French Quarter vs. Riverside


New Member
Hello, I am brand new as far as the posting world goes, but I have been enjoying WDW Magic for about 6 months now. I finally decided to join, and I hope I am in the right area, but which part of Port Orleans do you prefer? We stayed at FQ last time, and were considering Riverside this time. Thoughts?:wave:


Well-Known Member
We have stayed at POFQ twice and POR 5 times. Both are very nice but we prefer POR in teh Alligator Bayou section. POR is much larger and has a beautiful grounds. POFQ is much smaller but very quaint looking. The rooms in FQ have fancy looking furniture which is nice but not our taste.

Either way you really can't go wrong but if I were choosing I would stay at POR in either the AB section in buildings 14, 18 or 27. All three you can get a standard view room with no parking lot view. Some like parking lot view as you are close to your car but I am always afraid of someone making a lot of noise late at night. Those buildings are the 3 closest to the main building in the AB section. If you are way in the back it can be quite a walk. Here is a map for you:
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New Member
I just got back from Riverside yesterday. This was my first time staying there. I absolutely loved it. Prior to this trip, I've only stayed at deluxe (AP discounts really help!!:lol: ) resorts, but I really wanted to try out a moderate. It seems that everyone I talked to on this forum suggested Riverside. Well...I loved it. I visited FQ, but didn't like it nearly as much. I stayed in one of the Mansions (Magnolia Terrace) and felt really close to everything. I'm sure I will stay here again in the future and I want to give Alligator Bayou a try.
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New Member
French Quarter all the way!!

we liked that it was smaller, and it didn't take 20 minutes to walk to the bus stop. (And FQ is the first stop on the bus!!) It was ALOT quieter, and extremely beautiful.

Food wise, yeah, there isn't a sit down resturant, but we hardly ate at out hotel anyway. We did take the 5 minute walk to Boatwrights- and whatever you do don't get the jambalya (sp?) It was awful. PRime Rib was good- and the brownie sundae- YUM! But it was our most expensive meal of the trip. But the banana stuffed feench toast- out of this world!! FQ food court was great! Only ate there 3x but was great all 3 times.

Why use the pool when you can go to the waterslides?? :lol: My son swam at the pool 2 times for about 20 minutes each- he was way too tired!

Riverside is nice- but I find it too large.
and really- the inside of the rooms are basically the same- just with different bedspreads!

I think your safe no matter what- it just depends on what your prefrences are
Have a great trip!
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New Member
magickingdom15 said:
personally, I like riverside better too. If you bring bread you can feed the ducks that walk around there. Just an idea!:animwink:

We feed them too- they'll come right up to you- one was waiting for me to get my corn out, and couldn't wait any longer- he bit me!! Scared the heck out of me!
FYI-bread kills ducks- feed them corn instead ( something about it swelling in their stomaches)-
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
My vote is for Riverside on the Bayou side. I love the theming and the landscaping that goes into this resort. The closer you stay to the main lobby the newer the building look on the outside. The further back on the property that you go, the more rustic the buildings get.

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Active Member
I've stayed at POFQ atleast 5 times in my life, because it is one of my family's and my favorite hotel [ever] and for that title, it is worth the moolah. I've stayed at POR once (this past April) and loved it, but to get out coffe, etc. in the morning, we had quite a hike especially with our hands full of our breakfasts for everyone back in the room.
POFQ is just wonderful, the theming and details are so life-like you really feel like you are not in FL (if you like that sort of thing: I myself have only been out of state a few times in my life because all of our family vacations are to Disney). It is extremely peaceful, even if there are tons of people around, everyone seems to be relaxed by the atmosphere.
I'm sure I have more I could write about FQ because to me, it is just a beautifully amazing hotel.

My boyfriend and I are lucky enough to have my parents pay for our hotel expenses this trip (yay) and they literally FORCED me to stay at POR or POFR because they think it is that much better than all of the Value resorts. Of course b/c they are paying I wanted to go as cheap as possible.
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New Member
I just got back from a six night stay at POFQ at the beginning of this month and I must say I was quite glad that we chose it instead of Riverside...POFQ is a MUCH more contained resort. POFQ has only one bus stop (as oppossed to the 4-5 at POR) , is the first for pick up and often for drop off and the longest walk you'll have from the furthest point of the hotel to the bus stop is less than 7 minutes. While having a full-service restaurant is nice, Boatwright's sported a very loud atmosphere (to be fair, we were there on a Saturday night) and unimpressive fare. POFQ gave us rides to and back from POR when we ate at Boatwrights. Furthermore, it's been recently refurbished...stylin'!
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
French Quarter

My parents came to visit me when I was on the CP, and they're "deluxe" people and have never stayed at a "Moderate" before. They said they'll save their money in the future and ALWAYS stay @ the FQ. Their room was beautiful and it's only a short boatride from Downtown Disney!!


KHockett said:
Hello, I am brand new as far as the posting world goes, but I have been enjoying WDW Magic for about 6 months now. I finally decided to join, and I hope I am in the right area, but which part of Port Orleans do you prefer? We stayed at FQ last time, and were considering Riverside this time. Thoughts?:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I will just echo/summarize everyone else's points. Both are great choices, and they are arguably the best values on property.

POFQ is more contained. If you are planning on not spending much time at the resort OR if you like close proximity (i.e. don't like to walk), this is your choice. You can always stroll into POR when you want to.

POR is arguably nicer from a natural standpoint. It is more relaxed, but it does have families and is MUCH larger. You will walk alot (which is a plus for me since it is really nice). I like walking to POFQ to catch the buses just as a wake up walk.

I really think you won't go wrong. If you are really industrious, TRY BOTH! They will gladly move your luggage for you, and then you know for sure.
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