Free Customized maps from


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just saw something on the Disney website I never knew from before. I was in My Disney Vacation and they now have free customized park maps that they will ship to your house with in 2-3 weeks. You pick which attractions you like in each park and then hit place order and they send them to you. I'm very anxious to see what shows up in 2-3 weeks! Has anyone else noticed this or done it?


That is really neat. It a nice way of breaking down the parks. Even for a guy who's been these 30 times I found a few new places and shows I never heard of before. I cannot wait to see what I map looks like.


GREAT FIND! they must have just added that in the last few days. I'll be off to WDW before it comes most likely, but a great item to come home too for sure!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
umm can someone post a link?

If you go to and then towards the top right hand side there is something called My Disney Vacation. You click on that, you might have to sign up if your not already. Once you sign in, it should be on that page.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
wow, that is pretty interesting. thanks for posting

EDIT: hmmmm, do the epcot map and see the 2 descriptions of SSE... and the pics. ahhh, memories.


New Member
yay! I ordered maps too. I went ahead and just added every attraction to it. it'll be fun looking them over. thanks!


New Member
They can't be sent to a UK address :(

I know!!! I can't say I'm too impressed with the home print-outs, I'm guessing that WDW will send out (to USA) a nice customized map like the one's from the parks. That would be nice to have with all your favourite attractions on it. Sadly not for the British :brick:


Well-Known Member
Problem ordering the maps!

I tried to order and it wouldn't process my order because it says my zip code is invalid???? :( I tried to enter it more than once and kept getting the same problem. Anybody have the same problem or have any suggestions on how I can get my maps???

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