Hi Everyone! So we are 92 days away from our first trip as a family of 4! We will be taking our youngest on his first venture to the world! He will be 9 months going on 10 months when we go. When we took our oldest for his first trip he was 1.5 so he ate people food. As for baby food we took puffs, and a fruit baby food as snacks.
For those that have taken a baby this young to Disney, aside from formula, what did you take to feed your baby? What did you feed him from the parks if anything? We are on the QSDP. We don't drive, so I am going to place an order with Wal-Mart to get a few needed things sent to the resort instead of packing in our suitcase. What were some of your favorite snacks for you little ones?
For those that have taken a baby this young to Disney, aside from formula, what did you take to feed your baby? What did you feed him from the parks if anything? We are on the QSDP. We don't drive, so I am going to place an order with Wal-Mart to get a few needed things sent to the resort instead of packing in our suitcase. What were some of your favorite snacks for you little ones?