Figment ride going?

Jake Massoni

Original Poster
I've heard numerous amounts of rumors that The Imagination with Figment ride is leaving for good, anyone know if this is really true?
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
There have been rumors floating around for years, but nothing has been strong enough to say that it is going anywhere just yet.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah there is almost no possibility that they would ever again try to Delete Figment.... refurbing the ride to have more in common with the original where it WOW'd you into asking "HOW they do that?" would be welcome news though. Though not a "absolute must"....I do see that bringing Dreamfinder back into the "new refurbed" attraction would be something a lot of people in the WDW community would welcome as he did make the original a lot more interesting that Dr Channing (no disrespect Dr Channing is cool and all..but being honest Dreamfinder did bring some charm on his own into the mix!)


They need to do somthing with that entire Imaganation section get rid of EO for good and refurb Figment. Epcot was about the future, so lets move into the future! Disney needs to look a couple miles down the road, Universal is getting its act together lately new rides and attractions. Wake up Disney time for some new rides.:shrug:


New Member
One of my all-time fondest WDW memories was riding the original Journey into Imagination when I was a kid back in the day (followed by coming out of the ride and seeing awesome fiber optics effects in the sidewalks). It blew me away, it was pure magic, and easily my favorite ride in any of the parks. Now... not so much. I'd love to see this restored to something more in tune with it's former glory, but it doesn't seem to be a high priority.


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Well-Known Member
Current version makes me want to vomit. My first impression was literally that they completed 10% of a ride concept, ran out of cash (or ideas), and decided to just jumble what they had together and open it only 10% complete. That, along with the issue that the 10% that is in there is totally uninspired and bland. Epcot's Future World underwent a lot of unfortunate changes years ago, but this might be the worst. One of the best dark rides i've ever ridden quickly became what is probably the worst. Glad to hear that Tony Baxter is as embarrassed by the ride as everyone else seems to be. Not to mention the waste of space and imagination that is Imageworks 2nd floor. The ride fails not only based on the original, but based on its own merits as well.

I'd love to see Mr Baxter brought back on and given a load of cash to get it back on its feet. But i seriously doubt we'll ever see the ride in an actual FUN condition ever again. It wouldn't surprise me to see it shuttered like Wonders of Life. The ride has never had a line in all the 4 times i've ridden it either (even at peak season where the parks are extremely crowded).


Well-Known Member
I don't the present version. It's not as good as the original but still much better that the first re-do. I could do without the skunk smell though. It would be better if they changed the smell from time to time.


great ride.

Not one of the best rides in EPCOT but a must do for every trip for me. Figment is one of my all-time favorites!

I really ejnoy it, and finally got my husband who is not a ride fan to try it. He laughed as hard or harder than I did, especially at the "smell" lab.


Well-Known Member
Love the original ride, just wish they would go back to it. I still enjoy it everytime we go, but still just not the same.


Well-Known Member
I don't the present version. It's not as good as the original but still much better that the first re-do. I could do without the skunk smell though. It would be better if they changed the smell from time to time.

I love the ♥skunk♥ smell! For as long as the current ride will run, keep it! But if they changed the ride to the original, I would be happy even without the skunk smell.

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