Fall CP hours


New Member
Original Poster
I know it probably varys depending on where you work, but on average (I know holiday times are different) how much can one in the CP expect to work? Do they work you just over the 30 hour min. or are you usually pretty much working 60 hours a week, every week? Besides the day for your class, do you usually get another day off?

I don't mind working, its just I was wondering if I'll ever have time to jump over to IOA/USF for a few hours (I have an annual pass there) or hang out with some college friends down in Orlando each week.


Well-Known Member
It really does depend on the role and area. But during holidays, it usually can be 6-day weeks and quite a few hours (I would say 45+).


New Member
when I was on my CP we worked over 60 hrs a week!! But that was during Holidays and busy periods. One time we found out that all the other parks had gone back to 5 day work weeks, but we stayed on 6 day for about 3 more weeks. I guess because of the park.


New Member
During my FACP in 2006 i worked anywhere from the 35 Minimum at my role to a whopping 76 hour (included double back) during Thanksgiving week, now they only scheduled me for 55 but I picked up the extra 20 hrs. So all in all they will schedule about the same as a full timer 40+ unless it is really slow you'll get the min and if its a busy week try 45-50+ hours.

Now about the days off as the last post stated you'll get 6 day work week during busy seasons and a 5 day week during the normal to slow periods. I actually didn't get my class day off when to class in the morning at 8 and was out by 12 and clocked in at 3:30 to 6:30 and worked till closing ( I was at the Magic Kingdom parking lot) I did have a friend who took a day class, Marketing you, I think, and got the whole day off, except for a couple time where they scheduled him to work after his class starting at like 6:30, I liked having my days off to myself and not having to go to class. I was able to spend two whole days back to back a few times at USF and IOA, I bought a season pass and it has already paid for itself 7 fold, sometimes I was able to go before and after work (depending on my shift)

So in conclusion, You will be working, theres no doubt in that and to put a cap on your hours is impossible (with the Extra Hours Hot line) so it pretty depends on your area, role and availability the hours you will receive. Days off are amazing especially living in Central Florida.

Thats its for my $.02.


P.S. Chatham rocks!


Well-Known Member
When I worked in attractions, I worked no less than 50 hour weeks - no matter the season - and my shifts would be 6 hours or 12-16 hours.


New Member
Hey! I'm actually doing the CP right now. I work at the Old Key West resort, and I work 40 hours a week, five days a week.

How many hours you're scheduled to work really does depend on what area you're working in, though :)


Scar Junior

Active Member
I worked at It's Tough To Be A Bug and other small fun positions around the Tree of Life. I worked on average 36 Hours each week. Except during Holiday periods when I would work 60-70 Hours. But generally I would work 5 days each week, 11 am - 6pm.


New Member
I was able to spend two whole days back to back a few times at USF and IOA, I bought a season pass and it has already paid for itself 7 fold, sometimes I was able to go before and after work (depending on my shift)

Thats why I was asking... I just bought a USF/IOA annual pass for this fall and was hoping to visit over there once a week or so.

DisneySaint thanks for the heads up on attractions, I got operations but really pushed for attractions in the interview. I actually said "it would be my dream" (after all it is the year of a million dreams... haha) to work Big Thunder Mtn. or Splash Mtn. and for the rest of the interview the lady was like "so if you worked on Big Thunder what would you do if..." So hopefully I'll get attractions!

Scar Junior, well if you work at AK I'm guessing you can't ever work too much! My few friends who are working down there now (not through the CP program) all were laughing at me when I said I requested a ride in the MK... they told me I should have requested something at the AK since I would be home early each night.

And its generally easy to get a day off if requested a month or so in advance? IAAPA - the trade organization for amusement park manufactures and operates is having a big trade show in Orlando in the fall and I was planning on attending a few seminars there to help "further" my career. I'm guessing Disney wouldn't mind me taking a day off to go to a bunch of seminars on park management and guest relation ideas.


New Member
Hey Andy, I wasn't aware of the convention in the fall... thanks for the info. :wave: I may have to check it out as well!

Its pricey (like 200+ bucks to attend) but whos-whos of the industry is there. I'm hoping to get in under media (I freelance articles for amusement park trade magazines) so hopefully I'll get the media discount. If you are intrested in going maybe I can work some magic and get you in... hopefully when it gets closer I'll know more info.

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