Extraterrorestrial "ride"


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Original Poster
Hi all, Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked many a time before but I'm in the UK and it's really late and one of the few times I can post.. I was in Disney 4 years ago and had my hands broken by my wife and daughter in the above show. WHERE has it gone and WHY ?? It was great !!! I'm coming back to Orlando on 21st Oct AND I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!!
Your comments much appreciated !
Alien Encounter scared the *Quote* "Bejesus" out of me. Wasn't a big fan :(

I liked Stitch much better. I was scared walking in because it reminded me alot of Alien Encounter just walking through those corridors again but I found myself laughing the whole time :)

Much better IMHO :wave:

Give it a shot, You might like it :)



Active Member
DisneyGuyJake said:
Alien Encounter scared the *Quote* "Bejesus" out of me. Wasn't a big fan :(

I liked Stitch much better. I was scared walking in because it reminded me alot of Alien Encounter just walking through those corridors again but I found myself laughing the whole time :)

Much better IMHO :wave:

Give it a shot, You might like it :)


I'll stand with you on that.
Untill the AE worshipers come after us...:lookaroun


New Member
sheep said:
Hi all, Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked many a time before but I'm in the UK and it's really late and one of the few times I can post.. I was in Disney 4 years ago and had my hands broken by my wife and daughter in the above show. WHERE has it gone and WHY ?? It was great !!! I'm coming back to Orlando on 21st Oct AND I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!!
Your comments much appreciated !
As the gents above have said, it's gone the way of stitch. Why? I think because people complained that Alien Encounter traumatised their little brats (nothing to do with their ignoring the multiple warning messages) also Disney are marketing the snot out of Stitch, so they gave him his own attraction.

I can't give an honest comparison between the two attractions as Stitch opened a few weeks after my last visit.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mind SGE. Overlooking a couple plot holes, it was a fairly enjoyable experience. The animatronic is amazing. I didn't mind the chilidog smell. I think if they change it, they should go with bubblegum.

Give it a shot. If you don't like it, don't do it again, but at least you tried it and gave it a shot.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad they changed it. Though i'm getting REALLY tired of parents complaining about attractions being too scray despite all the warnings they plaster everywhere, :dazzle: I thought Extraterrorestral seemed a bit too much for the Magic Kingdom too me. Maybe it could've worked in Epcot or MGM but what's done is done and honestly, though i'm not a big Stich fan, you'd have a better chance getting me in Stiches ride than Extraterrorestral.
Dragonrider1227 said:
I'm glad they changed it. Though i'm getting REALLY tired of parents complaining about attractions being too scray despite all the warnings they plaster everywhere, :dazzle: I thought Extraterrorestral seemed a bit too much for the Magic Kingdom too me. Maybe it could've worked in Epcot or MGM but what's done is done and honestly, though i'm not a big Stich fan, you'd have a better chance getting me in Stiches ride than Extraterrorestral.

I agree, It would have fit in perfectly if they could have worked the rights contract for the movie "Alien" to use into it. It would still be a hit at MGM.

I know that it was a fantasy ride so it was put into the Magic Kingdom but it was way too much of a scary fantasy. Yeah, the haunted mansion and the fantasyland dark rides are meant to be scary but they have a light hearted scary twist on them which is perfectly suited for kids. Alien Encounter was made to terrify you and was not supposed to be for the kids. Didn't fit in IMO.

I wonder what Walt would have done with it? I think he would have been very impressed with the technology but I don't know where he would have fit it in. I know he wanted his parks to be for both Adults and Kids but I don't know if he ever intended to have a ride for just the older crowd. What do yall think?



New Member
DisneyGuyJake said:
I agree, It would have fit in perfectly if they could have worked the rights contract for the movie "Alien" to use into it. It would still be a hit at MGM.

Disney does own the rights to use Alien. It just never has outside of the Great Movie Ride.

Back in the early 1980s, the Imagineers were planning on building a dark-ride attraction at Disneyland themed around the original Alien movie. It involved guests hunting down the aliens aboard the Nostromo. (Think Men in Black at Universal Studios, except scary) However, the Imagineers decided that the attraction would have been too intense for Disneyland and the project was shelved.

