FAntasmic Dinner Package - Is it worth it?


New Member
I am wondering if we should do the dinner package for Fantasmic. If so - which restaurant? We have two children going (7 and 5) with 6 adults, and I want it to be enjoyable for all. We are going Sept 22-30 and staying at All Stars Sports. Should I get reservations now?
Thank you for all of your replies. I am so lost and overwhelmed with all of this planning that needs to be done! We have never been to disney and want to do it right!


Naturally Grumpy
You will probably get mixed responses here, and you will get different opinions on dinner choices as well.

I think it is a good deal, meals, especially at Brown Derby can be cheaper than ordering off the menu (package is price fix). Hollywood and Vine (buffet) and Momma Melrose are the other two restaurants that offer the package. Check here to look at the menu's...I'd say your choice depends on how your group likes to eat.

In all but the lightest attendance days, I feel this plan frees up at least an hour of standing in line, sitting on concrete that is a real benefit, particularly with small children. You will be sitting on the right side of the theater, but I don't consider the view bad at all (some always prefer dead center).

I would say to go for it.
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Well-Known Member
I also say go for it! We have done Fantasmic both with and without and, having small kids, being able to walk in and get a seat instead of standing on line in the hot weather is a plus. My kids are older now & they still hate to wait for the gate to open. :lol:

We had dinner at Mama Melrose and enjoyed it, I would like to try Hollywood & Vine next trip. :wave:
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Naturally Grumpy
rhodehogg said:
Thanks for your replies. We have free dining for our trip too, so I am assuming that it counts for this too?

Yes, you can use 1 sitdown meal for either Momma Melrose or Hollywood and Vine. I believe Brown Derby is still 2.

Have you looked at the Hoop de do Review dinner show for your group? Just something to consider.

Also you mention you are a bit confused by other plans for your trip. Consider posting your general itinerary and we will be happy to rip it apart....I mean critique it.....well, make suggestions.

You can also look for discussions on other itineraries on this site for ideas, like these:
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Well-Known Member
I have done both ways and love the package with my little ones because they hate to wait and it really makes a difference for them. If it was just my husband and I, we don't mind the wait, but it is good when you have kids. :) Enjoy your trip!
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To date, my wife and I have only gone to Fantasmic with the package, so I can only speak to that side of the debate. We've eaten at Brown Derby both times we've done it, and as someone already mentioned, the prix fixe deal is actually cheaper than ordering an app, entree, and dessert ala carte. That said, we've seen some people sitting near us get sticker shock when they find out they have to order the prix fixe meal, because they weren't planning on ordering that much food. So that part depends on the type of meal you want to have.

In terms of seating. I don't know how long the wait is for non-package seats, but I know we've essentially shown up at the special package ticket holder's gate about a half-hour before the show, taken a leisurely uncrowded stroll up the path to the stadium and sat right down. Others can tell you how long you need to line up for general admission. Part of your decision may lie in whether there are two shows per evening during the time you're there. That obviously would thin the crowds out a little.

For our next trip in November, we're actually not planning on buying the package - primarily because we don't feel like eating at Brown Derby, and because there are two shows per night when we're there and we're planning to go to the later one. But if your group is interested in eating at one of the participating restaurants anyway, then definitely do it. There's no question it will save you time.
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In january we used the fantasmic package with Hollywood and Vine. We thought the food could have been better, even though it was a buffet.

We enjoyed the fact that we could arrive at the theatre early through a special gate and walk without crowds to our seat. Having said that the theatre did not fill up until right before the performance. Also, the theatre is almost a half circle divided into 4 or 5 sections (i can't recall) with the reserved section on the far right facing the stage. Our seats were good as i believe they all would have been nomatter where you were located.

