Fail your Mission to Mars


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Original Poster
Can you fail your mission on M:S? Meaning not hitting the buttons or not controlling the ship and making it fall into the canyon as you land?

If this is possible...That'd be really cool to see if there is a Secondary show that happens.


Well-Known Member
No sir. When the buttons aren't pushed, no matter who fails to do their job. A 'system override' occurs and the computer initiates the task you were supposed to fullfil.

I agree, it would be intresting to have a failed mission. But since there are more than one 'ride vehicles' on one centrifuge, this would be impossible to do. Unless WDI came up with a neat film to have you fail, like land on Earth, while eveeryone else lands on Mars.


Active Member
This one time I was in the singles line and ended up with people that didn't speak English. Yeah. That was great. It took them the half way into the ride to realize that they had to push the buttons. Then when you are supose to grab the stick they saw me grab it then realize what to do. Has this happen to any one else?


Well-Known Member
Actually, different show outcomes wouldn't be THAT hard to program. Though I'm sure it would require a lot of computer upgrades. While each pod tilts and rolls individually (though sychronized), they're all attached to the same centrifuge. So across the various programs, the gravitational forces of the spinning are the same.

They would just have to figure out different sequences that all are able to use the same rotational programming.

It's kind of like the random programs at Tower of Terror. While there are four different drop sequences the computer can choose from, they're all approximately the same length. So, even though each car is doing something different each time it enters the shaft, they're all spending the same length of time *IN* the shaft. That way the ride time stays consistent, and cars aren't being held up waiting for the one in front of it to clear the shaft.



Well-Known Member
Yeah we all went on it for the first time and decided not to press anything but nothing happened that was not scheduled to happen.


Cmdr_Crimson said:
Can you fail your mission on M:S? Meaning not hitting the buttons or not controlling the ship and making it fall into the canyon as you land?

If this is possible...That'd be really cool to see if there is a Secondary show that happens.

i admit that not only would that be interesting but it could remind guests of such games like dragon's lair and other laserdisc games


Pumbas Nakasak said:
Lets face it , which bloke is going to pass up the chance to flick switches and push buttons

About a third of the buttons and switches are active, either making a chirp or turning a light on or off. I always spend a few seconds pushing all the buttons and flipping all the switches to see which ones work. I don't know if they are the sam in every cab. So try it the next time you ride!


Well-Known Member
Since1976 said:
How to fail your mission?

Insert tasteless Mission:Space joke here.

Isn't this why the created the "Green" version :veryconfu To many people "failed" and either got sick or "worse".

Yes I'm completely tasteless, but too easy to pass up. Sorry :lookaroun
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Lets face it , which bloke is going to pass up the chance to flick switches and push buttons

im flippin swtiches and pushin buttons the entire time im in there! heck i even push everyone elses buttons that i can reach! the whole time im shouting things like "Im setting a new course for the Dahgobah system" or "R2, see if you can lock that down!"
I don't believe you can; the last time I rode Mission Space we only had three people in our cockpit and nobody pushed the button that the empty seat was supposed to push and we still accomplished our mission.

"...that's a great idea, how 'bout some backstage passes??"


New Member
Clark Griswold said:
I don't believe you can; the last time I rode Mission Space we only had three people in our cockpit and nobody pushed the button that the empty seat was supposed to push and we still accomplished our mission.

"...that's a great idea, how 'bout some backstage passes??"

That's right, you can't fail your mission ;).

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