For all who make False Fastpass


Well-Known Member
When I was a CP I used to politely ask guests to move to smoking areas. I found that most of them didn't listen. They would look at you like they didn't understand you (some of them might not have, I only speak english and a lot of international people visit :lookaroun ).


New Member
Disney seems to be so concerned about keeping everyone happy,including large groups of rule breakers, that I am surprised that any CM is willing to tell a guest they are breaking a rule for fear of being fired instead of the offender being ejected from the park.:(

Only once in over 40 visits have I seen a CM approach a smoker and ask them to move to a designated smoking area. That CM was probably fired if the guest complained.

When I was a CM, I would ask people smoking to move to a smoking area all the time. Whenever people would try to break or get around the rules with me or most of the people I worked with, we would stand up to them, in a polite way, of course. When asked to get a manager, we would with a smile. We were lucky, almost all of our managers in the area were great. They wouldn't let guests get away with anything, either. If they were trying to get out of waiting in line somehow, too bad. One of my managers came to my rescue once and almost had this group of people thrown out because they were so rude and mean to me. So not all CMs are afraid of guests compaining and being fired. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by xfkirsten
As far as enforcinig rules goes, I've been pretty impressed with some of the DL CMs who are not shy about approaching people who are breaking rules. This is especially true with the Hyperion Theater and the Fantasmic Crowd Control CMs. :)


They are just trying to keep you from attacking Aladdin:D


New Member
It's kind of like trying to "rent" somebody a good spot for the parade. How bored do you have to be to start trying to counterfeit fastpass tickets? What are the chances this person is gonna try it with money....kinda makes you think.
I've seen several CMs insist that smokers either extinguish their cigarettes or move to a designated area. Sure, some "Guests" get disgruntled... I say call security and escort them from the park. :D


New Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
LMAO. . . I'm making my own Fastpasses for attractions that don't even offer it. :lol:

What an inspiration! :p

I think I'm going to make a fastpass for the TTA... or maybe even for a popcorn cart :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by iluvstitch
I think I'm going to make a fastpass for the TTA... or maybe even for a popcorn cart :lol:

That would be awsome during spectro or something

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
LMAO. . . I'm making my own Fastpasses for attractions that don't even offer it. :lol:

What an inspiration! :p

Could ya make me up a few for the buses back and forth to my resort while your at it ??


Well-Known Member
I read this thread a while back and just saw it in another new thread about people using fake FP or "that thing that we all know is not right to find and won't mention to start anything." I would do anything to make a fake FP for a ride that doesn't have one right now. I'm thinking the monorail would be a fun one, along with a parade for "front row seating." I just want to see the reaction on a CMs face when I hand them the FP. Maybe make one for a restaurant that constantly has long lines in it. It would be fun to do this for a whole day just make them for any place that doesn't currently have FP and/or never will. I shall get started on mine soon! :lol: :lol:


New Member
Pigtails said:
When I was a CM, I would ask people smoking to move to a smoking area all the time. Whenever people would try to break or get around the rules with me or most of the people I worked with, we would stand up to them, in a polite way, of course. When asked to get a manager, we would with a smile. We were lucky, almost all of our managers in the area were great. They wouldn't let guests get away with anything, either. If they were trying to get out of waiting in line somehow, too bad. One of my managers came to my rescue once and almost had this group of people thrown out because they were so rude and mean to me. So not all CMs are afraid of guests compaining and being fired. :)

I'm sure one of the big problems with getting guests thrown out is revenue related. Disney probably wants to keep guests happy and spending money, even if it's at the expense of some rules. Just figure if someone who was planning a 7 night stay in a premium room at a premium resort got caught printing fast passes on their first night. If they got booted, Disney could lose up to $3,000 in lodging expenses alone, not to mention food and other expenses.

Something tells me the rules are probably applied a bit unevenly. I would be willing to wager that a teenager with a single day park ticket would have the rules applied much more strictly than a family of 4 staying in a deluxe hotel for a week.

It's unfortunate, but people can be jerks. I don't know why you would want to act that way when you are someplace as fun as Disney World, but I see miserable people every time I go. I go out of my way to be polite to everyone I meet, especially the cast members.


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
I'm sure one of the big problems with getting guests thrown out is revenue related. Disney probably wants to keep guests happy and spending money, even if it's at the expense of some rules. Just figure if someone who was planning a 7 night stay in a premium room at a premium resort got caught printing fast passes on their first night. If they got booted, Disney could lose up to $3,000 in lodging expenses alone, not to mention food and other expenses.

Something tells me the rules are probably applied a bit unevenly. I would be willing to wager that a teenager with a single day park ticket would have the rules applied much more strictly than a family of 4 staying in a deluxe hotel for a week.

It's unfortunate, but people can be jerks. I don't know why you would want to act that way when you are someplace as fun as Disney World, but I see miserable people every time I go. I go out of my way to be polite to everyone I meet, especially the cast members.

What if they are caught stealing, or what if the father beats up the mother in front of PotC....should nothing happen to them because they are spending lots of money?


New Member
speck76 said:
What if they are caught stealing, or what if the father beats up the mother in front of PotC....should nothing happen to them because they are spending lots of money?

Hey - I am definitley not condoning it, I am just giving an opinion of why the rules aren't always enforced as written. :D


New Member
speck76 said:
What if they are caught stealing, or what if the father beats up the mother in front of PotC....should nothing happen to them because they are spending lots of money?

I remember once when I was working at Splash Merch and we had to frantically call security when we saw a father beating his teenage daughter. It was awful. :mad: I know security got to him, but I never heard what happened beyond that.



Well-Known Member
xfkirsten said:
I remember once when I was working at Splash Merch and we had to frantically call security when we saw a father beating his teenage daughter. It was awful. :mad: I know security got to him, but I never heard what happened beyond that.


I'm hoping that he wasn't only escorted out of the park but escorted to a police car and taken away. That is the last place I would ever want to see any get injured, especially on purpose. That's really sad just thinking about it. :cry:


Well-Known Member
xfkirsten said:
I remember once when I was working at Splash Merch and we had to frantically call security when we saw a father beating his teenage daughter. It was awful. :mad: I know security got to him, but I never heard what happened beyond that.


He went straight to hell...he did not pass go, he did not collect $200!

Stop the violence! (but not the violins)


New Member
strobe said:
Something tells me the rules are probably applied a bit unevenly. I would be willing to wager that a teenager with a single day park ticket would have the rules applied much more strictly than a family of 4 staying in a deluxe hotel for a week.

I agree about the uneven application of enforcement, but how would the CM know who spent what on a ticket at the time they witness the rule being broke? :veryconfu

Tim G

Well-Known Member
mkt said:

fake fastpasses.. that's funny.

next time this happens, I wanna be there to see the drama unfold.
Saw Johnny BigFingers last night, and asked...

Me: Johnny, where did you stash the plates...
Johnny: Hush friggin' idiot, they're with one arm Jake... see
Me: Why...
Johnny: Him and that MKT guy, see... are printin' the counterfit fast passes, see... tons of it...
Me: Jake and MKT ???
Johnny: Yeah, You heid me... they're overtuining the WDC.. see...
Mind my woids... that MKT 's got it in him... before you know it.. he will be the next Don...

I said. OK... see ya Johnny... and left...


Well-Known Member
xfkirsten said:
I remember once when I was working at Splash Merch and we had to frantically call security when we saw a father beating his teenage daughter. It was awful. :mad: I know security got to him, but I never heard what happened beyond that.


When did that happen? I remember a similar incident when I worked in splash merchandise (it happened in the photo shop). Wouldn't it be weird if it was the same one?

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