I think the package is better for crowded times of the year, but during value season I didn't find much point in it.
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New Member
We loved, loved, LOVED Hollywood Brown Derby, and thought the pkg was a good deal. We even thought of eating there again in Sept, but decided to use 2 meal credits for Cinderella's Royal Table. The area your seats will be in is to the far right (if looking towards the water), this is the section closest to the exit, which gives you a considerable advantage to getting up and out of the stadium before the rush. If you are thinking of eating at a sit down in MGM ayway, I reccommend the Fantasmic Dinner package, if you would be just as happy eating at a counter service restaurant and have no preference to where you sit for Fantasmic, then skip it.
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We've never used the package - family friends had a bad experience, so we decided to forgo the extra $$. Instead, we bring a pack of cards and books for little ones (little notebooks, pencils, etc.) and we get counter service food and have dinner sitting on the benches.

So if the show is at 8, we show up at 6:30, fight our way in, get a nice seat in the middle towards the back (too close is scary for some little children), and are seated by 6:45.

Another fifteen minutes to get the food and drink, and another twenty to eat it. Then there's only 40 min. to go, and if you get the package you STILL have to come at least half an hour early.

So we feel we save money and time, plus get better seats, doing it this way.

If you do get the package, Brown Derby is delicious but very expensive. If you have picky eaters, this is not the place to go.

Mama Melrose is good - not the biggest selection, but we've never had problems:) Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Fantasmic Package

We used it at Easter time, and it was a lot more enjoyable than waiting as we've done before. The Brown Derby was fabulous! We definitely will go there again. However, as someone mentioned, it is a lot of food. I suggest not eating lunch that day if you're going there.
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Well-Known Member
My daughter loves to be in the middle in the front row. Needless to say, she hated the seating for the dining package.

We ate at Mama Melrose and the food was really good!!

We've only done it one time, probably won't do it again.
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New Member
We did it once. It's nice in the fact if it's hot out.. you don't have to wait in line to get a seat. Just show them your pass and walk in to the theater. Seats are on the side, but you can still see everything well. If there are two shows that night, they make you take the first show... which can cramp your style if you have things you still want to see before the park closes.

When it's hot out, then that line can almost be unbariable. During times when it's not so packed... then I would take my chances.
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Simba One

New Member
I'd say go for it...we always do. The best part is the dining times are usually early, so you can get your meal done and then go to other attractions instead of sitting in line with the crowds. A half-hour before the show starts, you can walk backstage and bypass the wait. You never know how busy the park will be--there are so many variables (EMH, for example). Definitely call for reservations as soon as you decide. We are going Sept. 8-13 and our first choice of days to see Fantasmic was already booked solid in late June.
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Well-Known Member
There is no way my children would sit still for the amount of wait time prior to Fantasmic. If I tried to go without the package we would be the topic of the next "Children behaving badly at WDW" thread. So, originally, we had planned on doing the Fantasmic dinner package next April, but, if the packages stay the same as they are this year, we won't have to. Reserved seating is included in the vacation package we want. :sohappy: We we're having a hard time fitting Flying Fish into our plans, so now we can just leave, go eat at Flying Fish then come back for Fantasmic.
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New Member
Well, for me it depends on how late you want to keep your kids up. Fantasmic has two showings during busy times and if you go to the last seating at 10:00 PM (which we always do) there are plenty of seats and no reason to stand in line. In fact, I walk up no more than 5 minutes before the show everytime and always get a fantastic seat. Just make sure there are 2 showings that night and you will be fine.
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I've been with and without and I don't think it's a big deal either way. We ate at Hollywood and Vine, which we really liked a lot, and then enjoyed the leisurely stroll into the theater and the reserved seats. The seats are also located where you can get out first, and that's worth a lot.

But other times we've lined up for the show a little early and done fine.

I think it would be nice if you can work it in, but don't feel disappointed if not.
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Yeah, I think it's essentially the time vs. money argument, and which one you prefer to spend. If the price of the dinner packages is more than you want to spend, yes, you CAN get in without it, but you'll have to line-up earlier. If you can't stand lines and/or waiting, or want more time to hit attractions, and the dinner package price is not a problem, then definitely do it. There's nothing wrong with the packages, other than they cost money. The seats are fine, and the price is reasonable for what you're getting. At Brown Derby the cost of the package is less than if you bought an app, entree and dessert seperately, and there are no menu restrictions - you can get anything on the menu.
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