This attraction was the single scariest thing I ever rode. I mean it truly terrified me the first time I was on it...and that was at the age of 14!
But looking at it again, now from a designer's point of view, there were some wonderfully impressive things about it, that made the second version really stale and flat for me.
I really do love how you never knew when that ugly hag (who resembled my paternal grandmother) was going to leap out in front of you. A great use of the jump scare...and the very disorientating use of the dark ride track, where you never really knew where you were headed or what you were going to run into(unless you cheated and looked down) was equally effective. I felt the same about Toad.(though Toad was never as scary!)
And those eyes! All the normally happy furniture have eyes! That's so freakin creepy!
That really is one amazing dark ride in the true carnival tradition of dark rides.
And yeah, in a way I still kind of miss it...even though it really gets to me.