Fort Wilderness Cabins Question


I've got a trip planned for Dec. 5-13 and we're staying at the Fort Wilderness Cabins:sohappy:

Any tips on which cabins to request? I was looking at the map and certain cabins are close to pools, certain are close to buses and certain are closer to the check-in and such. We are checking in in a couple days and just want to know if anyone has any faves when it comes to this.



Well-Known Member
I will be in the cabins from the 10th to the 13th as well. Im requesting a loop thats centrally located but I haven't looked at the map yet. Only 3 weeks to go!:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Hi, I've stayed at Fort Wilderness several times, and can offer you some pictures of the campgrounds and all if you want, just send me a pm ;). The Campgrounds are very cool, especially at Christmas time as many campers put up Christmas decorations.

As far as your question, it all matters on what activities you are probably going to do most frequently. Ft Wilderness is a large place and as such having a golf cart is a VERY helpful thing. It's cool to as you can literally use it to get all around the campgrounds, even taking it down near Settler's Trading Post to catch boats to either the Contemporary, WL, or MK. Due to it's size, it is time consuming for some to get around Fort Wilderness as without the cart you'll have to switch busses to get to a park.

Ft Wilderness is my favorite place to stay in WDW, so feel free to ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer them, the last time I was there was last Christmas.
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New Member
The look, the feel, of outdoors

Yoda pretty much covered it all. Either bring your bikes or rent a cart. Ft. Wilderness is a very large property. If you like walking then you will love it. IMO this is the best property and the cabins are the best deal at WDW. The average hotel room is 300 sq ft. The cabins are around 500 sq. ft. and that is not counting the private deck attached to all the cabins and remember to bring charcoal for the grill. Sincerely the Ft. Wilderness resort has to be the best themed resort in the land. You will feel as if you are in Frontierland while your at Ft Wilderness. Don't pass on going to the stables. The horses in there are simply beautiful. And don't pass up going on the trail to or from the Wilderness lodge, one of them takes you right by the closed water park River Country. The main pool was kinda remodeled with a slide and a very large hot tub was recently installed as well.The water tower that was retrofitted with the new slide is from River Country. One of the largest of all the resorts except maybe Coronado Springs, the hot tub that is.

Have a great time!:animwink:
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Active Member
Ft Wilderness is a large place and as such having a golf cart is a VERY helpful thing. It's cool to as you can literally use it to get all around the campgrounds, even taking it down near Settler's Trading Post to catch boats to either the Contemporary, WL, or MK. Due to it's size, it is time consuming for some to get around Fort Wilderness as without the cart you'll have to switch busses to get to a park.
How much does a cart cost? Do you have to have a driver's license to drive it or can my teenagers drive it too? Can you leave it someplace to catch the boat and it will be there when you come back? Really curious about this as I'm planning on staying at the cabins in the near future.
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Well-Known Member
The golf carts I believe you have to be 18 and over to drive, and four people can ride in them. The advantage to them is you can park them in your cabin's drive way and just use it to get around the resort. There are seversal golfcart parking lots that are near major areas like Pioneer Hall, Meadows Trading Post, and the front of the resort. You would probably want to make a reservation for the carts as they often times sell out depending upon when you go. If I wasn't clear though, yes you can park them in the lot, take a boat and they will be where you left them in the parking lot when you get back. They do have lights to to drive at night.

Also don't forget about the free outdoor movies, those are usuallt enjoyable ;)
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Well-Known Member
This is some information I posted on another thread about Fort Wilderness, but since it might be hard to find, here is the info again :)

Hi, I stayed at the Fort Wilderness Cabins this Christmas. First and formost I was raised going to Disney every year and staying at Fort Wilderness when I was young. It is my personal favorite resort, but that's just me. It feels much different then the usual resorts.

A few helpful tips.
-Definently get a golf cart as the campgrounds are very large, and getting from one side of the resort to the other can be timely without the cart.

-Understand that because of the size getting to the resorts in a timely manner can be a bit more difficult as without the carts you take a bus to another bus stop which then takes you to the parks, except for Magic Kingdom which you take a boat for.

-There is transportation to Magic Kingdom by way of boat, as well as another boat that takes you to Contemporary and Wilderness Lodge for meals, and shopping and all :)

-There is a beach that you can tan at and play beach sports at, but you can't go in the lake, as they have pools for that.

-there is shopping at both Meadows Trading Post, which has the Bike Barn behind it and Settlement trading post which is near Pioneer Hall and Trails End Restaurant

-Sadly, the petting zoo is no longer there, and it's just shetland ponies and the horses that work at the Magic Kingdom. I talked to a woman who said Disney felt with the one in Animal Kingdom, the other was not needed. :(

-When checking in you will get a list of the movies at the outdoor movie theatre which are free :)

-During the Christmas season people decorate their campsites with tons and tons of Christmas related lawn ornaments and such, it's rather impressive the work they put into it.

- There is a ton of recreation at Fort Wilderness, and also a short boat ride away is Contemporary which also has a ton.

-I have pictures of the log cabins and will try to post them for you for you to see. One reason I like the cabins is you literally get your own building to yourself and all, and it really is quite relaxed and pleasant. I am personally biased as this was a place I spent some of my youth at, but I would think most people could like it. :)

The biggest piece of advice I can give you though is the golf cart is worth it as getting around the place by foot can be quite overwhelming. It also can be a fun little ride, but you do have to make sure your careful driving them, especially at night. :)

Hope some of this helps, and I'll try to post the images asap

PS I did stay at Wilderness Lodge years ago and you will have much more room in a cabin then in a standard room at the lodge, though I do HIGHLY suggest going to the lobby of the lodge as it is very impressive, and the gyser is neat too. I have also stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, and very much like it, but more because of the animals then anything else. I am not what you would call a curious eater, mostly only eating things on vacations I'm used too, so much of the African cuisine though it might be good I never try, whereas with Fort Wilderness most of the food you would be likely to eat there is normal camping fair or American type food at Trails End. Unless you were in a Villa at AKL, I still think you'd have more room in the cabin, and you can always visit the animals for free by taking a bus from one of the parks or a rental car.

