First Day Traditions?!


Well-Known Member
Usually we try to take it easy after all the driving-
We do check in, then we try out the resort pool- otherwise our kids cannot stop talking about it the whole time we are there.
We love to do Chef Mickey's for dinner our first we feel we are at Disney.
Bed early, then off to the parks in the morning!
We also go swimming because that is one of my daughter's favorite parts of the vacation. We have usually been up since 3 a.m. to catch our flight sSo it's a resort day and off to bed early to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for our first park day.


New Member
Usually arrive mid afternoon after the drive from Jersey. Check in at the resort. Then head to DTD and eat at Rainforest. Walk around a bit then head back until MK the next morning.


Well-Known Member
We get to our hotel a bit after 1PM, leave for the Magic Kingdom around 4PM and take a tour of MK aboard the WDW railroad.


Active Member
First day, we check-in, get settled in and go to Guest Relations at MK or whatever park to buy our passes and then just hang around.

We do to bed early as we have a park day the following day and it usually is MK


Well-Known Member
It depends on my arrival time....back when I was working full time, I would go twice a year...the first one I would fly out Friday night so after check in (usually 1030 or later...) would get to the room and then go wander the resort or DTD until the excitement ebbed just enough that I thought I could sleep a little bit before morning...

My late summer trip I always caught the first flight and landed in MCO at 930am. I would race to Magical Express and wish the bus to get on the road. Once at the hotel, I dumped my carryon stuff and headed for the bus stop. The first bus that came by I jumped on and went exploring at that park. The past few times I did this I decided it would be fun to try to do all four parks in a day - just to get a taste of each. So I would do one of my favorite shows/rides/attractions and walk around and head to another park. I usually tried to get a photo of me near each icon holding up the correct number of fingers corresponding to what park number I was up to....

When (if) I get there in a few weeks, I will have a newbie with me. I will do whatever he wants to do first! He gave me a list of things he has to do in his three days, so have to try to get a handle on the best route to experience it all!


Well-Known Member
We started a new one last year, we never go to a park on the first day, so we tried chef mickeys. It was great! We get to see all the main characters and get right into the Disney mindset. We will be doing the same next trip.


Well-Known Member
Depends on whether our tickets cover the whole trip or part. If part, then we usually explore the monorail resorts after check-in and maybe go to DTD. If whole, then it's check-in and head to MK (if staying at WL) or Epcot (if staying at BWV).


Well-Known Member
Check in, drop the carry on bags in the room, do a quick look at the room, jump on the bed, (the child in me) catch the first bus to MK. Do the first bag check and finger reading. Savor the moment walking under the train station, slowly look up main street to get the first glimpse of the castle. Call a dear friend who always wants a cell call from Main street so she can hear the sounds of Disney. Head directly to Splash Mountain for the first ride of the trip.


Well-Known Member
We usually arrive in the late afternoon. We drive up from Miami after the kids let out of school. Well check in and head over to DTD to soak in some Disney. If we need to get or tickets well drive to MK guest relations and pick them up. If not i like to drive into MK and get a glimpse of the castle. Then I go back to the room as well watch the resort channel and go to sleep and get back up early for MK the next morning.


Well-Known Member
I always go to MK on my first day, going over to Tomorrowland. I get a FP for Space Mountain then take a ride on the TTA


Well-Known Member
Check in our resort. Head to the MK, walk down main street, go straight to POC, then SM, BTMRR , walk over to the haunted mansion.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom ...thry the gates, up main street,hook a left into adventureland, right on Poc off thru thr gift shop and right to Haunted Mansion!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We arrive about 2 pm, unpack, and go to Epcot. Spaceship Earth is always the first ride, then we check to see when Off Kilter comes on. A quick look through Mouse Gear and then back to the room.


Active Member
We drive down from Georgia. First go to Shades of Green to get our ridiculously discounted military passes (although I sprung for the AP this year). Check-in, unpack, have a nice resort dinner, then relax the rest of the evening.
Hey, for protecting our freedom it's the least they could do! Thanks for serving!!


Well-Known Member
First day traditions have changed but its all based on what time we arrive at the resort. The last two trips we got to the resorts around 3pm so after checking in we went to AOA resort to see the Cars for my son.


Well-Known Member
Fly out of Syracuse, arrive in Orlando, get our rental care. We also check into our hotel (depending on what time we get to Orlando), grab a bite to eat and go to the Super WalMart and get snacks and other necessities.

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