Foreigners' experiences with Disney Food?


New Member
I would be very curious to find out what foreigners' opinion of Disney property food/restaurants were. I am a French speaking Montrealer and was raised on small portions and whenever we visit Disney my family shares appetizers and deserts, unable to finish an entrée. IMHO the food has gotten much better in recent years, raising the bar above standard theme park hot dog consumption yet even the high grade (i.e Chefs De France) restaurants are not adequate representations of 'ethnic' fare. I fully understand the Disney experience is not supposed to be a gastronomic challenge but is anyone else with me on this?

Anyone on the board not from North America?


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Disney food

I'm from the Uk and I have visited both Canada and America many times. The food sizes are MASSIVE and we nearly always share meals, I just can't believe the sizes the serve over there! The food is ok in disney not up to much though but it is a theme park. When I have been with my family we have taken a break at lunch time and eaten in the GF cafe because it gets boring eating hot dogs etc all the time and we find it way too stressful fighting to get food in the parks.

The only thing I would say is that pub in the GB area of Epcot is rubbish its such a bad representation of what us brits eat. I have been to the French restaurant and I enjoyed it but its not really French food apart from the snails! However I love disney and this is the only complaint I have but then I guess they do have to feed thousands of people everyday!
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rosebud's mom

Active Member
I agree that portion sizes are enormous, but that's what the American public expects if not demands. Its no wonder that obeseity is rampant here. I barely make 5 feet tall. A child's portion is way more than enough for me. It irritates me how many places will not let adults purchase the smaller meals. At least at Disney this isn't a problem. I've never been asked how many children are with me. I have had that happen in restaurants elsewhere though. I am the queen of "doggie bags !" ( when not on vacation.) If a restaurant will not let me purchase half portions, I ask for a take out container and divide the meal as soon as they serve it. Americans tend to eat mindlessly, especially when socializing over the meal.
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Well-Known Member
I find that Disney is basically the same as any other theme park - you get what you pay for. Quality isn't good unless you pay for it, although most of it is acceptable.
Portions are BIG in the US and as a family of four we find that we can share most meals and still be full.
Long Live Big Portions :slurp: :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I have to agree with the large portions...way too much. Even my youngest (9y/o) has trouble finishing a kids portion. We usually only eat one large meal a day in WDW. Buffets are best because you can take the amount you want.
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New Member
joanjett1976 said:
I fully understand the Disney experience is not supposed to be a gastronomic challenge but is anyone else with me on this?

Well its certainly been known as a digestive challenge.

To be fair, with re to portion control, its systemic of the industry in the US as a whole. Its cyclical to a good extent, whereby there is a good portion of the public who want/need these large portions for a myriad of reasons, but the industry itself is equally as culpible.

Obesity is a serious problem in the US, but since it doesn't affect everyone its left to the billion dollar diet industry to "remedy" it. Of course we all know how well 95% of diets have worked, that is, at taking your money.

Just don't feel guilty for not finishing what you ordered and if your server does their job and asks if everything was alright, let them know.
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Big portions = leftovers = 2 more meals at least :slurp:

...Although at WDW, whatever I don't eat goes to waste. I'm not about to race back to the hotel to put food in the fridge. Most people I know would gladly pay less and get smaller portions.
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New Member
Americans did not always need or expect the large portions served to day. Back in the 80's we had Novelle Cusine. Picture the cartoons with a ity bity steak, three baby carrots and a rosette of Mashed pot. And a man with sticker shock when he looks at the $90 dollar bill for one meal. To answer that trend places like Fridays, Tuesdays, and Bennigans began serving oversized meals for decient prices. They were a hit and regular mom and pop restaurants started to copy them. Now to compete 3 and 4 star places ....etc, etc. It even creaped into Micky D's and Burger King (supersize). But I do believe the trend is starting to reverse. Weather due to Americans finally relizing the don't really need to comsume huge portions or the law suits being filed (don't get me started on that subject.) I am not sure, but I will be glad when it is over.
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New Member
I need to protect my americans....not ALL americans are overweight and alot of us struggle each day to keep it off....I'm 19 now and at 17 I lost 40 lbs on weight watchers and everyday is a struggle for me. I mean I'm def not complaing bc I'm a size like 4 now...but food issues are a touchy subject. I mean I can still eat like a maniac. Trust me my friend used to call me FoodCourt (my real name is Courtney..I kno ha ha very funny) It's just harder bc we do tend to socialize over meals and parties with food. But it's just our way. Do I wish my mom would have done something to help me lose weight at a younger age? yes of course, I hate that i had to do it all myself and go throught so many self image's really hard...sorry I'm babbling now...alil enthralled from college activities :animwink:

