No one but you can speak about your kids. Disney is an entirely different level of sensory overload. If a child can nap in a stroller, great. However, it is not the same as napping in a room with AC, bed, and no distractions. For us and our DD, it was best to go back to the resort, get a good nap, take a dip in the pool, and then back to parks/dinners. A tired, sensory overloaded child is never a fun experience for you nor people around you. Perfectly normal people can turn into the most insane person in minutes. Just take a look at the dad lugging around 3 strollers, 10 stuffed animals, 3 candy apples, holding one sleeping child while mom is holding two. It is simply a different beast. Then you see another family with 3 happy kids, behaving, not going crazy, with mom and dad enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. You can usually tell the properly rested families from the ones that are "we paid xx-thousand for this trip and we are going to do everything until we pass out" families.