Trip Report Everything is Satisfactual - 4 Brits do Disney!

Welcome, ladies and gents, to my brand spanking new (and first ever) trip report!

I have been so excited to write this after reading some awesome ones on here :)

We got back from Disney World a few days ago so, even though I am still recovering from jet lag, I have a major case of the Disney Blues! :cry::cry::cry: I’m hoping that this report will relieve some of those.

Let’s begin:

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Who: Hello, this is us. :) There were 4 of us on the trip - 2 couples and 2 sisters :) We are all in our twenties.

From left to right:

Kit, my boyfriend. He’s Canadian but has lived in the UK for most of his life.
Me, Stevie! I have lived in London my whole life, and my family are also from here.
My younger sister, Lisa. Isn’t she a beaut?
Lisa’s boyfriend, Wing. He’s Chinese but has also lived in London since forever :)

Lisa & I have been to the World twice - once when I was 9 and again when I was 16. Kit and Wing had never been to WDW before (this is actually a lie - Kit went when he was 3/4, but doesn’t remember a thing about it!).

This trip actually came about because my family were reminiscing about our previous trips and remembering what a great time we had. I then had a lightbulb moment - “hey, why don’t we go again?!” - and lo and behold, this trip was booked! Luckily we had some savings, because we booked it pretty last minute (booked in April and flew in July) and it took every last penny I owned :banghead: (but still so worth it!). :D

When: We went from July 29th - August 8th. 10 nights. Unfortunately, our jobs prevented us from going at a quieter time!

Where: We stayed at All Star Movies and all shared one room. Yep - we were on a bit of a budget. Eeek! Find out how that went down a bit later :rolleyes:

All in all, we had a brilliant trip. It wasn’t perfect by any means, and I’ll try and write as honestly as I can. This trip report will include the good, the bad and the ugly. Since we hadn’t been to WDW for 10 years, in many ways it felt like the first time, and we had so many fresh and new experiences!

I also took a million pictures, so I’ll be posting lots of them here. They will be a mixture of iPhone, DSLR and Photopass shots!

Here’s hoping you’ll join us for the ride! ;)


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Its been nearly a week with no postings. I miss this thread

I'm right there with ya, but @Disney-leaf's a busy girl! She won't forget us. Or rather, we won't let her forget! :p

Just wanted to say what a great report this is. I can almost feel how much fun it was to be there.

What she said

I just completed a 12 night Trip to The World and still nothing haha, i miss reading this thread

Maybe if we start posting sad kitty pics, she'll come back to us!


She is very busy but I want to find out what happens!!!!!!!!!

Has she forgotten us?


Hello all you lovely people!! Firstly, I am SOOO sorry for being so slow at updating! I definitely haven't forgotten you @catmom46 (those sad kitty pics ... :cry::p), and I think about WDW (and this TR!) all the time!! Literally every single day! :cry:

I've been insanely busy at work :banghead: (I'm currently training to be a teacher) and had a huge assignment due, BUT I only have a week left and then I have two relaxing weeks off for Christmas! :D So I will definitely be updating then, and I will also try and update before then too!

I WILL get this TR finished, and I'm so excited to share all our adventures with you .. there are many more to come! Including ...

(here come the teasers ;))

- Kit busting his nose at Typhoon Lagoon!
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
- Meeting my absolute hero at Epcot!
- Three theme parks in one day!
- Falling asleep in a restaurant!

Lots of love to you all! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:


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All pictures are flattering if you are happy in them! Pictures are to capture moments and emotions, right? So like you, I think certain photos of myself are unflattering (in fact, the fiancee won't change his facebook picture because it's of us two days after we got engaged and we look really happy, but I hate the pic because my hair is flying away). Basically, my point is, we may think our photos aren't the greatest but a)others love them of us and b)it captures a wonderful moment!

So glad you got your tea!

FYI--when you go back to Disney, there is a smaller version of the Kitchen Sink on Main Street in the MK. So yes, it will take at least two of you but it's not half as big as Beaches and Cream (at least from the looks in pictures!)

Thank you!! I agree about the pictures! I will be trying the smaller version - that is such a great tip!! :)

Enjoying your trip report!

Thank you!

Still following along. Summit Plummet is terrifying! Closest I ever came to chickening out of a "ride" because of fear.

Love the pics in Beaches & Cream!

It really is terrifying! I always wonder if I'll do it again next time ... at the moment I think not, but I'm sure I'll change my mind!

Enjoying your TR. Those sundaes look AWESOME.:inlove::hungry:

Thank you!! They were pretty damn good :)

Just read your whole report in one sitting. I am loving it and can't wait for the next update. Great photos and you can really tell that you are having a wonderful time. I love the photo of Kit enjoying his sundae at Beaches and Cream!

Thank you so much - sorry I'm so slow at the update!! :p I was so happy that Kit could eat so much of the stuff at WDW - another reason why it's amazing! :D

Loving your report. So much fun! You are all are seriously so cute!!!

:p :p :p

So glad you found some tea!! I love tea! I drink two to three cups a day, but I've never tried it with milk! I drink it plain/black. I like my tea strong tasting.. maybe i'll have to give milk a shot though!

