I want to start off by saying that I can party with the best of them, but this was beyond ridiculous! I was there on Saturday 10/17/15 and yes the park was crowded but manageable, but the drinking was totally out of control. We came out of La Hacienda around 8pm and witnessed what appeared to be a 30something year old female face plant - stand back up with a busted chin - and howling with laughter - it scared a few kids nearby that I can only assume with her screaming laughter or the blood dropping off her face. Before dinner, we saw someone puking their guts out in the rose bushes. I saw numerous shirts that declared "Drink,drank, drunk" - "If I'm still standing, hand me another drink" or probably the most inventive of the day "EPCOT stands for Every Person Comes Out Trashed". Again, I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I never thought I would witness this type of behavior at Disney or with children nearby. Just my .02
Good weather + weekend evenings is where the drunkytown nickname came from.