Favorite Ride as a Kid? Least Favorite?

Mr. Magic

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My FAVORITE always was Splash Mountain, beacause I would get wet!:lol:

My LEAST FAVORITE was the Haunted Mansion, once when i was like 5, my parents plotted with a CM to get me on the ride. I was in my stroller and one of the maids for the ride came up to me and said in a freaky voice, " ARRE You rreaaaadyy little boyy?"
as soon as she said it I freaked and ran like hell, out of Liberty Square and into FL, and hid from my parents.:lol:


New Member
I dug pirates, peter pan and big thunder mtn when i was in the picture to the left(1987).

I don't remember being dissapointed in anything really, other than realizing that the park closed every night and we had to come back the next day.


New Member
As a little girl, my favorite was the Swan Boats, IASW and 20,000 Leagues. Of course, 2 of my favorites are gone and as for IASW, my boys are getting to the age where I feel the need to bribe them to go it with me. I wish I had a little girl. I also used to love Circlevision. It always amazed me. EVerything was so big and looked so real when I was so little. Then EPCOT came and I fell in love with Figment. Not this new version, the original ride and the original play area. The Living Seas ride always made me feel good. I loved riding through there and seeing all the fish swimming. I really miss that part, my boys still love the Living Seas, but the ride was gone after their 2nd or 3rd visit, so they don't remember it like I do.

I also can remember singing Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit too.

CBJ will always hold the #1 place in my heart though.


Well-Known Member
My favorite ride as a kid, pre 1994 Splash Mountain, was Mr Toad's Wild Ride and Big Thunder. I detested Space Mountian b/c I was petrified.


Well I was 5 at the time and looked up forward to going on Dumbo. I went on and then said that's it? lol I have not been on that ride since. My favorite was probably hmm...Mr Toads I really thought I was doing. I also hated 20,000 leagues under the sea,HM,and most of Epcot. I really don't remember much though I was 5. I can't believe it's almost been 10 years since I 1st went!


My favorite was Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Dreamflight. Classics!

I never had a least favorite,but at Universal Studios I was always scared of JAWS and Kongfrontation as a small kid.


Well-Known Member
On my first visit to Disneyland, I was 12. My favorite ride was the Jungle Cruise, because I thought it was hysterical. My least favorite ride, which I can't remember whether it was in Disneyland or WDW, was Mission to Mars. :snore:


New Member
Well as a little baby,I remember being scared of everything,1992 was the first time we caught most of it on tape so I remember my mom dragging me on everyride,all the tommarowland rides scared me(prob.thinkin what a wimp huh)except carousel of progress,but at the end of the day my mom dragged me on IASW thinking I would get scared,but it was love at first site,and that was my all time favorite.


New Member
I lloved horizons as a kid and i hated living with the land....my parents would have to drag me on it kicking and screaming because it was so boring!:)


Originally posted by NemoRocks78
My favorite was Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Dreamflight. Classics!

I never had a least favorite,but at Universal Studios I was always scared of JAWS and Kongfrontation as a small kid.

Ditto. I loved Mr. Toad and Dreamflight, hated Jawand Kongfrontation. I used to only go to MK, besides ocassionaly, when I would go to Epcot or MGM. My favorite at Epcot was Horizons, my favorite at MGM was Muppets 4-D.


Well-Known Member
When I was little I loved Dumbo and IASW(still love both). I remember standing in line for 2 hours to ride dumbo once with my dad.

My least favorite ride was probably HM. I got freaked out very easily(still do) and I wouldn't even go near it because of the sounds. Now I love it though!


New Member
I adored the original UofE when I was pretty little, since I loved dinos...still do, but I haven't been on that ride since they changed the movie to the Ellen one.

My least fave was the HM...I was always scared of going near that place ever since I went on it for the first time lol.


New Member
IASM hands down. It is the only ride I can remember riding from my first trip when I was four. Can't remember much else other than my parents sticking my brother and I in daycare so they could go out together. But I will always remember and love IASM.


My VERY favorite was Small World, closely followed by Peter Pan and the Jungle Cruise. I also really like 10,000 Leagues although it scared me a little bit.


New Member
My favorites when I was a kid were always Mr. Toad's and Big Thunder. My least was always the Land and anything in it. I like it now but back then I never enjoyed it.


New Member
I can't recall a ride that I could say was my favorite as a child. But my least favorite was 20, 000 Leagues. I was deathly afraid we would be trapped inside forever. I closed my eyes the whole time. I was also afraid in Universe of Energy. The dinosaurs were very scary to me, and the "burning" smell was scary to me, too. I would practically hold my breath the whole time and close my eyes.


New Member
Favorite: Splash Mountain
Least Favorite: Space Mountain because I used to be too scared to go on it. I was scared of it mostly because I had to sit by myself and I didn't like that when I was little. Now I love it!


Active Member
Favorite: Horizons, Journey into Imagination, and Great Movie Ride
Least Favorite: El Rio Del Tiempo. It's always been a snooze. But for some reason, every time I go, I still ride it...

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