First Photobucket, Now Flickr


Well-Known Member

Facebook receives the same reaction when they change ANYTHING about the site. In fact, I even know of a certain theme park that has the same problem with its fans...

Some people oppose change no matter what. It's difficult to say whether these complainers are representative of the general user-base, or are the vocal minority.

The undeniable fact is that Flickr was losing market share to other social media photo sites and services like Instagram and 500px, and MANY of its communities had dried up and its power users had left in large numbers (many of whom cited a "failure to innovate").

Between the app released earlier this year and the new site, I think Flickr has FINALLY innovated. People are going to complain...that's part of life.

WDI 1998

Active Member
Honestly I think it is a huge improvement over the old layout. Much more user friendly, better showcase of my photos, easier to upload and the ability to upload full resolution photos is awesome. Sometimes change is a good thing and this is one of those times.


Well-Known Member
Facebook receives the same reaction when they change ANYTHING about the site. In fact, I even know of a certain theme park that has the same problem with its fans...

Some people oppose change no matter what. It's difficult to say whether these complainers are representative of the general user-base, or are the vocal minority.

The undeniable fact is that Flickr was losing market share to other social media photo sites and services like Instagram and 500px, and MANY of its communities had dried up and its power users had left in large numbers (many of whom cited a "failure to innovate").

Between the app released earlier this year and the new site, I think Flickr has FINALLY innovated. People are going to complain...that's part of life.

The GREAT one has spoken, all bow down.

WDI 1998

Active Member
The GREAT one has spoken, all bow down.

The comment WAS unnecessary. Maybe all the people that PM'd you knew better than to post it.

Tom's comment was his honest straight forward relevant opinion on this tread and your comment can be seen as a personal attack for no good reason. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all?


Well-Known Member
The comment WAS unnecessary. Maybe all the people that PM'd you knew better than to post it.

Tom's comment was his honest straight forward relevant opinion on this tread and your comment can be seen as a personal attack for no good reason. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all?

I should apologize to the great one... Maybe I'll buy an e-book or something.


Well-Known Member
I should apologize to the great one... Maybe I'll buy an e-book or something.

I don't remember anyone calling him the great anything. I don't even know the guy. I enjoy some of his photos and some I don't. That doesn't mean we have to stop being civil. I will say that if someone asks him for help with something, he is willing to help and offer his advice. You seem to be more interested in antagonizing and belittling people. As for your argument that other people PM'd you their opinion, that doesn't make it right. Lots of hate speech is shared by more than one person.


Well-Known Member
Flickr today started testing a new beta image viewer on the site which shows how much they did actually listen to the community. So far I am digging it :)

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