Final Fate of


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Original Poster
Im just speaking on speculation here but could the fate of Stich be an endless line of Fixes just as JiYI has gone through? I have not yet seen the new stich attraction but I plan to in less then a week on my next visit. I have heard very mixed reviews, but nothing that makes this attraction sound like a good change. Im not sure why Disney cant leave well enough alone, instead they admit that they made a dud I try over again. I cant for the life of me see how a WDI worker can create a bad attraction and still keep there jobs. I just hope we are not starting a trend here where WDI makes an attraction and then decides its no good....why dont they spend a little more money, do their homework and do it right the first time.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's as much the imagineers fault, as the higher ups calling all the shots. Imagineers can only do so much with small budgets that continuously are cut. From what I've heard, the imagineers are still coming up with wonderful ideas that are being shot down because the higher ups don't want to spend the money to make them great.

While this recent trend of low quality attractions that need fixing does worry me, at least they are admitting their mistake and attempting to fix it. It could be worse, they could be just letting a bad attraction stay.

On the other hand, we are getting EE, Soarin, and LMA. That's a sign that things seem to be heading in the right direction.

They build the low-cost, low-quality attractions so they can advertise new attractions and bring more people in to the park to see these new attractions. That's all management cares about is money in their pocket. By the time a guest realizes that an attraction maybe isn't what it was hyped up to be, it's too late. Their money is already spent. I realize that WDW is a business and that's what they're there for, to make money. But, these same attractions that may impress us at a local park, like Six Flags or Paramounts, just doesn't cut it at WDW. We've just come to expect more, I know I have.


New Member
I think that its such low quality because of the budget... I know a lot of the money went into building Stitch...

I'm hoping they do work on redoing parts of it... But, I'm guessing they're waiting a few months, because if they closed it down a week after opening it, it would look really bad in the eyes of the general public... If they wait a few months, people won't notice the closure as much...

I think the stitch AA looks great, but the show could use a little reworking... It seems like Disney can't decide what age group they're aiming at- Adults, Teens, or Little Kids? And, the mixture they used doesn't make it enjoyable for anyone... I hope Philarmagic proved that a ride doesn't need to be scary to be fun, and the Imagineers use this philosophy when redoing Stitch... Its not going to be as scary as AE, so they should just try to make it cute...


New Member
Also, keep in mind that what looks great on paper does not always pan out the way it was intended. SGE, more than likely, fell into this catagory. It is often difficult to determine the opinions of the masses. Stitch is a great character to create an attraction for because of his current popularity. Because he is an alien, it made sence to place him in Tomorrow Land and because of lack of space and the need for this attraction, it also made perfect sence to redesign AI because AI is not about a Disney franchised character. **I know, Figment isn't either, but let's move on**:lol:

Back to the point. people are not always going to buy what you're selling. When an attraction fails to produce, it needs to be reconfigured. I'm not entirely sure that SGE was created the way that it was in order to save money, but rather to "perk" up an attaction that had no familiarity to it. I would imagine that this was the opinion of those responsible for the change from AI to SGE in the first place. These attractions are created to not only update the parks and keep them "new" but also to draw interest to a particular park to generate profits based on attendence. Most repeat visitors will choose a park based on it's attactions. The powers that be understand this and would not purposly O.K. a mediocre attaction. I believe that SGE was opened with this in mind, however, we didn't buy it so the minor mistakes must be fixed to make us happy.


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Original Poster
what bothers me the most is that with Disneys track record its clear to see that they DO know how to make a great attraction on the first try just seems that in the last few years they have not listened to what the people want and have had to do re-do after re-do. Im not tring to blame WDI, but rather the people that think its ok to cut cornners, this is not the wdw I fell in love with. The Disney I know is spare no expense, and in my mind if they don't have the money in hand to make a good attraction they should wait until they can afford it


Active Member
I actually don't think Stitch is too bad. Disney could have actually given the attraction a decent ending and less hype, but I will excuse for that.