Many of the ideas that the Imagineers had thought up for the Alien ride were eventually used in Alien Encounter. (AE was actually going to use the alien from Alien, until Michael Eisner decided that it was too scary looking)

Jim Hill has several articles on the cancelled Alien ride, plus the development of Alien Encounter:

The Extra Terrorestrial Files- Part 1

The Extra Terrorestrial Files- Part 2

The Extra Terrorestrial Files- Part 3

The Extra Terrorestrail Files- Part 4

Interesting to see what could have been. I hope Disney will one day put the Alien movies to use...perhaps at Disney MGM Studios where they would fit in good.


New Member
Dukeis#1 said:
Back in the early 1980s, the Imagineers were planning on building a dark-ride attraction at Disneyland themed around the original Alien movie. It involved guests hunting down the aliens aboard the Nostromo. (Think Men in Black at Universal Studios, except scary) However, the Imagineers decided that the attraction would have been too intense for Disneyland and the project was shelved.
Another company came up with a similar attraction in the UK based around Aliens with Colonial Marines leading the guests through the sets. It found a home in London at The Trocadero. Sadly it is no more. It closed before I had a chance to experience it, apparently the sets were destroyed by flooding.

Mecha Figment

New Member
well i personaly felt that alien encounters was amazing. I was very upset when they replaced it with the stitch ride

Stitch was develped using the same stage and technology that alien encounters used which was a far cry from Mission to mars which was so severly out dated.


New Member
alien encounter was good the first time I went on. But I never go on those types of attractions (stitch) more than once a visit because I know whats coming (smells, water...etc.)


Active Member
I first *encountered* AE before the grand opening (about 7 years old). They had made quite a bit of chances from the secret opening to the grand opening. We had no idea what it was going to be like, never heard anything about it. Yes we saw the signs, but I was usually good with stuff like that. I was bawling coming out of the exit. I just had no idea what to expect and all of a sudden I thought I was going to get eaten.

My family and I will always stand behind Disney, so we would never complain. And the next time we went, it was alot better: ALOT more lights on, much brighter, luckily they changed the ride up a bit.

I miss it now! I didn't get to try SGE the last time I went. WAY to crowded. Can't wait to get to check it out though.


New Member
DisneyGuyJake said:
I know that it was a fantasy ride so it was put into the Magic Kingdom but it was way too much of a scary fantasy. Yeah, the haunted mansion and the fantasyland dark rides are meant to be scary but they have a light hearted scary twist on them which is perfectly suited for kids. Alien Encounter was made to terrify you and was not supposed to be for the kids. Didn't fit in IMO.

Actually, I might be the only one, but I found Alien Encounter hilarious. I didn't notice the humor the first time I rode it, but after I did (I personally didn't find it that scary) I rode it a few more times and it was hilarious! A lot of the dialogue in the preshow was a stab at huge corporations, which was a laugh and releif to see in Disney World.

Anyways, I'm going to the World in a few days, and I'll experience Stitch for the first time. I really enjoyed Alien Encounter, but I'm definitely willing to give Stitch a shot! :)

G0aT CheEZeY

New Member
I thought it was really fun, but I like being scared. I haven't ridden the Stitch version yet but I was really disappointed when they switched it all over. If you saw the TV special that Disney did when AE first came out, you'd see how the ride was much tamer than Disney was pushing it to be.

~The G0aT~


New Member
barnum42 said:
I think because people complained that Alien Encounter traumatised their little brats (nothing to do with their ignoring the multiple warning messages)

Yeah, but even Tower of Terror isn't as scary as AE. And ToT is pretty intense. I remember seeing "some children may be scared by this ride" signs on the snow white ride... wherever that was... DL, I Think.

AE scared fourteen shades of *ahem* human waste products... out of me. I hated that attraction with a passion. It was, to me, about as un-Disney as you can get. Anything that makes an attraction more Disneyish is great in my opinion-can't wait to go visit Stitch next May.

Meanwhile, I'll contemplate that I saw grown adults screaming and later, crying in that attraction and ponder over why you're calling them little brats :p


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