Give milk a shot! You never know, you might like it :happy: I can tolerate black tea, but much prefer it with milk :hilarious:

Just wanted to say what a great report this is. I can almost feel how much fun it was to be there.

Thank you! :) It was so much fun, I literally ache to go back every day!

Great trip report so far. It's entertained me while I'm doing the laundry!

Yeah, those summertime thunderstorms are why it is best to arrive/depart in the AM, if you can. When flying back from San Francisco after visiting my parents one August, we descended into Atlanta's airport with quite a rocky landing. My daughter was so scared she started crying and screamed that we were going to crash(just what all the other passengers wanted to hear) . Needless to say, she refused to get on the connecting flight to Florida so I had to DRIVE back. Just what I wanted, a five hour car drive after a 5 hour plane flight. It would have been about an hour to fly home from Atlanta.

Wow, that's crazy! That's so scary. I've actually never been more frightened on a plane than I was that day. I hope your daughter's been able to get on a plane since?

Yeah, I agree about the tea. They look at you funny when you ask for milk for your tea. And bring you cream.

I wish you hadn't mentioned scones. With clotted cream and jam..... Yum.

Great photos.

:) :) :) I love scones!!

Ahhhh. How lovely. :)


You guys are all great!


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So, the last time I posted, we had just arrived in Downtown Disney after eating a ton of ice-cream at Beaches & Cream.

Our first stop was World of Disney which, to be honest, I wasn’t that impressed with. There didn’t seem to be much merchandise that we hadn’t already seen elsewhere in Disney.

Anyways! We still had some fun walking around:

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Then, as we left, we walked past some wonderful musicians so stopped to listen for a while. There was a guy on a saxophone, and then a classical band playing Disney tunes. I wish I’d written their name down - has anyone seen these guys before?

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Whilst the boys were checking out something else, Lisa and I headed into Candy Cauldron. As if we hadn’t just eaten enough sugar!

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The most expensive strawberry I’ve ever bought! $4! But totally worth it. (P.s. this was my phone background for agessss).

We met back up with Kit and Wing and headed into Disney Quest, which had been recommended by that lovely family we were chatting to on the way back from Blizzard Beach.


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Disney Quest!

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You’ve gotta pose with Ralph, haven’t you? :)

We did some exploring, and the main game that I remember was the Aladdin Magic Carpet Ride, which was a bit bizarre! You have to wear a really heavy headset and move your head around to make the character move, but mine kept slipping off. It was harder than it looked!

Overall, Disney Quest was fun, but not really my thing. I'm so terrible at arcade games. The boys enjoyed it though!

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In fact, I was feeling pretty exhausted at this point, and whilst the boys played more arcade games I took the opportunity to have a little nap! Me and Lisa went and found some comfy chairs, and she read her book whilst I had some tea and then fell asleep with my head on the table. It was good! No pictures of me, sadly. ;)

Then it was time to head back ... but not before a couple more snaps:

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We caught the bus home and arrived back around 10.30pm. We were all peckish at this point, so grabbed something from the Food Court. I had pasta with chicken, and I remember it was good! I actually really liked all the food court meals. They did the job. :p

Then it was time for more sleep! Zzzz. A big day was coming up tomorrow - we were heading back to the Magic Kingdom :inlove:


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We woke up to rain. Rain rain rain. Florida weather was not kind to us on this trip! :arghh:

After another healthy Disney breakfast (ha) we were on the bus to MK. It was a slower start this morning, and we didn’t get to the park until 9.45. As is evident from the pictures, everyone was thrilled with the weather and raring to go:





(Always with tea ;))





:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

(As you can see, I had great company on the way there! :bored:)


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Once we arrived, we decided to get straight onto the Railway and head to Fantasyland. It was still pouring at this point.

Our first stop was the circus shop, and what did I see but my beloved chocolate covered strawberries. Unfortunately I couldn’t buy any yet as they were still being made and the chocolate hadn’t set. Boo! :cry:



However, there were lots of other yummy things to drool over in the meantime:



When they were finally for sale, I was the first in the queue/in heaven. THEY ARE SO GOOD.



And a close-up! :hilarious: "Take pictures of the strawberries Kit!!" :hilarious:


We then went on the Teacups, which was fun but felt about 20 seconds long, and then wandered over to Peter Pan. It already had an 80 minute wait (crazy!), but thankfully we had Fast Passes. I’m glad we got to experience it without a fast pass on the first day, though, because the queue is seriously awesome for that ride. :p

After flying past Big Ben and feeling homesick for about 5 seconds, we decided to head onto Main Street for a drink. We went into Starbucks to get a hot chocolate (which was really busy because everyone else had the same idea to escape the rain) and we bumped into a Photopass photographer. I love these photos, lol. Oh yea, and Wing got a hotdog for a mid-morning snack (only in Disney!)



Finally, the rain started to settle and was only spitting. We were so happy.

