"Extreme" Epcot


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Original Poster
Hey I've been reading most of the post around here on new parks, remake parks and all that. But why not add a twist (a whole new twist on Epcot) why not make all FutureWorld an Extreme area. were science and fun can get together.

Let imagine a "training facilities for Olympic athletes" in Wonders of Life where you can experience first hand some of the stuff done to reach the gold (add also here a bobslead ride)...

Get a new makeover to Seabase Alpha and make it look more retro chic (like tommorrowland).

And so on and so on... What would be your ideas for this spin on a park that NEEDS a MAKE OVER RUSH (instead of a new park)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PaisleyMF
Hey I've been reading most of the post around here on new parks, remake parks and all that. But why not add a twist (a whole new twist on Epcot) why not make all FutureWorld an Extreme area. were science and fun can get together.

Let imagine a "training facilities for Olympic athletes" in Wonders of Life where you can experience first hand some of the stuff done to reach the gold (add also here a bobslead ride)...

Get a new makeover to Seabase Alpha and make it look more retro chic (like tommorrowland).

And so on and so on... What would be your ideas for this spin on a park that NEEDS a MAKE OVER RUSH (instead of a new park)
I like the training facilities idea a lot, but I'm not so sure about the Seabase Alpha idea, it might be cool though. I'm not sure. :)


Trophy Husband
I think you're onto something! It seems like Epcot's always been right on the edge of being interesting. The concept is great, but the attractions never seen to quite match the potential.

I like your ideas.:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PaisleyMF
Hey I've been reading most of the post around here on new parks, remake parks and all that. But why not add a twist (a whole new twist on Epcot) why not make all FutureWorld an Extreme area. were science and fun can get together.

Let imagine a "training facilities for Olympic athletes" in Wonders of Life where you can experience first hand some of the stuff done to reach the gold (add also here a bobslead ride)...

Get a new makeover to Seabase Alpha and make it look more retro chic (like tommorrowland).

And so on and so on... What would be your ideas for this spin on a park that NEEDS a MAKE OVER RUSH (instead of a new park)

The Wonders of Life thing sounds like it has potential but I’m not so sure about the Sea Base Alpha thing. They have to be a little careful not to over sensationalize things in Epcot in order to maintain its integrity. I think that the Living Seas could stand to have a lot more done with it since there is a lot of space that isn’t really efficiently used. They could offer a lot more in the way of interactive exhibits or a new full sized attraction of some sort. In any event, you’ve sort of brought up a good topic. What would be good changes that could be made to the pavilions in Future World? Personally, I think Spaceship Earth should kind of stay as is since it’s sort of a signature park attraction with updates although I really wish they would do something better with the post ride area since to me at least, it always seems like it’s full of wasted space. Anyway, I don’t think we can reasonably expect any major changes from the Imagination Pavilion because of all the stuff that’s happened with that one and obviously, Test Track is already there with Mission Space on the way. What about the Land and the Universe of Energy?..


New Member
The could add a inverted indoor rollercoaster in the land. The rollercoaster would have flips and stuff plus you would be going through giant area's from the movie "a bug's life." The ride could get near the water during the rain seen, nearly hit flying grasshoppers, when Hopper and his gang come in, plus it could go through the ant hill. This would be an awsome ride, plus it has a disney twist to it!


New Member
I like the idea of Olympic Training.
Sea Base Alpha- questionable
The Land (Roller Coaster)- Sorry, don't like it. A wee bit too extreme.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
The rollercoaster dosent have to be really extreme just fun enough to draw bigger crowds!

Well, that could be a good idea, but drawing crowds or not, the heart of the Land would be lost if tehy were to just put in a Bugs Life themed coaster. True, many people wouldnt care (Heck, if Disney actually did do this, I wouldnt care if it were a good ride). But everything in Epcot should have meaning to it concerning ideas of improvig the future, better living, etc. Flying around Bug's Life land would be cool in, say, Animal Kingdom or Adventureland, but unless those bugs were telling us how they can help crops or something, it just wouldn't fit.

Test Track, although a good ride in my opinion, seems to not fit in as well as the other pavillions on the future. I have made the guess that mabey Disney is telling us that the future as of now will still rely on auto transport instead of monorails, flying cars, or peoplemovers. That could most defenitly be true, but it is not a point made very clearly in the attraction. instead, it seems to just inform people about current technologies in vehicles. I would have liked to see more ideas about roads, road construction, future fuel for vehicles, etc. that are all planned for the future.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JLW11Hi

Test Track, although a good ride in my opinion, seems to not fit in as well as the other pavillions on the future. I have made the guess that mabey Disney is telling us that the future as of now will still rely on auto transport instead of monorails, flying cars, or peoplemovers. That could most defenitly be true, but it is not a point made very clearly in the attraction. instead, it seems to just inform people about current technologies in vehicles. I would have liked to see more ideas about roads, road construction, future fuel for vehicles, etc. that are all planned for the future.

