February: What to Expect?


Well-Known Member
We are planning a trip in February to go to WDW. Mind you I haven't been since the 25th anniversary so I know times have changed. We are going for just two days. We have already decided on the Magic Kingdom of course, and EPCOT, due to the likes and age group of the party I am going in. I am pretty sure this is President's week. Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th?

I have already found the park hours, and we have already made a detailed plan of attack. I have found that February is like an "iffy" month being packed or not packed due to mixed reviews I have found. What can I expect for President's Week in your view?

We plan on getting there before MK opens and work it around like the wheel. The problem I am seeing is of course with fast pass.

We can always go back and do the train, monorail, and main street at the end of the day. We plan on doing adventureland first getting those rides done atleast once and then move to frontierland. Do you think BTM and SM will be packed by then? It seems that at mid morning the lines wouldn't be packed so we could do standby and wait while we have someone who doesn't like the mountain rides to put in our tickets at the fast pass for Haunted Mansion? About the fast hours. If we put our fast pass in for haunted mansion at 10:30 in the morning would it say sometimes come back 11:30 to 12:30 or even 2:30 to 3:30?!

I think you get how are plan is working.

The only other problem I see is Tomorrowland. A few of us plan on doing space mountain. If the fast pass is even available for that by mid afternoon we may luckk out with just a reasonable standby wait because of the parade starting. Does the carousel of progress have alot of waiting time? I'd figure we can take our time and wait for space mountain if we got a fast pass by doing the TTA a few times.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It will be very crowded. Most of the flights from the ny metro area are sold out and very crowded. I think the only deluxe available from the web site was akl. Please note, even if you arrive at the park early you will not be able to take advantage if it is an early entry day unless you are a disney resort guest. Plan on eating an early or late lunch if you are doing counter service, 11;30 latest time for early lunch. etc. We have gone during this time and we heard cm talking amongst themselves that they had never seen it so crowded at mgm studios. If you want to eat somewhere special try a priority seating. All walk ins were being turned away from what we observed. Also watch out for germy people. They were abounding everywhere when we were there.
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New Member
You original plan is good, is is very smart to stick to an area, ride the attractions you want, then move on. If you are arriving there very early, make sure you check the ride line waiting time before getting a fastpass. If the line isnt that long, then why waste time or have to plan around that fast pass when you can just ride that attraction now? Yes, and eat an early or late lunch, becasue when it is lunch time, guess what everyone will be doing? They will be eating, so therefore you can get on a ride with a lot more ease and less time. I would say get a fastpass if the time returing is okay with your planning, and pick the ride that you want to ride the most, so you can plan around that. It would also be a smart idea to get a fastpass for the ride that has the longest line if you have a choice between rides, obviously. Feel free to take complete advantage of a fastpass, so all you have to do is think of your options, focus on the consequences of the time you have, and make the smartest and most logical decision. :D
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New Member
I have an unofficial book about disney that gives touring plans in it for the busier times of the year. I have used it for the times that we go, which are always off season, but have always found it VERY helpful! The best advice it does give is to ride the attractions that you have listed as must do's as early in the morning as possible, which to me sounds as if you would be doing some backtracking. It's a tossup, slow and steady and chance the waits or get on and get off and enjoy the rest of the day with the other not so "have to do" kind of attractions.
I would recommend:
Ride Space Mountain first
then head over to Haunted Mansion,
Fast Pass Splash Mountain
Ride Big Thunder MRR
if still time remaining before SM fastpass,
See Pirates of the Carribean
Back to Splash
Must do's over and done with...eat lunch continue around the park.
The Carousel of Progress holds a large amount of people, so waiting time is minimal. 10 minutes?
Just my .02
Have FUN!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all your help. I am just trying to be as flexible as possible of course. When I look at the map though, it still seems better, atleast to me to go to adventure land first, and then go to fronteirland, and then liberty sqaure. I can do all those major rides right away with probably no fast pass, and a reasonable standby. We could then skip fantasyland and put the fast pass in tomorrowland for space mountain if any are available. If so, we will go over and do IASW, and possibly a few other rides. Then with time we can head on over to tomorrowland and to TTA if we have time or not. Then we can do timekeeper, and carousel of progress. We can then walk back around take our time enjoy the architecure eat for luncg, we don't need a character meal, just a quick bite, and then can head down mainstreet and enjoy the stuff there, and do the train or monorail as a conclusion and get out of there mid to late afternoon.
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Well-Known Member
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We probably will do Philarmagic. We won't be doing the parade or fireworks because we've done stuff like that before. The party I am going with is an older party. There are teens all the way up to senior citizens. It will take us an hour and half to get to the MK from our starting point early in the morning. After a "long" day, many of us will be exhausted and tired, even by mid to late afternoon. And since the crowds will be getting even worse by then, there is no need for us to stay. We just plan on videotaping and taking pictures to well document this. This is more of a "let's see disney and remember" trip, than whole compelte 7 day family vacation with little ones.
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