The Duck
Well-Known Member
Good question! That's exactly how Steve Davison has been designing new parades for Anaheim and Hong Kong for almost a decade now; with onboard lighting effects built-in for nighttime viewing. Parade of Dreams, Soundsational, Pixar Play Parade, etc. all were designed with onboard lighting for evening performances.
I've never understood why they schedule the "Three O'clock Parade" at WDW right during the peak thunderstorm hour. Onboard lighting for Festival of Fantasy could allow them to shift parade times towards evening and get the parade out of the rain.
Not only are lights installed on the Soundsational floats, but I've noticed on several videos that additional spotlights have been installed along the parade route at Disneyland. Has anyone heard if WDW might get these extra lights? If so, we can probably kiss MSEP good bye.