Well-Known Member
rogerrabbitfan9 said:
I actually don't think Stitch is too bad. Disney could have actually given the attraction a decent ending and less hype, but I will excuse for that.
I have not been able to experience Stitch yet, but it seems from the reviews I have read that the two biggest problems are the ending and cheapness of animation on the screens. Do people think that altering these two parts of the experience would rectify the problems? I don't think there is any way to divorce this from AE, but time will start to make that go away (see Buzz, any circle vision, etc.). Just would like to see this be a success (since, as pointed out, the budget seemed to be large enough).


New Member
lentesta said:
I've heard Stitch may go down soon for a rehab. Can anyone confirm?


As far as I know, nobody can confirm it.. But, it is a very strong possibility, and will most likely happen... When? Most people say early 2005.. But, nobody knows for sure..


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
They build the low-cost, low-quality attractions so they can advertise new attractions and bring more people in to the park to see these new attractions.

That is one thing I have been very surprised with. I have seen only 2 news articles regarding Stitch. No television ad...No magazine ad. Stitch's Great Escape is not even on the Magic Kingdom map.

I do believe it will go down for a rehab. I didn't think SGE it was the best, but I didn't think it was bad either. It's a fun little show.

General Grizz

New Member
Stitch WILL go down for rehab.

Michael Eisner immediately called for a redesign after experiencing it, requesting designs in ASAP. He wanted the change by March, I hear.

It should be made less scary for kids and more fulfilling and clever for older audience members. Add a decent ending, give Stitch justice, and add a new dimension to the attraction that gives it real substance, or perhaps a true incorporation into Tomorrowland.

P.S. Stitch was WAAAAY overmarketed for being such a "lame attraction." Main page (twice) on, press coverage, telephone calls, monorail speeches, and for goodness sake, TP'ing the castle. Crush, on the other hand, is an amazing experience that gets little to no publicity (but there are reasons for that).


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that the rehab is happening.

I hope they can make a decent attraction out of it. And with the right amount of time and money, I don't see why they won't.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Stitch WILL go down for rehab.

Michael Eisner immediately called for a redesign after experiencing it, requesting designs in ASAP. He wanted the change by March, I hear.

Grizz & Mikey sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. :hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :D

I don't see how anyone can blame the poor script on Management and budget. Imagineering came up with a great AA and the laser cannons, it would cost FAR less to write a coherent script.

The blame falls squarely on Imagineerings lap if you ask me. (assuming I'm not missing anything?)


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Yeah, because I admire him oh, so much. . . :rolleyes:

The Patheon of Disney: Grizz, Dreamfinder & Uncle Mikey.

For all the crap Eisner rightfully deserves, you have to commend him on this decision. If he didn't care at all, he wouldn't spend any more $$$, which is what it is going to take.

General Grizz

New Member
KevinPage said:
The Patheon of Disney: Grizz, Dreamfinder & Uncle Mikey.

For all the crap Eisner rightfully deserves, you have to commend him on this decision. If he didn't care at all, he wouldn't spend any more $$$, which is what it is going to take.
I have commended him.

And I commend you for nothing. Fix your signature and avatars. :lol:


New Member
Though the whole "imagineers wrote a crappy script to get more money for a re-do" sounded pretty believeable at first, what kevin said is true. Really, how much money can it cost to write a decent script? A script should cost close-to-nothing in comparison to the millions that went into the animatronics. :brick:

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
You would think that after a couple of mess-ups they would learn that you need to do something right the first time in order to make it work. I can't believe that they would produce something that people didn't like knowing very well that it would have to be fixed again. Did they learn nothing from figment?


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DisneyInsider said:
You would think that after a couple of mess-ups they would learn that you need to do something right the first time in order to make it work. I can't believe that they would produce something that people didn't like knowing very well that it would have to be fixed again. Did they learn nothing from figment?
Thank you Disney Insider my point exactly!

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