This has been rumored for a little bit but FASTPASS return times are starting to be enforced.
Space Mountain
Tower of Terror
Space Mountain
Tower of Terror
#News- Fast Pass return times will be enforced starting Monday, February 18. This means that a guest must return within the hour printed on the FP, with the exception of the attraction breaking down during the return time.
Also coming this spring, but less exciting than Mickey Mouse in a Foustanella, is the final push to bring the Fastpass system into compliance with its WDW cousins. Next week the Attractions Cast Members will receive training on how to only accept Fastpass tickets within the one hour window printed on the ticket. There will be a short grace period allowed, plus exceptions for any attraction downtimes or late dinner reservations, but by March the Anaheim parks will hold people to the actual time printed on their Fastpass ticket.