needed to be used up. I can't remember the specifics but they were supposed to go for Christmas a few months before but there were airline issues so they never made it. Their points had to be used soon or they were going to lose them. Again, I don't remember the details. Anyhow, they were booked at Wilderness Lodge. I can't remember what type of accommodations they had for the first night but I know there wouldn't have been room for me. The second night they were staying in a cabin. I could have stayed there but to switch resorts for one night seemed like more hassle than it was worth. And, staying by myself I didn't want to get a regular room for the first night at Wilderness Lodge. So, I took the cheap route out & booked a room at Coronado Springs!! It was my first time staying there & I'm so happy I did. I really enjoyed it!!

J didn't know we were going to Disney(his birthday was the day before.) We told him we needed to go to the airport to renew our TSA prechecks!!

After the surprise & security etc. we headed to Penn Brewery for dinner.
J got a birthday gift.

We were flying Spirit on this trip. And as usual, it was raining in Pittsburgh.🌧️🌧️🌧️


My room was ready!!

We were all taking The Sunshine Flyer.


We were on separate buses but soon I was home!!




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Hey everybody!!
I heard from Darstarr last night. She said to say hello to everyone & that she misses you all!! Also, she will be in Disney at the end of this month if anyone would like to meet up!! Let me know & I can pass the info on to her!!
Oh man, I wish I could go to Disney! I could totally use a break! Tell her hello for me and E! I think of her often. We have some little wooden boxes where I work, with elephants burned into the top, but they don't have the trunks up. But elephants always make me think of her.


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I love that you're doing back-to-back TR's for some of your older trips!!! That video surprising J put such a smile on my face that I had to share it with Pete! I really love how your family enjoys traveling to WDW together so much. We haven't stayed at Coronado in years, and I like the pool there! Your choice for dinner looks great!


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Oh man, I wish I could go to Disney! I could totally use a break! Tell her hello for me and E! I think of her often. We have some little wooden boxes where I work, with elephants burned into the top, but they don't have the trunks up. But elephants always make me think of her.
I sent her a screenshot so she could read it. She said you are so sweet!!
I don't think I ever heard the surprise J Disney trip. That video is so cute!! You are doing a great job. Keep it up!! I hope work isn't too crazy🤗
Really?? It was short & last minute though-maybe that's why? Once I get to the end of it you may remember b/c things got crazy then!!
Thanks but it is. Something new & different!! I'll fill you in as I was going to pop by to say hello in a bit!!
I love that you're doing back-to-back TR's for some of your older trips!!! That video surprising J put such a smile on my face that I had to share it with Pete! I really love how your family enjoys traveling to WDW together so much. We haven't stayed at Coronado in years, and I like the pool there! Your choice for dinner looks great!
Thanks!! I can't believe I went that many trips without doing TR's for them. But, now I'm seeing why. Organizing pics & getting my thoughts together takes too much time. Doing them live is so much easier. Say something brief, post the pics & you're done!! I didn't go to the pool since it was such a short trip but it was a really nice resort. It was really good!!


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Coronado during the day!!


Believe it or not we didn't rope drop Baseline!! We just stopped for a picture!!:jawdrop:

That's only b/c we were there very early!! Don't worry-we made it a return trip!!

We had to go on our one ride for the day at HS!!


Then it was time for lunch!!

J loves those pickles!!


J was getting impatient. He was anxious for what was to come next!!



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It was time to leave HS.

We hopped on the Skyliner.

E wanted to get coffee at The Riviera so we stopped there.

They were having fun!!

From there we got a bus.

Originally the plan was to go to HS & Epcot only this trip. But, they were doing passholder previews for Tron & we got them so how could we not??

Our plan was to go in, ride Tron & leave. We waited in line a long time so that's pretty much what we did!!


Sorry, I know it's sideways....

We all enjoyed it & were glad to go on it. But, as everyone says it's way too short!!

A was high fiving Stitch!!

We caught the parade on our way out.


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I had a preferred room & it was super close to the main area. It was great esp b/c never having stayed there I didn't know my way around!!
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After unpacking I explored a bit.
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I ended up at Three Bridges to get something to eat. I really enjoyed the atmosphere there. I highly recommend it there!!
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The food looks great! Since i'm only going be on property for four days, I'm thinking about doing three bridges as my one sit down meal.

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