Flame Tree Barbeque asking for Donations to DWCF


Well-Known Member
Does McD's asking if you "want fries with that" make it so that you have to order fries every time?

Oh I give up :brick:

At McDs you know that Fries are available and that is part of the feedom of choice - deciding whether you want them before you're at the front of the line.


New Member
Well its a moot point for me because we really don't spend much time at AK..one day most. But if we go in Dec and everyone asks us repeatedly I'll be writing a letter. I think people saw the buttons, donated and got the buttons. So I think they could stay with that opportunity...just seems like a chance to gouge the guests one more time. If they get 50 cents from every guest at every transaction..thats some serious money. But I still am not sure..is this just at food locations or is it going on at retail shops as well?

If you look at some of my first post you can see the other locations that they do DWCF at. At DAK we do just for a short period Fast food locations and also Merchandise. Normally its just Merchandise, but they are seeing how doing at the food locations are going... and supposely it going very very well. And most of the time the CM don't ask if they see you wearing the button, but some times they will say " Thanks for donating would you like to donate here?" All you have to say is No thank you and then they shall finish the transation. Now at the other locations you get different buttons, meaning at each location there is a different design and there are many Guest that I have seen that collect these, some are collector items ex) The 10 million dollar celebration button at DAK ( its the light blue one) They only have this for a limited time.:wave: Once again check out the site to learn more about this fund, disneywildlifefund.com .


New Member
Oh I give up :brick:

At McDs you know that Fries are available and that is part of the feedom of choice - deciding whether you want them before you're at the front of the line.

yes :) and While you wait in line at Disney you can see the sign close to the regsiter, that everyone ingores, that says would you like to donate, and the little booklets that explain about the fund, and at that time you can make "Freedom" choice to say No...and to be even more polite to say No thank you. :animwink: Sorry.. just my thought I hope It didn't sound rude.:wave:


Well-Known Member
I totally understand where Captain Hook is coming from. When I am already paying a premium for my vacation experience, I don't want to be put on the spot to donate to any cause.

The reason McDonald's asks if you want fries with your purchase is that they know that they are putting you on the spot and that some people will automoatically answer "yes" when being put on the spot. It's not like people need to be reminded that McDonald's serves fries.

By having a live person specifically ask for a donation, Disney is putting their customers on the spot. They shouldn't be creating a situation where customers may feel guilty for not making a donation.

A simple sign or a donation bucket is one thing. But using guilt tactics leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I felt the same way about the Will Roger Foundation when I was a movie theater manager. It's a good cause and I was happy to put out collection materials. But I hated going into auditoriums and passing out a collection can.


New Member
I totally understand where Captain Hook is coming from. When I am already paying a premium for my vacation experience, I don't want to be put on the spot to donate to any cause.

The reason McDonald's asks if you want fries with your purchase is that they know that they are putting you on the spot and that some people will automoatically answer "yes" when being put on the spot. It's not like people need to be reminded that McDonald's serves fries.

By having a live person specifically ask for a donation, Disney is putting their customers on the spot. They shouldn't be creating a situation where customers may feel guilty for not making a donation.

A simple sign or a donation bucket is one thing. But using guilt tactics leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I felt the same way about the Will Roger Foundation when I was a movie theater manager. It's a good cause and I was happy to put out collection materials. But I hated going into auditoriums and passing out a collection can.

Oh well I sadly give up I guess my informitive posts we're ingore:lol: Thanks for the ones that read them :) But your right Its horrible that they ask for money to stay for the wildlife, they should have another sign that guest will just ingore ex. "Please don't feed the animals" This thread has tired me out :D. thanks for playing :wave: Its been fun chatting.


Active Member
I agree with Captain Hook, and lebeau. What if everytime you went to buy something at WDW the CM asked you if you would like to donate to the United Way or M.A.D.D. or March of Dimes or any of hundreds of different charities. When you check into your room " Wecome home sir, would you care to make a contribution to the Salvation Army." Now these are all good charities, and I know that I am being over the top with my examples. I just don't think it is proper for Disney to solicit for " IT'S " charities in the Parks. This is just my own personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yes CBOMB hit the nail on the head. At least thats what I was trying to get across as well. I will make my own choices on which charities I give to. When I am on vacation I don't want to be hit up once again (or 2 or 3 times in one day) for extra $$$. We have donated/bought the buttons in years past, but as an ap holder I don't need to get buttons each time we walk through the turnstiles at AK.


Active Member
I was always told charity begins at home, so I donate to the PNPF.

Disney employees give money to United Way, and for the rest every place you look now are asking you to give to a certain charity. So if you point a finger at disney for doing wrong then you should point fingers at other places as well.


Well-Known Member
Disney employees give money to United Way, and for the rest every place you look now are asking you to give to a certain charity. So if you point a finger at disney for doing wrong then you should point fingers at other places as well.

Exactly. I think thats sort of what the op was getting at...like "oh its hit Disney too" Every store I've been in doing Christmas shopping has asked me for a donation. I am sure every cause is worthwhile...however I cannot give to every single request. I think since the no call telemarketing list the requests at stores has really increased..but maybe I am just more aware of it.


Active Member
I've been in many, many stores shopping and have yet to be asked for a donation to any charity this year. It may just be in your region that this is being done.

If you don't want to give, just say "no" and if you don't know how to say "no," it's time you grew a backbone. It's a fact of life that you are going to be solicited for donations to charities. At home you receive mailings, walking the streets of a city, in the office you work at both from fellow colleagues and the company itself.

I don't believe that AK is doing anything so way out there by asking for donations or should they just add twenty-five cents to the price of the park ticket for each person to get the donations that way and you wouldn't even know.
It's very easy to say "No Thank You" when someone asks for a donation.

Also think that it may not be so easy for the CM to have to ask people all day long for donations. I work in retail and we have to ask every person for their phone number...I hate doing it, but it's part of my job. It's very possible that the CM also feels uncomfortable for asking, and I'm sure they don't think poorly of people who say no.


Well-Known Member
I totally understand all of those points. We give very generously to the charities that we select. I have absolutely no problem saying "no thanks" or "not today", its just that I don't want to hear it every time I make a purchase while I am on vacation. If all it takes is an extra .25 on a ticket I wouldn't mind...save the CM's the hassle of asking and the guests being asked...because some (esp. those visiting our nation feel its more than annoying).
I live in the midwest and it is Macy's store policy that every associate must ask if you'd like to buy a rewards card or make a donation to a charity fund. We also have some discount store chains that ask at every transaction to support the stores literacy fund. I say "no thanks" every time.
Personally for us this isn't really a big deal, but I do understand the op stance on this issue.

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