Lisa was desperate to get a silhouette done, so we wandered over to the stall. :) :) :)


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Oh my goodness, the silhouette guy is amazing. It’s just incredible how he works so quickly and accurately! He literally sits there with a teeny tiny pair of scissors and snips away. :eek: :)

There was a lovely family having all of their silhouettes made before we got there, and it was so cute because the little girl (who couldn't have been older than 3) fell asleep whilst she was getting hers done, so she was sat on her dad’s lap whilst he held her head up! :inlove:

Finally, it was our turn! Yayyy.




Lisa’s end result! She was really pleased:


And these are mine and Kit’s at home: :p


Once they were all done and safely inside Kit’s bag, we rushed over to Splash Mountain for our FP+! This is one of my absolute favourite rides and one that I remembered best from my first trip to WDW 17 years ago! Such a classic!

Luckily the rain had completely stopped by this point, but we were all wet anyway, so we didn’t mind getting soaked a bit more!





Everything is satisfactual! :D :D :D


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As we were walking through Main Street USA, wondering what to do next, we stumbled upon the Move It Street Party! This was so much fun!! It was one of those wonderfully unpredictable moments that happen on holiday and, of course, we decided to stay and have a little dance (except Wing, who does NOT dance! Hahaha). :D

This was one of my favourite moments from the whole trip!! Everyone dancing and laughing in the street - what’s not to love?! :inlove:

Mickey and Jessie showing us their moves:



I got so into the music and dancing at one point that I accidentally bumped into an elderly gentleman. :eek: It was only a teeny tiny bump (promise!!), but he looked at me as though I’d just killed his dog! o_O Sorry dude, I’m at Disney! :facepalm: :pKit was actually filming at this point, so here are some print screens of the ‘incident’:

The best part is Lisa's face as she's pulling me out of the way! :p


He didn't seem too impressed with my apology, but we laughed it off! These things happen! :)


Lisa's moves! I can't remember what song they were playing but it must have been really good :D


Wing was not so impressed with the 'running man': :hilarious:



Selfie time:

(So. Much. Cheese.)


(Note my Mickey Earrings - I bought them 3 years prior to this trip in Disneyland Paris!)


All the gang together. Awwwww. :inlove:

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Donald Duck was absolutely hysterical dancing to Taylor Swift! He had the moves down!


We got into a conga line and luckily there was a photopass photographer there to capture the moment!

My sister, haha! :p





I really didn’t want it to end, we were having so much fun! But, I guess it had do at some point! :(

All that dancing made us pretty hungry, so it was time for some snacks! :D :D :D

Now, it all gets a bit confusing at this point, but bear with me. o_O

Originally, I bought a Mickey Ice-Cream Sandwich, Kit bought a strawberry ice-lolly and Lisa bought popcorn.

Kit is allergic to nuts, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts. He bought the lolly thinking it’d be fine for him, but when he checked the packaging it said “May contain traces of nuts” (how nuts would get into a strawberry ice-lolly, I have no idea). He no longer felt safe eating it, so I swapped with him (because, by some miracle, the ice-cream sandwich was totally safe for him! The mind boggles). We were happily eating our swapped snacks, when Lisa let out a huge sigh because she realised her popcorn was salty, and she doesn’t like salty popcorn. So I ended up eating that, too!

(Bye ice-cream sandwich, we barely got to know each other :cry: :hilarious:)



Spot the teeth marks!


Luckily the strawberry ice-lolly was pretty good too! :p :inlove:


I have to stop eating!!! :bookworm:



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It was time for our next and final FP+!

This time, it was to meet Mickey at the Town Square Theatre. None of us had done this before, and I was actually quite excited!

We walked over and got into the FP queue. This was at lunchtime, and I remember the queue being very long! I felt so lucky that we managed to skip past most of it.

Meeting Mickey was awesome!! All of us couldn’t help but stand there with goofy grins on our faces. This activity was also one of the most shocking of our trips, because we DIDN’T KNOW THAT MICKEY TALKED! :eek: :eek:

When we walked in and he said “Hiya Pals! It’s been too long!” We couldn’t believe it!! It was so strange but hilarious at the same time! And we also couldn’t believe how much time we were given with Mickey - we all got to have a good chat with him and the photopass photographer was excellent, taking tons of shots! :D

"He talks!!"


Big, big hugs (before I even put my bag down!)





Still in shock that I was actually having a chat with Mickey Mouse!! :hilarious:


Oh and if you're wondering about the pin on my top, it's a little Pascale with the word 'Sassy' on it that Kit bought for me! :happy:
If I remember correctly, I placed it there to cover a small tea-stain on my top! :facepalm: :hilarious:






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And here are the boy's photos! I don't know why their legs look so awkward? lol!




Just before we left, Mickey told us about the hitchhiking ghost at the Haunted Mansion, before making us all 'hitchhike' with him. I felt like such a kid ... I loved it!



Kit's face :happy: :hilarious:

Mickey then said in a creepy voice "Hurry backkkkk!" which both made us laugh and terrified us! :arghh: :p

Overall, it was super fun and I'm so glad I got to meet him!! :)

Up next ... Lunch at Be Our Guest! :D

(This is just a little hello to people old and new who are reading my TR! Hi! :) I'm hoping to add a lot more to our trip in the next few days as I'm off work. Thanks so much for reading! And Merry Christmas! :inlove:)

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