Trip Report Everything is Satisfactual - 4 Brits do Disney!

Welcome, ladies and gents, to my brand spanking new (and first ever) trip report!

I have been so excited to write this after reading some awesome ones on here :)

We got back from Disney World a few days ago so, even though I am still recovering from jet lag, I have a major case of the Disney Blues! :cry::cry::cry: I’m hoping that this report will relieve some of those.

Let’s begin:

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Who: Hello, this is us. :) There were 4 of us on the trip - 2 couples and 2 sisters :) We are all in our twenties.

From left to right:

Kit, my boyfriend. He’s Canadian but has lived in the UK for most of his life.
Me, Stevie! I have lived in London my whole life, and my family are also from here.
My younger sister, Lisa. Isn’t she a beaut?
Lisa’s boyfriend, Wing. He’s Chinese but has also lived in London since forever :)

Lisa & I have been to the World twice - once when I was 9 and again when I was 16. Kit and Wing had never been to WDW before (this is actually a lie - Kit went when he was 3/4, but doesn’t remember a thing about it!).

This trip actually came about because my family were reminiscing about our previous trips and remembering what a great time we had. I then had a lightbulb moment - “hey, why don’t we go again?!” - and lo and behold, this trip was booked! Luckily we had some savings, because we booked it pretty last minute (booked in April and flew in July) and it took every last penny I owned :banghead: (but still so worth it!). :D

When: We went from July 29th - August 8th. 10 nights. Unfortunately, our jobs prevented us from going at a quieter time!

Where: We stayed at All Star Movies and all shared one room. Yep - we were on a bit of a budget. Eeek! Find out how that went down a bit later :rolleyes:

All in all, we had a brilliant trip. It wasn’t perfect by any means, and I’ll try and write as honestly as I can. This trip report will include the good, the bad and the ugly. Since we hadn’t been to WDW for 10 years, in many ways it felt like the first time, and we had so many fresh and new experiences!

I also took a million pictures, so I’ll be posting lots of them here. They will be a mixture of iPhone, DSLR and Photopass shots!

Here’s hoping you’ll join us for the ride! ;)


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I'm enjoying your Disney trip report! I can understand the need for tea! I need it to properly function in the morning, tho I drink mine without milk.

Thanks! Oh, me too! I can't function without it. I wish I didn't take milk - it would have made my time at Disney easier :D In the end I kinda got used to the taste of coffee creamer! :bored:


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The Haunted Mansion had a short wait time (if I remember correctly, it was a walk-on), so that was next! I LOVE this ride, and it’s one of my mum’s favourites. I really wish we’d had more time to go on it again. I am singing the song in my head now!

“Happy haunts materialize, and begin to vocalize,
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socializeeeeee”

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When we got out, it was HOT. We were not yet accustomed to Floridian heat, and we were ready for a drink! We found a little stand and got some frozen lemonade slushies. It was the best thing ever.

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Then, it was time for the stocks! :( Oh dear!

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Not quite sure what that face is, haha!
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Can't ... quite ... reach ... the lock!
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We had our first FP for Space Mountain, so we headed over to Tomorrowland. I grabbed a few more shots on the way!

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I don’t have any pics from Space, unfortunately! Can I just say here that I love FastPass?! There was already an hour wait for Space, but we were on our mission in about 5-10 mins! Wing absolutely loved this ride! I thought it was great, but I did miss the huge planets that you whizz past in Disneyland Paris.

After Space, we hopped onto the People Mover. Pretty sure I had never been on it before, and it was really nice to relax for a bit! We had done all of that before 10.40am. Phew!

It offered some pretty views:

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Our next FP was Big Thunder, for which I also don’t have pictures for. I love this ride :) as did everyone else!

After that, we decided it was time for some food, and what else is more perfect on a hot day than ice-cream?

We went to the Plaza Ice Cream Parlour on Main St and I ordered a cookie ice-cream sandwich (with cookies & cream flavour ice-cream). It was yummy, but HUGE. Do people actually finish these things?! I gave it my best shot, but only managed about half! We didn’t have anywhere to sit and our legs needed a rest, so we just sat on the pavement outside of the parlour whilst we ate. Nom nom nom.

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Well-Known Member
Loving your TR so far. Bringing back lots of memories of last October/November when 3 of us shared a room, all adults. Visit prior to this there were 2 rooms of 4 adults- definitely not good for 14 days, but we coped 'cos we were at the happiest place on earth (and it meant we had more money for the trip). :cool:


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Full of ice-cream, we decided that something gentle next would be wise, so we went to Carousel of Progress. This ride is such a classic!

After that, our FP’s for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train were ready. It was a very fun ride, but I’m not quite sure that I understand the hype! Is it just because it’s new? It’s so short! It felt like it was over in a minute. I certainly wouldn’t wait an hour or more for it, like I saw lots of other people doing.

Here are some on-ride pics:

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As you can see, we were (trying to) record the experience. I took lots of video on this holiday - hopefully I can find the time to make a little mini movie! (P.s. I love the little kid at the front of this picture!!)

As we left the Mine Train, we were very pleased to see that Gaston was out! He was at the top of our list for meet & greets, so we hurried over to join the line. We were the last group that they allowed in … phew! I felt bad for all the people who got turned away. Gaston was really funny, but I remember feeling more and more nervous as we got closer to meeting him! Haha. What on earth would I say? :eek:

When it was finally our turn, I said … umm .. nothing! I was too nervous and tongue tied! Hahaha. I just stood there smiling like a goof. :geek:

He said something like "that's right, that's right, let the ladies stand next to me" and then posed for some pictures with us.

As he was walking away, he said: “Why has nobody complimented me yet?”,
to which Lisa replied: “well, you are pretty fabulous!”
And as he stomped off, he shouted back: “that’s better!”

He was great! :inlove:

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After that, we headed into Gaston’s Tavern for a LeFou’s brew and a pork shank. Had to be done! :D

Verdict? I’m glad I tried them once - not sure I would do it again! ;)

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I also split some apple slices with Lisa in order to feel a little bit healthy … but even those came with a caramel dip! :facepalm:

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After our ‘little snack’, we went to watch Philarmagic. I must warn you, my sister is OBSESSED with Donald. It’s serious. She is in LOVE. It was a really funny show - I liked it!

We then did a little bit of shopping, before deciding it was probably time to leave, as we had dinner reservations and, as you can see from the apple picture, we could all do with a bit of freshening up!

However, just as we started making our way out of the park, the Festival of Fantasy Parade was starting! Not wanting to miss it, we found a little spot near the exit to watch. I’d forgotten how exciting it was to see all of the characters on the floats, dancing and waving. I felt 5 years old again - and I loved it! :p :p

Coming up: parade pictures!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Loving your TR so far. Bringing back lots of memories of last October/November when 3 of us shared a room, all adults. Visit prior to this there were 2 rooms of 4 adults- definitely not good for 14 days, but we coped 'cos we were at the happiest place on earth (and it meant we had more money for the trip). :cool:

Yep, we were the same! It would have cost double for separate rooms and, considering there were two double beds, it seemed crazy not to share! Most of the time it worked out OK - luckily me and my sister get on well! ;)

I'm in!
Always fun to follow the exploits of 4 young, fun, attractive Londoners in the "World"..

:D :D :D you're making us blush! :p

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