Also both the Lodge's are very large, and you have to do quite a bit of walking in doors. At the Lodges you may walk quite a while indoors to get to your room, whereas with the cart you can take it directly to the driveway of your cabin. Also as some like the outside tranquility of a walk in woodsy type atmosphere, FW is mostly outside whereas the lodges are huge buildings....but they do have air conditioning ;). Lastly IF you have a rental car, which can lesson the need for a cart, but I'd still rent the cart as it's fun and can get around better then a car, but if you have a car you can park it literally directly next to your room, at one of the lodges, like AKL you have to take your luggage through the parking lot, through the lobby, then up elevators, then walk it possibly quite a ways to get to your room. I don't want to make AKL or WL sound bad, as I like them both and am a DVC member at AKL, I was ust trying to contrast them for you. :)

Hope your trip goes well and if anyone would like to see some pictures of the resort, just pm me :)
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Well-Known Member
I love FW too! We stay there as often as we can and always rent a cart. We are thinking of trying this site to rent from in the future,, it is much cheaper than renting from the bike barn and the deliver to the resort. A two seater can rent for as cheap as 89 for a week. If you rent from there let me know what you think. Have fun!
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Original Poster
Hi, I've stayed at Fort Wilderness several times, and can offer you some pictures of the campgrounds and all if you want, just send me a pm ;). The Campgrounds are very cool, especially at Christmas time as many campers put up Christmas decorations.

As far as your question, it all matters on what activities you are probably going to do most frequently. Ft Wilderness is a large place and as such having a golf cart is a VERY helpful thing. It's cool to as you can literally use it to get all around the campgrounds, even taking it down near Settler's Trading Post to catch boats to either the Contemporary, WL, or MK. Due to it's size, it is time consuming for some to get around Fort Wilderness as without the cart you'll have to switch busses to get to a park.

Ft Wilderness is my favorite place to stay in WDW, so feel free to ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer them, the last time I was there was last Christmas.

We'll have a rented car but we might get the golf carts. I'm guessing its probably too much to take a car from one end of the resort to the other right?

Thanks for all your help and info!

15 days away, kind of wicked excited.
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New Member
We will be arriving at FW on Dec. 23 and chose not to get a golf cart, we will have our van and have a diamond parking pass that is good everyday except the 25th when we will go to MK. Can anyone give me an estimate as how long it will probably take us to get to things like the pool, etc by foot? Thanks!
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Well-Known Member
I don't have a map in front of me right now, so I am doing this basically off of memory, but it will largely depend upon where your cabin/campground is as to how far you are from certain things. There are a few pools, two trading posts, the main entrance way, and the back stuff with Pioneer Hall, near the boat landings.

Rental cars are nice to have, but in my opinion, the cart is a HUGE benefit as it makes it easier to get around, as well as in a more timely matter. The cars have limited parking near the trading posts, and moving a car to and from locations can be a bit tedious when you are sharing the roads with golf carts. Obviously though money is a factor of course ;)

Sometimes your cabin can literally be very close to a certain thing, which in that case you don't have much of a walk, but other times it can be quite a ways. The last tiime I stayed there, at the end of my cul-de-sac was a pool, so that walk was insignificant, but had I tried walking to Pioneer hall, that would have been a LOT further.

There is a bus system inside of Fort Wilderness though, meaning you can walk to a bus stop which is usually near the cul-de-sacs of the various paths, and you can pick up the bus and take it to the Pioneer Hall area or the front area where registration and the kennels are. I'm not sure if the bus stops at Meadows, but I think it does.

Then if you want to go to a park you have to pick up either another bus or the boat to the Magic Kingdom. Standing in two bus stops for some people can be quite annoying, and you might be standing on one or possibly both busses, thought that'd be less likely inside the resort. With the golf cart you can avoid this, though I do not think you can park your car for the day down near Pioneer Hall for example when you are picking up a boat to the Magic Kingdom, the better bet would be for you to just drive over to MK yourself.

Hope some of this helps, and makes sense :) Feel free to ask any questions you need thopugh, as I appreciate talking about FW. :)
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Well-Known Member
We'll have a rented car but we might get the golf carts. I'm guessing its probably too much to take a car from one end of the resort to the other right?

Thanks for all your help and info!

15 days away, kind of wicked excited.

You won't be able to drive your car from one end of the resort to the other.

What I mean by this is, Disney has made it impossible. There is NO and I mean NO parking for cars at the "boat launch" end of the resort, only golf cart parking. There is a car parking lot next to the bus stop at the "front" of the resort, but you won't want to drive up there every morning. You'll find it most practical to just leave your car in front of you cabin.

We stayed there for a week in June, fabulous resort! I agree with everyone else. Rent a cart. You need it!

Also, just as an FYI- the cabins are all at the "front"/ bus stop/ parking lot end of the resort. The campsites/ RV sites are all at the "boat launch" end of the resort. The boat launch end is where you will find all of the food, playground, Hoop De Doo, one of the pools, etc. (There is also a pool in the middle) so, you really, really need the cart - otherwise it is a looooooooong walk or a loooong wait for the "internal" bus.

15 days? I'd be wicked excited too! Have fun!!!!:xmas:
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Well-Known Member
Just as a curious side question, does FW still have the peacocks wandering around. Last time I was there I didn't see any, but it might have been just my timing, I know they decided to stop having the petting zoo, but I didn't know if that included the peacocks or not. Thanks in advance :)
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