Hey everyone! I’m currently counting down the days until my next trip to WDW (11!!) and decided it was time that I cranked out another trip report!! You may remember me and my husband, @misterhowe, from our previous trip report, http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/first-trip-as-adults-and-were-hooked-a-dec-2011-tr.834141/ which was our first trip as adults!! After that trip, an addiction was born that seems to be unstoppable. I have to fess up to something though…. I’ve been back to the world three times since that first trip in December of 2011 and I haven’t written any more trip reports… until now!! You may remember that after our first Christmas trip, Austin surprised me with a spring trip, which I plan on going back and writing a trip report for as well. I also traveled to WDW in Sept/Oct with my sister for the Tower of Terror 10-miler and Epcot’s 30th!! But today, I’ll be sharing with you our second annual Christmas trip!!
Since our last trip report, Austin and I have swapped roles—he is now a full time student and I have to slave away at work every day so that we can feed this fabulous addiction. Sadly though, we are currently living 1400 miles apart!! Austin is attending UPenn in Philadelphia and I am still living in Louisiana due to work restraints. But this separation made our trip that much more magical! It is extremely tough living apart, but having Disney trips to look forward to help the time pass by more quickly. Plus, what’s better than being reunited with your favorite person and your favorite place at the same time?! Anyways, on with the trip report!!!
Details: Dec 19-23 at Kidani Village; ADRs at Jiko, Chefs de France, and Kona Café
Austin and I had been counting down the days until we would see each other again since Thanksgiving weekend. The holiday season is definitely the toughest time to be apart for us, because we LOVE everything about Christmas. In fact, while Austin was home for Thanksgiving, we decorated our first Disney themed tree… which I am quite proud of!! We made all of the Disney ornaments!!
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
My last day of work before the trip, I even sported a Disney Christmas scrub top!
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
So after a few lonely weeks it was time to go soak up as much holiday magic as we could in 5 short days. I flew in from Dallas and Austin from Philadelphia.
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
The flights could not go by fast enough, but luckily, I ended up sitting next to two women who were also on their way to Disney! We chatted throughout the flight about our favorite resorts, restaurants, and parks. It was so much fun to talk with other Disney lovers in person! I love the boards, but there is something reassuring about meeting people in person who are as crazy about Disney as I am!
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
I arrived at MCO with no problems and made my way to the Magic Express. Austin’s flight had arrived several hours before mine, so he checked us into our room and went to DTD for lunch at Earl of Sandwich. I texted him that I was on my way and he waited for me in the lobby.
Since our last trip report, Austin and I have swapped roles—he is now a full time student and I have to slave away at work every day so that we can feed this fabulous addiction. Sadly though, we are currently living 1400 miles apart!! Austin is attending UPenn in Philadelphia and I am still living in Louisiana due to work restraints. But this separation made our trip that much more magical! It is extremely tough living apart, but having Disney trips to look forward to help the time pass by more quickly. Plus, what’s better than being reunited with your favorite person and your favorite place at the same time?! Anyways, on with the trip report!!!
Details: Dec 19-23 at Kidani Village; ADRs at Jiko, Chefs de France, and Kona Café
Austin and I had been counting down the days until we would see each other again since Thanksgiving weekend. The holiday season is definitely the toughest time to be apart for us, because we LOVE everything about Christmas. In fact, while Austin was home for Thanksgiving, we decorated our first Disney themed tree… which I am quite proud of!! We made all of the Disney ornaments!!
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
My last day of work before the trip, I even sported a Disney Christmas scrub top!
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
So after a few lonely weeks it was time to go soak up as much holiday magic as we could in 5 short days. I flew in from Dallas and Austin from Philadelphia.
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
The flights could not go by fast enough, but luckily, I ended up sitting next to two women who were also on their way to Disney! We chatted throughout the flight about our favorite resorts, restaurants, and parks. It was so much fun to talk with other Disney lovers in person! I love the boards, but there is something reassuring about meeting people in person who are as crazy about Disney as I am!
Untitled by misterhowe, on Flickr
I arrived at MCO with no problems and made my way to the Magic Express. Austin’s flight had arrived several hours before mine, so he checked us into our room and went to DTD for lunch at Earl of Sandwich. I texted him that I was on my way and he waited for me in the lobby.