Trip Report Florida Fresh Spring March 2018

Hello all and welcome to my trip report! I've been back for about a week but I've been slow to upload pictures and I actually caught a pretty nasty cold that has had me down the last couple of days.

So here's the intro:

Who: Me (Amy) and my husband (Brad)
Where are we from?: Northern Wisconsin (So were were definitely in need of some Florida sun.)
When: March 10-17, 2018
Resort: All Star Sports (we stay value because it is the cheapest and we can use that extra $$ for good food and drinks)

Start of the journey:

We actually started our trip on Friday March 9 and drove up to Minneapolis and stayed at a hotel near the airport. Our flight was leaving early in the morning and we didn't want to have drive early in the morning to the airport. So we relaxed at the Hilton by the airport and had a nice dinner at the Mall of America. We did have a crazy experience at the pool area here...we were just getting into the pool and we saw a pre-teen girl get out of the hot tub and was walking quickly (not running) towards the pool and she slipped and her head banged like a basketball on the pool area floor. It was pretty horrifying. I was about to get out of the pool and go help her but her parents were there and helped her and got medical help. So that put a little bit of a damper on what turned out to be our only pool time of the trip but I'm sure the girl had a worse time of it then we did.

Me with my first beer of the trip at the Mall of America. It was a Surly Furious, a local brew.


Relaxing at the Hilton with a drink. A fancy rum and Coke for hubs and a Grain Belt (another Minnesota beer) for me. This was at about 7:30-8pm and we were basically falling asleep.


At the airport bright and early for our flight! The Caribou coffee place wasn't open yet, but I like their coffee so much better than Dunkin', Starbucks, or even McDonald's so I waited about 15 minutes for it to open before heading to the gate.


All aboard! We splurge a little bit and always get the big front seat when we fly with Spirit, it is almost like first class but without the booze and the meal.

Bye bye!


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Next stop America and following our guide, Robert. It was so strange to see some vehicles on the walkways!



I'm sure I've seen these garbage cans before, but today I was appreciating the details and I found the design charming.


Japan was our last truly peaceful last stop. It was our last stop before World Showcase fully opened to the public.



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Some more pictures from around Japan.


Next time you are in the park you might want to get these statues a little tap, you might be surprised of what they are made out of and it isn't marble or iron.

We checked out the Kawaii exhibit, it is all about Japan's Cute Culture. And it was a cute exhibit. I was surprised at some of the history of this "cute" culture.






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By the time we made it to Morocco the World Showcase had opened. This pavilion wasn't too mobbed with people but it was now strange to have other people around that weren't in our tour. We explored a little museum in the pavilion that I hadn't been into before. There were some nice pieces of art and traditional dress in there. Our guide did tell us a lot of interesting things about Morocco which I put to good use the week I returned to work. The social studies class I teach was studying North Africa and I shared some of the information I learned about Morocco with them.


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Then it was time for lunch at the Rose and Crown. Lunch was nice. I really hadn't had much chance to talk with any of my tour group. We were assigned our seating. I ended up with our guide, a couple who had a service dog with them, and a group of five. That group of five was a little odd. There was a 20 something year old and then his parents and I think the parents friends. Anyway, after the entree the 20 something disappeared until we picked up our tour again. And his dad was a little bit of a overbearing know-it-all who really didn't know much. Examples, we were talking about travel and our guide mentioned that his favorite vacation spot was Hawaii. A bunch of us also said how wonderful Hawaii is. This guy said Hawaii isn't that great. He admitted he hadn't ever been there but he was from West Palm Beach and he can go out into clear water there just as easily. He said West Palm Beach is Hawaii just without volcanoes and not a long expensive flight to get there. We were all a little taken aback and I think I said something about how cool Volcanoes National Park was and others agreed and he didn't say anything to that. Now I've been to Hawaii a few times, and while I haven't been to West Palm Beach I have been to Miami and the southern tip area of Florida I really don't think they are a like at all. Hawaii is far more magical.