I agree with you completely, I think the problem that Disney may be facing with attractions geared to the future is that these days, the future is here. I mean, by the time the attraction opened at least some of the information would probably already be outdated. Right now there is this big debate about fuel cells and battery power and we already have these hybrid cars that seem to be old news. It’s like watching the movie in Norway where they cut to a scene of a guy at a computer with a monochrome screen and talk about how they are on the cutting edge of technology only worse. Perhaps they are sort of trying to re-establish what future world is about to some degree. I mean, not including Inoventions, most pavilions in Epcot don’t really go into a lot of detail on the future anymore…


Active Member
Original Poster
The idea of a Bug's Life on the land wont work, is not the style of the area. But definetly the land can have some flare to it, not just a "Musical Review", a water ride and "food" needs something more but what

When i did mention a Make over of Living Seas was just to bring a new way to see that gorgeous ride, but yes you can actually add more information, make it more interactive, like using the technology available to scan and indentify what fish is that and tell info from that particular fish or animal, I think it can be done and that would be great. also from the dolphin exibit and the manatees exibit.

The idea of making a "Extreme Epcot" is not to change what has been done, and what Walt Disney did with his Utopia, and just remember that the concept of the "Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow exist and is call Walt Disney World (Remeber Celebrations, The Hotels, the Theme Parks, the Downtown Disney, all that is EPCOT)

But we need to teach a new generation about his dream his legacy, as we were already shown and tought about in the 80's and 90'. That's The EPCOT that worked, and that is the philosophy that should prevail in the Extreme Epcot.

Of course some of the Landmarks like SpaceShip Earth can't be change, maybe just updated. but thats an Icon...


New Member
Your missing the point

EPCOT is Disney's Discovery park! It is not about thrill rides its about having fun and learning something while you are at it!
I personaly thing the Land Pavilion is fine. Maybe just tweek food rocks back to the old Kitchen Cabert and update the boat ride a little in the begining but other then that its fine.

As for wounders...well they first need a financial backer before anything/


New Member
I agree with WDWcook, they shifted from 'the future' to more of 'discovery', they realized that it would be really hard to stay ontop of technology, so they turned to a more museum type theme...

I wish they would grab the Odysesy center and turn the space (along with the area reserved for the pathway from TT to The Ody.) And turn it into a pavillion for futur transportation technologies, Entire /rides/ can't be themed towards the future, but changing exhibits can be done, that would help solidify the 'message', A nice, expanded Post show...

The Living Seas? I think it should be built the way it was /originally/ planned, with the Dark ride through the mysterious seascape, I can't remeber where that really great picture of the original layout is, but, it should definetly be converted to that, it looked amazing..

Universe of Energy? I think it should be changed to more of a Great Movie ride style, with more then just ONE moving scene, add atleast another one, or convert the enture thing into a GMR type ride, and eliminate the fil entirely except the one in the begining (the waiting room, and spinning room) and one at the end (Finale in the big spinning room)

Spaceship earth is still good, and will probably be immune to an update for atleast another 5years, but even with the update, it should only be to the end of the ride.

Wonders of Life? I have always thought that converting it into a cooky 'Cranium Command' recruitment center would be fun..Sort of a weird 'Industry' meets 'Biology' with blood veins represented as pipes and the heart as a giant pump, with a fun dark ride through various body systems where you 'shoot' viruses that are infecting various organs and such..You become an honary white blood cell for the day, and shoot antibodies, of course, everything would be highly stylized, very cartoonish, fun, and yet the basic functions of all the organs will also be conveyed.
This would also include an update of the original Cranium Command, along with new exhibits throughout the pavillion..Sorry, Body Wars wouldn't make the cut, it'd be removed, too much film-based attractions in Epcot, anyways.

The Land: Is actually one of the pavillions that actually still deals with future technologies properly, I mean, you are seeing all of these futuristic and new ways to grow plants...It's really fascinating, just not a very re-rideable ride..But I really can't think of much more to do with this pavillion, except maybe a neat sensory thriller centered around volcanos and earthquakes, But I haven't really looked into the idea.

I think that covers them all, except for the fact that they need to add SOJI's Changing Skies Pavillion! Complete with all of our wonerful attractions, but hey, don't get me started, my fingers would fall off.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chad

I think that covers them all, except for the fact that they need to add SOJI's Changing Skies Pavillion! Complete with all of our wonerful attractions, but hey, don't get me started, my fingers would fall off.

