Finals Week


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Well, that dreaded time of year has finally descended upon my university. Tomorrow is the start of finals, and I figured that those those of you in college will be starting yours soon as well!

Good luck and study hard! Hope everything goes well! :wave: :wave:


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LilDucky said:
Well, that dreaded time of year has finally descended upon my university. Tomorrow is the start of finals, and I figured that those those of you in college will be starting yours soon as well!

Good luck and study hard! Hope everything goes well! :wave: :wave:
When I was at the university, I never had to study nor did I take notes. I just listened intently to the professors and regurgitated what they wanted to hear.


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Woody13 said:
When I was at the university, I never had to study nor did I take notes. I just listened intently to the professors and regurgitated what they wanted to hear.
Usually that happens when you have an in class test, but I only have one of them. The rest are all research papers and take home exams, which are much more time consuming. I wish I had a better balance of take homes and in class tests. I wasn't so lucky with that this semester! :brick:


Well-Known Member
I've got one final tomorrow (don't have to take the other since I have a high grade), and the one that's tomorrow I only have to get an 18% to keep an A+.

Then Tuesday I've got three finals, not sure what to think of them as I'm borderline A/B in one, and the others I should get A's or A+'s in them.

Now off to "study" some more.

Good luck to everyone! :wave:


New Member
LilDucky said:
Usually that happens when you have an in class test, but I only have one of them. The rest are all research papers and take home exams, which are much more time consuming. I wish I had a better balance of take homes and in class tests. I wasn't so lucky with that this semester! :brick:
We always had "blue book" exams. On a my biology final 101 exam, our professor had one order, "Describe the process of photosynthesis". We were given 3 hours to answer the question. I got an A.


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Woody13 said:
We always had "blue book" exams. On a my biology final 101 exam, our professor had one order, "Describe the process of photosynthesis". We were given 3 hours to answer the question. I got an A.
Yep! :lol:

I am very familiar with the Blue Book! In class tests are less stressful (to me anyways) because I study, go to class, and just get it over and done with within 3 hours. I end up spending too much time on my take homes. They make me paranoid :lookaroun



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I've still got two more weeks of class in my high school before I take finals. I'm a little worried about this semester, as these finals are actually going to have an effect on my grade. Usually I don't have to think about them at all.


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Ours should be starting tomorrow, but a certain little storm named Katrina and a stupid Chancellor set us back a week! Soooo, one less week of Christmas break : ( Thanks O'Keefe....


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I only have One final in Psych. (btw, the proffessor gave out 49 hints on what could be on the test....there is only 50 questions on it ;) lol) I have a final paper due this Friday and a Computer Cartography final presentation next Friday. I don't have to take my Archeology final since it is only worth 5% and I have a good enough B to keep it ;).


New Member
My finals don't start for another week, but I really wish they were this week. I lucked out this semester and don't have to take a final in 2 of my classes because of grades and perfect attendance and then there's band which was a concert so by 2:00 tomorrow I'll be done with 3 of my 6 classes. I just found out today that my exam that was supposed to be online was cancelled and we just have to write a paper, which we already had to do (yeah!). So now I'm down to 2 finals. One of which I don't think will be too bad since the teacher gave us a study guide last week in class and then helped us fill it out and told us to know what was on the sheet. And the other, there's no way I can get anywhere close to a 4.0 in the class so I don't know how it will be. Plus all of my exams are on Monday so I can go home on Tuesday and have almost a month off. I am SO ready to be done with this semester.


Well-Known Member
My DD has one more week of classes, then finals.

Good luck everyone, and have a safe trip home for your break! :sohappy:


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nikimsu2002 said:
My finals don't start for another week, but I really wish they were this week. I lucked out this semester and don't have to take a final in 2 of my classes because of grades and perfect attendance and then there's band which was a concert so by 2:00 tomorrow I'll be done with 3 of my 6 classes. I just found out today that my exam that was supposed to be online was cancelled and we just have to write a paper, which we already had to do (yeah!). So now I'm down to 2 finals. One of which I don't think will be too bad since the teacher gave us a study guide last week in class and then helped us fill it out and told us to know what was on the sheet. And the other, there's no way I can get anywhere close to a 4.0 in the class so I don't know how it will be. Plus all of my exams are on Monday so I can go home on Tuesday and have almost a month off. I am SO ready to be done with this semester.
Wow, you must have read my mind. I finished my university with a MFA back in 1971 so its been awhile. Most of the profs. would let you skip the final exam if you got A's on all the other tests and the mid-term. I was just wondering if they still do that sort of thing. You answered my question! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I had one final today (Guest Service Management) and I should have over a 100% in the class.

Tomorrow's finals are going to be a bit more "I have to actually try a little bit on to keep my A+." I've got Speech (a test, don't have to take the final), Intro to Hospitality Management, and my Theme Park and Attraction Management finals.

Good luck to everyone!


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I have the same instructor for three of my classes. My other ones are marching band, which is done, independent study medical terminology, and web-based Word class. My instructor decided to have 2 presentations due on finals week :mad: and then I have one final thursday, and two on monday. Then I have to take my word construction exam, and final exam (which is 70% of the grade) for my medical terminology class next Wednesday. I can't wait for next Wednesday to be over!


I have a Biology Practical on Friday, then the final on Monday. That followed by a Health and Econ Final Tuesday, but the day after that I get to go on vacation to Disney World. :xmas:


New Member
Woody13 said:
Wow, you must have read my mind. I finished my university with a MFA back in 1971 so its been awhile. Most of the profs. would let you skip the final exam if you got A's on all the other tests and the mid-term. I was just wondering if they still do that sort of thing. You answered my question! :wave:

Honestly it depends on the Professor, its not a University policy or anything. I've had a couple over the years who have let you skip or made the final optional and then dropped your worst exam score. One of my profs this semester is basing it on quiz grades and since I have 100% on all of them, I opted not to take it. The other two classes that I'm exempt from exams in are because of attendance. Perfect attendance = no exam. Except in band where there is no exam and perfect attendance = 4.0.


New Member
nikimsu2002 said:
Honestly it depends on the Professor, its not a University policy or anything. I've had a couple over the years who have let you skip or made the final optional and then dropped your worst exam score. One of my profs this semester is basing it on quiz grades and since I have 100% on all of them, I opted not to take it. The other two classes that I'm exempt from exams in are because of attendance. Perfect attendance = no exam. Except in band where there is no exam and perfect attendance = 4.0.
Thank you. That's interesting. When I was still in school, the profs. never took roll or cared if you showed up or not. The tuition was so expensive, most students didn't dare to miss a class. Plus, the selective service draft was still going strong as was the war in Vietnam. That boosted attendance a lot! :wave:

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