FALL 06 CP MEET Aug 20th


Original Poster
So last Fall before the start of my CP, a group of us had a meet the night before check-in at Downtown Disney. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe and then walked around DTD afterwords for a bit. The meet went very well and I even got a roommate out of it. I would love to do the same thing this fall if anyone would like to join in.

The meet will be held the night before my check-in (21st) on the 20th (Sunday) at Downtown Disney. I was thinking we could eat at the Rainforest again orrrrrrrrr just go for a snack at Wetzels Pretzels on the west side as they server Hagen-Dazs ice cream also. I was thinking of meeting up around 6-7, depending on what is best for everyone.

All types of CPs (Soon to be, Current, Alumni) and their Family/friends are welcomed.

Also because I will be posting this on a few message boards, keep an eye on this page for the more up-to-date info: http://wdwcp06.wordpress.com/meets/


Original Poster
well... its true that some will be missing out... but I was going with that date as it is a night before one of the check-ins (and I picked the one I checking-in for)..... we can try to hold another one later after more people arrive.

And yes... CareerStart folks are more then welcome to come


New Member
jimmybop said:
well... its true that some will be missing out... but I was going with that date as it is a night before one of the check-ins (and I picked the one I checking-in for)..... we can try to hold another one later after more people arrive.

And yes... CareerStart folks are more then welcome to come

As a careerstart participant..I will try to make it as well.

See you all soon.:sohappy:

Scar Junior

Active Member
What a Great Idea!

I will probably be able to meet up with you. I will be roadtripping down and dropping off a friend who starts on the 23rd. We will try to make it. Let's keep in touch.


Well-Known Member
jimmybop said:
well... its true that some will be missing out... but I was going with that date as it is a night before one of the check-ins (and I picked the one I checking-in for)..... we can try to hold another one later after more people arrive.

And yes... CareerStart folks are more then welcome to come

Pointless to hold another one because by then a "clique" and social base would have been established by the first group meeting. While I think this is a great idea, I'm really sorry you set the date you did.
DisneyJoey said:
Pointless to hold another one because by then a "clique" and social base would have been established by the first group meeting. While I think this is a great idea, I'm really sorry you set the date you did.

Lighten up. Nobody is going to go cliquey on you. Why shouldn't he arrange a meetup before his program starts, as opposed to after, when thngs are hectic and people's schedules are different??


Well-Known Member
Taryn said:
Lighten up. Nobody is going to go cliquey on you. Why shouldn't he arrange a meetup before his program starts, as opposed to after, when thngs are hectic and people's schedules are different??

Please don't tell me to "lighten up." Trust me, if the date was August 7th or something, you'd be saying something too.
EDIT:: I got a little harsh, and all I can say is, I'm sorry. I've been in a bit of a bad mood for the past few days (temperature in the high 90's, early 100's, but no airconditioning ANYWHERE because it's Seattle...).

If you want to plan a meetup to coincide with your arrival date, I promise I'll try to come and bring others.

We all want to be one big, happy Disney family! :kiss:



New Member
Trust me, even for those of you who can't make it to a meet'n'greet will have no problem meeting people and developing a clique of your own based on people you train with, people you meet in traditions, etc.


New Member
DisneyJoey said:
Pointless to hold another one because by then a "clique" and social base would have been established by the first group meeting. While I think this is a great idea, I'm really sorry you set the date you did.

And you're going to be a CM....nice people skills.



Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
And you're going to be a CM....nice people skills.


Really, man, get out of this thread. What I said was not rude or crude. It was an opinion which, last time I checked the 1st Amendment, I am entitled to. How can you possibly determine someone's "people skills" if you've never met them and you judge them by two dozen words on an online forum? That's short-sighted, if anything.
DisneyJoey said:
Really, man, get out of this thread. What I said was not rude or crude. It was an opinion which, last time I checked the 1st Amendment, I am entitled to. How can you possibly determine someone's "people skills" if you've never met them and you judge them by two dozen words on an online forum? That's short-sighted, if anything.

Now, please don't hate me, but I don't think you're exactly thinking this through...I mean, you're basically getting angry at someone you've never met because they won't hold their meet up for a time convenient for you, which seems like it wouldn't be very convenient for him...I mean, he wouldn't schedule it before his check-in day for no reason, would he? It's not his fault that your check in date is after his. And, at the same time, it isn't your fault either...if this is really that important to you, organize another meetup to coincide with your check in day. I'm sure we'd all be happy to come, as long as our shifts don't conflict

And honestly, I don't expect things to get cliquey, just because of one teensy little meetup. It's more likely that the cliques that form (if any) will be because of the several weeks working and living together before the last arrival date.


Well-Known Member
How have I not thought it through?
I posted my feelings a few days ago and they haven't changed since then, so I believe a few day's time is more than enough to think it through. I understand all the circumstances completely.

"you're basically getting angry at someone you've never met because they won't hold their meet up for a time convenient for you"

Numero uno - I'm not angry at anyone (with the exception of the guy who judged me for 1 post). My feelings are on the far other end of the spectrum, in fact. I am happy he's doing this and feel "left out" that it's being done before I arrive. I do not think you can fully understand my feelings unless this was happening to you. It is completely inevitable that even if there was a 2nd meet (which, no, I don't have the time to plan) that only a fraction of the people who came the first time would attend and many would already know each other. Being the "new guy" is not something that's fun for anyone. And, trust me, I would have picked the August 3rd (2nd?) arrival date if I could have. But when I accepted, I could only choose from the 28th and the 5th of September. No, it's not his fault my check-in date is after his, but it isn't mine either (like you said).

Please don't word your sentences like my life is over if I can't go to a CP meet 'n greet. As MMP mentioned, I have more odds of meeting people I work with than staying friends with people on a Meet 'N Greet who I may never see again. This is furthered by the fact that I am living off-property with my wife and won't need a roommate. My original comment was SOLELY, if you take another glance, that his current date excludes at least two (actually, make that 3) waves of people. Irregardless, though, I fully understand there is no "magic" date that includes everyone since there is so much potential for conflict.



Well-Known Member
That was so much fun meeting up at Rainforest Cafe. We had, what, 14/15 people there Chad? That was a blast. Really makes me miss the program though reminiscing. Even sadder is the realization there is no way I would be able to make it down there for this one. :(


New Member
meet aug 20th

I would love to meet everyone in downtown disney. I don't want to spend the night before alone and would love to start making some friends. Just let me know more details.


New Member
So last Fall before the start of my CP, a group of us had a meet the night before check-in at Downtown Disney. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe and then walked around DTD afterwords for a bit. The meet went very well and I even got a roommate out of it. I would love to do the same thing this fall if anyone would like to join in.

The meet will be held the night before my check-in (21st) on the 20th (Sunday) at Downtown Disney. I was thinking we could eat at the Rainforest again orrrrrrrrr just go for a snack at Wetzels Pretzels on the west side as they server Hagen-Dazs ice cream also. I was thinking of meeting up around 6-7, depending on what is best for everyone.

All types of CPs (Soon to be, Current, Alumni) and their Family/friends are welcomed.

Also because I will be posting this on a few message boards, keep an eye on this page for the more up-to-date info: http://wdwcp06.wordpress.com/meets/

Are we all still meeting at downtown disney? on 8/20th....

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