Oh another example of his attitude, for lack right now of a better word, was he asked Robert (our guide) if he had ever been to Disneyland Paris. Robert said yes and had some positive things to say about it but he also added that he mostly stayed in Paris and toured the Paris area most of his stay. I think he said he spent just a couple days at DLP but did not stay at the Disney hotels. I and another person said we had been there as well and I mentioned staying at DLP's Sequoia Lodge. The guy looked at me and then asked Robert a few times about what staying at those Disney resorts was like and Robert kept telling him he didn't stay at them. I mentioned again how lovely Sequoia Lodge was and he looked at me and changed the subject to the Grand Canyon. It was annoying but mostly a little funny.

Anyway, lunch was a scotch egg, bangers and mash and sticky toffee pudding. To drink I had a Diet Coke, I don't drink soda anymore but occasionally I will have a Diet Coke. The mix that the Rose and Crown used was very good and crisp, with that I didn't really miss having a beer!


After lunch we toured the pavilion.

As Robert explained the thatch of this building a guy standing nearby moved closer into our group so he could hear what was going on. Now that I found funny!

We even got a greeting from Mary!


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I know I said I wouldn't share a lot of the tour information but the couple tidbits I'm going to share here don't spoil anything.

This picture is in the Tea Caddy and I guess was actually from the Twinings home. Our guide said that one of the Twinings was in the shop one day either doing something with the shop or on the tour (I can't remember which) , any our guide was there leading a tour and the Twinings guy said it came from his family's living room!


Notice anything unique about the sign?

Then we moved on to Canada and learned about the gardens and the totems.




I also learned that this sled is over a hundred years old. The real deal for these "prop".



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We went to the waterfall and headed down to the theater area and headed backstage again. And we were able to walk over to Soarin and have a ride, which fit because we had just gone around the world. After Soarin' we headed back to the old Millennium Village and walked inside and once we were outside again the tour was over. We were given special pins and headed out on our own. Like I said before it was a fantastic tour, and well worth my time and money.




After our ride on Soarin we moved to the front and Robert pointed out a couple things on the equipment and about the theater.

And a look into the old village.




I made my way towards the front of the park because I had hot date to get to!



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I did stop and got another AP magnet and stopped at the Art of Disney store and admired the art for a bit. Then I hopped on a packed monorail to head to the TTC.


Now that I'm at the TTC...which way and where am I going to go to meet up with my hubs? I left your earlier with him on a boat now I'm at the TTC. Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow (or my next post) to find out!


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Interesting to read about the tour of the WS.
I already did the Wild Africa Trek in the AK and the Keys to the Kingdom tour in MK. I was looking to book a tour in November so this one comes to the list of interesting possibilitys!
What a neat tour. Something to add to my bucket list there.

Glad you liked my little tour review, it really was very interesting. It did involve a lot of standing and of course walking so I'm glad I didn't do it on a super hot day.


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I arrived to our meeting point about 20-25 minutes before hubs, and our meeting point was the Polynesian for Trader Sam's!

I thought about sitting in the lobby but as I walked towards it, the weather had turned out to be so nice outside I wanted to find someplace to relax outside. So I walked towards the boat dock hoping to find some sort of bench. On my walk I passed by the pool and the pool bar had a little walk up area outside the pool fence so even non-guests of the resort could order something. My original thought was that a club soda with lime sounded refreshing, but I glanced down at the the beer choices. I noticed they had Kona Hanalei Island on tap. Oh yummy... Here is a description of the beer from the Kona Brewing Company website. "Hanalei Island IPA is a refreshing fruit-forward IPA created in honor of the lush Hawaiian Island of Kauai, also known as the Garden Isle, and Hawaii’s beloved classic POG juice, a blend of passionfruit, orange and guava."

After I had purchased my beer I continued to the boat dock for a place to sit and I noticed two empty loungers on the beach. So I decided to sit there and wait for hubs. It was glorious. I had an excellent view, a tasty drink, and warm sunshine. Better yet I only saw a two people walk by from a boat the whole time I was there, until hubs' boat got there. It was some wonderful isolation.



Once hubs' arrived we walked over to Trader Sam's and put our name on the list but in a few minutes we returned and stood in line. Actually we were the first in line, but there were only about 15 minutes until the bar opened.

So needless to say we were able to find a spot inside. Trader Sam's here and in Disneyland are my favorite bars. I just love the theme and the antics inside. We actually got the same server as the last time, which was fantastic because he has a great personality.


