Fun last wk in Oct video

[NOTE: The download allotment from my provider has been exhausted so I have had to remove the clip. Thanks for your interest and kind comments.]

Had a eight day dose of WDW at the end of Oct and now I'm feeling much better. No WDW withdrawal yet.

Just in case you are longing for the fix I've processed a little video of the trip. Home movies if you will. I'll leave it up for about a week if my account on the host lasts.

Stars me the DW and DD, and a cast of thousands, (a little USF thrown in too)!

If I've done this right then click HERE.

(It's about 31MB and in .WMV)


Original Poster
Thanks for comments/info

Thanks for the kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Answers to questions:

The soundtrack is from the album "Crazy Ring tones" by Froggy Frog vs Axel F, (yes, that goofy song). It is Track (aka ring tone) #8.

I used Adobe Premiere to process the videos a little and line them up. They were rough videos shot with digital cameras - not the better digital8 camcorder. Stills from the cameras as well.

Sync with the audio was auto beat mixed with muvee. muvee also handled the still photo pans. It's pretty much a set and go deal.

My work in Premiere usually takes 2 weeks + for something along this scope so that's my go to program when I want it quick.

**I hope this doesn't qualify as SPAMMing the forum. I have no vested interest in any of these programs. I'm just an end user. With such nice comments I felt compelled to answer.**

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