Everyone eat the Eggrolls


Active Member
Yes, CymbalDiva, they did have pizza ones way back when. They also had ones with hot dogs and cheese. Are they still around?!? I don't remember, it's been two years since I've been there.

On every trip with my family, even without them, it became a tradition to stop and get egg rolls from the cart outside of the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. Plus, we always stop in Frontierland to get those delicious TURKEY LEGS!!!!! MMMMMMMMM :slurp: I can't wait to get down there in November!!! :D :sohappy:


damn... I didn't even know they had eggrolls in WDW, other than in China in Epcot. Hm...
I might have to try one next time I go.


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Knowledge Is Power!

Originally posted by cymbaldiva

But if they're so unhealthy and shouldn't be eaten then how would you know, or care about for that matter, the difference? :veryconfu

In seeking the answers to a good life I have, on occasion, stumbled down the wrong path. I have always found it best to learn from my mistakes rather than to repeat them. Just wanted to share my experience with the thought that perhaps someone else might be spared the inconvenience of learning the hard way. Perhaps one person may have gained some insight.:wave:


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin0402
Are the eggrolls the same resort wide? Because I always have to get the eggrolls in China at Epcot. They are soooooo good! Anyway, the old restaurant in Adventureland was called, I think, the Adventureland Terrace. There's a memorial page on it at Widen Your World. Check it out...

Actually, It was named the Adventureland Veranda. It was Tomorrowland that had the Tomorrowland Terrace (now Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe).

Not to be Picky of course.


Active Member
Originally posted by wdwfan4eva
Yes, CymbalDiva, they did have pizza ones way back when. They also had ones with hot dogs and cheese. Are they still around?!? I don't remember, it's been two years since I've been there.

On every trip with my family, even without them, it became a tradition to stop and get egg rolls from the cart outside of the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. Plus, we always stop in Frontierland to get those delicious TURKEY LEGS!!!!! MMMMMMMMM :slurp: I can't wait to get down there in November!!! :D :sohappy:

Thank you so much! :sohappy: I thought they had pizza eggrolls! I don't remember the hotdog ones, but I guess I was to dazzled by the pizza to even notice! :animwink: :D

Nothin' wrong with the turkey legs either!

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