What is SOJI?


New Member
I think UoE should be redone with the new Roaming Robots technology shown on Disney Imagineering.

It showed Robotics that can move anywhere with internal power sources and not limited to be stationary (bolted to the floor), they walk.

Redo the UoE with free roaming Dinosaurs that can cross your path and Interact with one another. Voila : Extreme UoE.



New Member
Yes, that's what SOJI is :)
We sorta had a bump in the road, but I think we're back on track, Changing Skies is practically finished, we just need some spit and shine..I'll make an announcement when it's all done...

BTW: Spider-man, I know this is serious thread drift, but do you read any of the Comics? I just got my ultimate in the mail..Fine piece of work :)


New Member
Originally posted by MrPromey

I agree with you completely, I think the problem that Disney may be facing with attractions geared to the future is that these days, the future is here. I mean, by the time the attraction opened at least some of the information would probably already be outdated. Right now there is this big debate about fuel cells and battery power and we already have these hybrid cars that seem to be old news. It’s like watching the movie in Norway where they cut to a scene of a guy at a computer with a monochrome screen and talk about how they are on the cutting edge of technology only worse. Perhaps they are sort of trying to re-establish what future world is about to some degree. I mean, not including Inoventions, most pavilions in Epcot don’t really go into a lot of detail on the future anymore…

thats what you get when technology move faster then you can use it.


New Member
I know Epcot is a "discovery" park, but that is not what people are really interested in. Today I was watching Local 6, Orlando's local news station and they did a story from Epcot and it looked like there were about 10 people there! They need to do something. I also understand about the land idea, we could change it for example when you are walking through the line you could learn about how pesticides are killing birds, fish, bugs, etc. Then different suggestions through out the ride could be made to help the enviornment!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
I know Epcot is a "discovery" park, but that is not what people are really interested in. Today I was watching Local 6, Orlando's local news station and they did a story from Epcot and it looked like there were about 10 people there! They need to do something. I also understand about the land idea, we could change it for example when you are walking through the line you could learn about how pesticides are killing birds, fish, bugs, etc. Then different suggestions through out the ride could be made to help the enviornment!

I dont think the problem is that people aren't interested in learning (although that is usually the case), the problem lies in how Epcot is trying to educate the guests. When Epcot opened, it was a truly unique experience, completely different from the idea of a "themed lands" park like Disneyland or the Magic Kingdom. It wowed people with all the pavillions and their high-tech shows, and the brand new World Showcase, where people could interact with peopel from all over teh world.

Well, fast forward to 2002. Epcot can no longer rely on the "High tech-ness" of the old rides to interest people. A moving vehicle through old AA dinosaurs and a slow narrated ride through a bunch of gardens is not going to hold many peoples attentions, unless Disney can find some great ideas for the future, and can come up with the money to redo all the pavillions. And I do mean all the pavillions.

When Epcot was made, each pavillion fit so perfectly into Epcot. Even though each was about different things, they all were equal in how the pavillion informed people, all indoors, similar AAs of the time, etc. Now, WoM has been turned into an up to date thrill ride. Imagination's central ride, although nice for what they could do on the budget, hardly stands up to the name of being the "central ride" for the pavillion. The Living Seas have yet to change. Wonders of Life, a pavillion obviously created some time in the middle of Epcots lifespan, is starting to get old. Some of these additions are alright, but the main problem I think is that for Disney to make Epcot have a period as exiting to the public as it did when it opened, they would have to re do every pavillion at the same time.

Think about it, why did the first Epcot work so well? Everythign was built at the same time. Every pavillion each had the same, up-to-date technology, the same type of architecture (although each pavillion was designed different, you could tell that each was made at the same time), and they all had the same, great music themes.

As Epcot has gone through the years, people can tell which pavillions were added later, which are beginning to show age, up to date technology in one ride (Test Track/M:S) and next door, old, out of date technology (Spaceship Earth, UoE). I know it will be practically impossibe for Epcot to ever update itself all at the same time with the same technology, but that is my guess as to why the park seems to be lacking somethign it once did, even with all the "improvements" going on.

But, yes, Michael, people do not seem to be interested in "discovery" or future and stuff. But if Epcot is going to add thrills to the park, they should do it with the idea of how the rest of the park will look if they were to add one. They should try to keep each pavillion telling a story of something along the lines of technology, etc., then they can use that to make a great thrill ride to keep everyone happy. Test Track was a good start. If they can make the rest of the pavillions up to date, with attention to detail as Test Track did (including the slower attractions) then we should be seeing some of the spirit of the original Epcot coming back.

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