But I don't thing the portions are THAT big...and I also think the food at disney is pretty good...but that's my opinion...I mean come on they have the best chicken fingers in the WORLD! :sohappy:
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New Member
I'm also from Montreal... My wife and I know exactly how you feel.

If you want a little "home food" advice... In Epcot, at the Boulangerie in France. Get the Ham and Cheese on Croissant & and a slice of Cheesecake. It's also one of the few places where you can get chamomile tea.
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New Member
Generally speaking, food portions in the US are big and I feel so guilty if I finish them. I always wonder how people can "maximize" the size of their burger combos, specially when the drinks are refillable!

I don´t know if that happens there, but here in Mexico, some of the american franchises like TGIF have 'half portions' which are more than enough for me, so that´s what I always order. Now they are doing that even with desserts.
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Tenny317 said:
my friend used to call me FoodCourt (my real name is Courtney..I kno ha ha very funny)
I don´t find it funny Courtney... I find it disrespectful, specially coming from a 'friend'.
Good luck at keeping yourself healthy! :)
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New Member
Aww thanks....but its ok.....she actually only called me that bc of of senior disney trip bc i love disney food...i don't really care that she called me that...we all have nicknames for each other....but she doesn't call me that anymore. That's sweet that u are concerned tho! Hahah....I do try to stay as healthy as I can however its harder in college....but I do pretty friends think I'm TOO skinny. My friend Leonora is like i can totally break u in half or blow u over lol...But I should say being skinny is not the root to has to come from within
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Moonshadow1 said:
Americans did not always need or expect the large portions served to day. Back in the 80's we had Novelle Cusine. Picture the cartoons with a ity bity steak, three baby carrots and a rosette of Mashed pot. And a man with sticker shock when he looks at the $90 dollar bill for one meal. To answer that trend places like Fridays, Tuesdays, and Bennigans began serving oversized meals for decient prices. They were a hit and regular mom and pop restaurants started to copy them. Now to compete 3 and 4 star places ....etc, etc. It even creaped into Micky D's and Burger King (supersize). But I do believe the trend is starting to reverse. Weather due to Americans finally relizing the don't really need to comsume huge portions or the law suits being filed (don't get me started on that subject.) I am not sure, but I will be glad when it is over.

Just wanted to set the record straight on this post since its almost entirely incorrect.

Nouvelle Cuisine began with french chefs like Bocuse and Guerard who wanted to take the emphasis away from drowning dishes in unhealthy flour/butter-based sauces. They wanted the emphasis to be on fresh and healthy portions presented in an artistic form. As with fashion, the upper echelon of the US culinary world soon caught on. So to say "we had nouvelle cuisine in the 80's" as in the US, when responding to someone who is from Montreal, and more specifically french, is uninformed. Also, the tenets of nouvelle cuisine have not dissappeared, nor were they originally as widespread in the US as you're asserting. There were always far more eateries that served the same size portions that are found in today's chains. All the steakhouse and general US cuisine chains that have expanded over the past 20 years weren't in a response/retaliation to nouvelle cuisine. They have more to do with urban sprawl and the sociology of malls than any particular style of cuisine.
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New Member
Maria said:
I don´t know if that happens there, but here in Mexico, some of the american franchises like TGIF have 'half portions' which are more than enough for me, so that´s what I always order. Now they are doing that even with desserts.

I don't know about half portions in the US, but i know when US chains expand "overseas" they adapt to the local cultural wants.
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