I have to say that my days at Universal and Disney MGM Studios were because of the idea that they were working studios. they gave you a behind the scenes peek at how things were done. But my Generation was an educated generation, that didnt rely on Video games and the Internet for social activity. the new Generation, which I deemed Generation ADHD. cannot handle any rides that are below D ticket. Jaws, King Kong, and Earthquake would have been too slow for them (Sooner or later, its the same fate as ET). The tounge in cheek comedy of Back to the future was "eye rolling" according to an 18 year old i spoke to. I mean heck they put the RRR in the middle of New York street. which is just ugly. Days of I love lucy the tribute, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Twister, Backdraft, and Shows like The Wild West stunt show or Animal Actors just do not have the same appeal to this generation as it did to us. we liked to be educated and discover the magic. this generation just wants attention and mindless thrills. BTTF is a far superior film and ride compared to the Simpsons. but its not in theis generations mindset. Jaws was replaced by the over popular Harry Potter because of Money. If you look at Universal now. MITB is a sony property, Simpsons Fox, Harry Potter Warner bros, Terminator Warner/paramount, Shrek Dreamworks. Transformers Paramount. techically Mummy, KingKong, ET, Minions, and jurassic park are the only brands they own. outside of some smaller ones.
Its just the time we live in