One Little Spark...
My high school had excellent teachers. But I agree. Our principal was a total bureaucrat. Didn't even want to shake her hand at graduation. But I like the superintendent, so I shook his hand. He's new and done some stuff to improve. Like actually paying for graduation instead of forcing schools to pay themselves and then for the schools to all get different facilities at different prices, some of which were not close to the schools.
I went to 3 different high schools in vastly different districts (geographically and philosophically). I went from what was, at the time, one of the best high school / general education systems ranked in the country (Fairfax County, VA) to another reasonably rated one (Clover Park District, WA), to one of the worst rated states in the country (GA) for "graduation".
I went to 11 schools overall in 12 years of lower education. A few years later I did contracts for many Boards of Education around the State...And, what did I learn? The best and brightest...work at elementary schools as soon as they can. Politics and general stress of the job means, very few (unfortunately) care to work for older tracks.
Is this anecdotal? Certainly.
But, I will never forget when I sat through several college courses that were merely review (like, pre 1800 history, my god, that was a bore, and the Prof felt he had to give us all geography lessons as well...poor guy)...