I've been searching the web for some good replicas of The Mouseketeer hats from the 1950's with no luck. All the hats I've found were hundreds of dollars or originals. It was only until a few hours ago when I stumbled across this site:
(Website: http://www.yourwdwstore.net/Disney-...c-Mickey-Mouse-Club-Mouseketeer_p_17550.html# )
When I finally found these beauties at only $26. Unfortunately, to my dismay, it looked like they weren't selling them anymore. Does anyone know where I could find these hats, online or at the parks? I know they can't be that rare because I saw a few other guests at Disneyland wearing them. Thanks for the help everyone!
(Website: http://www.yourwdwstore.net/Disney-...c-Mickey-Mouse-Club-Mouseketeer_p_17550.html# )
When I finally found these beauties at only $26. Unfortunately, to my dismay, it looked like they weren't selling them anymore. Does anyone know where I could find these hats, online or at the parks? I know they can't be that rare because I saw a few other guests at Disneyland wearing them. Thanks for the help everyone!