Our drinks, mine is on the left and Brad's is on the right.
I got a
Castaway Crush
Leblon Cachaça, Cream of Coconut, Pineapple, Cinnamon, and fresh Lime Juice



Coruba Dark Rum, Bacardi Superior Rum, Bols Orange Curaçao, Orgeat (Almond), Organic Agave Nectar, and fresh Lime Juice. Served in a souvenir Tiki Glass (We did not keep the glass.)




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We had a great time at Trader Sam's and it did get crowded. We did get some people that asked to share our table. Actually during the time we were there we had 3 different couples share our table.

The first couple came over after sharing a table with another couple, but apparently the people they sat with were no welcoming and the people that joined us said that they saw us and we looked nice so they decided to ask to join us. They were nice people and soon another table became available and since they were expecting more people in their party they moved but thanked us for welcoming them.

The next couple was two gentleman who were going to eat at Kona Cafe but decided to check out Trader Sam's beforehand. They were fun to talk to as well, and when they saw some of our food they were a little jealous but I'm sure they had good stuff at Kona too.

The third couple joined us as were were almost done there but they were very similar to us. It was like us but 15 years later in life. They were a hoot and we wouldn't have minded chatting some more.

This was the first time people have asked to share our table in there and we didn't mind at all.

Anyway, we had two rounds of drinks and two rounds of food. I already showed the first round of drinks, so here is the first round of food.
Kalua Pork Tacos and Corn-battered Portuguese Sausages with Curry Ketchup
Our server alluded to the fact that the sausages might be going away soon, but I hope not because they are great. So are the pork tacos, I even like the slaw on them and I normally don't like cabbage.

With round two of drinks I switched to the Shrunken Zombie, he stayed with the Mai Tai.


Round two of food we each got our own here: Chicken lettuce cups for me and Hawaiian Poke for Brad. We enjoyed them both. He did let me have some of the wonton chips that came with his poke and those were delicious!

Then it was time to go to the Magic Kingdom, and despite our food we still left a little light headed. But that soon passed as we waited for the boat.

And we arrived at the MK!

We did 7D and then a spin on the carousel


Then a little Country Bears as we waited for our Thunder fast pass.


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By the time we made it back to Main Street the hub was packed for Happily Ever After. We ended up near the front of the castle. It was an interesting view point. While we could see the projections very well, some of the fireworks got a little blocked. But it did make for some interesting pictures. I wouldn't recommend that spot, especially for first time viewers, and I wouldn't necessarily stand there again but it was okay for one time.







Hunchback is by far my favorite part of this show. When we went to Paris we went to the top of Notre Dame (amazing!) and the next day we were at DLP and watched their night show which at that time featured a similar Hunchback scene. So seeing this reminds me of the fantastic time we had in Paris and at DLP.





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By the time we made it back to Main Street the hub was packed for Happily Ever After. We ended up near the front of the castle. It was an interesting view point. While we could see the projections very well, some of the fireworks got a little blocked. But it did make for some interesting pictures. I wouldn't recommend that spot, especially for first time viewers, and I wouldn't necessarily stand there again but it was okay for one time.

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Hunchback is by far my favorite part of this show. When we went to Paris we went to the top of Notre Dame (amazing!) and the next day we were at DLP and watched their night show which at that time featured a similar Hunchback scene. So seeing this reminds me of the fantastic time we had in Paris and at DLP.
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Such a great post to wake up to this morning!! Your Castaway drink at TS sounds so delicious!


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Here are some more scenes from Happily Ever After.







We made it through the crowds to Tomorrowland and decided to listen to Sonny Eclipse for a little bit.


After listening for a bit we rode the Peoplemover and got a snack. He got popcorn and I got a sundae from Auntie Gravity's. It tasted better than it looked.


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Thursday March 15

Off to Epcot again this morning, but this time for attractions and more Flower and Garden food!
But! And first at the bus stop this morning.



We arrived about the same time as I did yesterday because it was an EMH and Spaceship Earth was looking glorious!



Our first attraction was Test Track. We saw this sign about math in line. I am not a math fan.

We each designed our own cars.
This is Brad's.

This is mine.

Time to test them. Brad's ended up winning by 1 point.

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