Every Pic GONE


New Member
Original Poster
:cry::cry:I am so bummed and DH is asleep! Every single pic of my 2 yo's son first trip to WDW is GONE!!!! I know I didn't print them out and I swear I put them on my computer....but they are NOWHERE to be found. :(:(:(:( Oh well not much I can do now but cry and be upset...........:eek:


New Member
Original Poster
Yep, did the search and searched in hidden folders too. I swear I was looking at them before we moved a month ago. But I can almost guarantee that when the first day of school came around and my card/camera optioned to reformat and I said ok......the pics were still on there:shrug: At least I have a few memories:cry:


Well-Known Member
Yep, did the search and searched in hidden folders too. I swear I was looking at them before we moved a month ago. But I can almost guarantee that when the first day of school came around and my card/camera optioned to reformat and I said ok......the pics were still on there:shrug: At least I have a few memories:cry:
Can you set your computer back (System restore)?


New Member
It's ok. you'll just have to go back and create new pictures...

DH and I lost EVERY picture taken on our HONEYMOON, but one! I was totally bummed. But it makes me sit and try to picture everything in my head and re-live it. I think I can remember the trip better and more fondly because it's caused me to do this. Hopefully you'll find this as well.

I'm so sorry - I know it stinks. :(


Well-Known Member
:cry::cry:I am so bummed and DH is asleep! Every single pic of my 2 yo's son first trip to WDW is GONE!!!! I know I didn't print them out and I swear I put them on my computer....but they are NOWHERE to be found. :(:(:(:( Oh well not much I can do now but cry and be upset...........:eek:
Oh, I am so sorry!
I had a situation during my last trip where all of my pics from half my trip were lost. :(
I took the pics w/ a digital camera using a memory card & all of the pics that I took were showing up fine.
Then, I went to take some more pics & I could not pull the ones up that I had taken.
The amount of pics that I had taken was subtracted from the total of pics that the card will hold, but we have not been able to upload them.
We are going to try & take the memory card to a photo place to see if they can recover them.
Thank goodness for Photo Pass or we would not have any CRT or BBB pics!
We also visited all of the parks again during our trip, so I was able to get about 500 pics all together.
I still would like to have the first ones that I took.
This is the problem with digital pictures, we say we are going to get them printed, we never do and then terrible things like this happen. I hope you find your pictures. Im sorry to hear it. :(


New Member
their is a cd that finds photos on your hard drive

may i suggest next time use flock or photo bucket to save them. takes you 10 min to load and 5 to put the pics on. very easy to use.

now their is a software program called dont panic. very good it helped my family with finding our photos. heres the link.


give this a shot since you have really nothing to lose.

I was able to recover 149 pictures with no problems. You have a great product, Thank you.
Susan Atwell

Thank you x 1 million! Can't thank you enough! You came through for us when I thought all was lost. Restored my faith in human nature! Too few people out there who would take the trouble to help someone else out - I will be recommending 'ImageRecall to all my friends.
Thanx again.

Recovered everything we lost due to the virus, Thank you for your patience and perseverance. Great product - great support.
Thanks very much.

I wanted to thank you for having such a program to recover some very precious memories that would have otherwise would have been lost forever. I had great wedding pictures of my nephew's wedding and most important to me were pictures of myself, my sister and my brother seperately taken with my Mom. Having lost our father 2 years ago it was very important to us to capture a moment with our Mother to cherish for a lifetime. I was so VERY upset when I learned that these pictures seem to have disappeared from my camera. The $40.00 charge for your program was a small price to pay for these memories to be recaptured. I really like that the program would demo and show it's ability to recover so that I would know that when I purchased it my pictures would be retruned.
THANK YOU again for this program!!!
Michelene Trent
Rockwall, Texas

Thanks for your help with the image recall software, most of the photos were retrieved so I'm really happy.

Thanks a lot for Image Recall. I was able to retrieve my deleted images from smartmedia card without any problems. highly recommended piece of software.
Tony Otter.satisfied customer

Just to let you know how delighted I am that I was able to successfully recover my 'lost photos' from Silverstone, using your excellent Image Recall Software. How I managed to be so stupid as to delete all the contents from the wrong chip, I do not know, but having now recovered the situation, my son thinks I am a hero!!
You are very welcome to use this as a testament should you wish! Thank you very much for your support over the phone too; most helpful. All the best.

Thank you for sending the image recall software.
I extremely happy to say that it worked and I shall be recommending it any one else that requires this type of software.
Thank you very much

First of all may I congratulate you on an excellent product. A colleague of mine was telling me about it during The Stella Artois Tennis Championships this year, and recommending everyone that they should buy it. Like most, I thought it was something that I would never need .....Wrong!
Last week my wife retired from her job after 38 yrs. and I went along to her retirement party at a London Hotel to record the event; imagine my horror when I went to download the images, only to find that there were "No Images" on the CF Card.
I searched the Internet, and found 'Image Recall' made a purchase and downloaded the programme. All the Images have now been recovered! My wife is no longer threatening to Divorce/Kill me! The software is so easy to use. I shall tell everyone I meet who has a digital camera that this is probably the best bit of software on the market and at under £30 a life saver.
Could you please let me know the cost of being able to install it on a second computer, i.e. my laptop. May thanks for an excellent product.
Thanks again
David Musgrove

I would just like to thank you for such a good program.
I just recently returned from a holiday in Malta. when I came to download my digital images from my smartmedia card all the images were unreadable. I downloaded your program and all 66 images were recovered. Thank you once again
Richard Coughtrie


I have just bought the full version, as your Lite version has successfully recovered the first 10 pictures from my Smart Media card. Fantastic, now I can't wait to retrieve the other 75 lost images of my holiday in Cape Town!
Thanks again.
Patrick Bell, Devon, UK

I would like to congratulate your company for producing such a wonderful piece of software as " image recall".
With this software and the useful and helpful advice, I managed to recover all my invaluable holiday photographs which I thought I had lost for ever from a defective smartcard. I found the product extremely easy operate and very user friendly.
I am so pleased with the results that I just had to send this e-mail and I am sure that with such products your company will be very successful.
yours sincerely
Michael Donovan SLE Ltd

I would just like to say thank you the product does what it says and is extremely easy to use. I was in Vietnam when the smart media on my camera developed a frame error, photographs that I had taken in a block of about 10 vanished I tried all ways to retrieve them with no success however using image recall I have recovered some of the missing frames.
Thank you
Mr R Collington

Just to say thankyou, bought the program installed & registered it, recovered 88 of 89 lost images! Regards
Paul Steel

Thank´s a lot for your great help and superb support!! It´s fantastic and works........!!! Now we have recalled all 10 pictures, and dicided to buy it!! And we also would recommend it to all our friends professional photographers, and also to all our amateur photographers customers!!!
Thank´s a lot for all your help all day long!!!
Best regards,
Stig-Göran Estvall

Dear Garry, Kevin and team - at the risk of this boring old biddy boring the socks of you bright young things - I would just like to say a huge thank you for rescuing my images - the piccies are fantastic (well they are to me!) they are also extremely precious - it was a one off opportunity to go as a family to Egypt - and share all those memorable sights. As soon as I was able to open them - I was back with all the sounds - smells - but best of all on a miserable November afternoon - the hot bright sun. Your expertise has afforded for me something which is priceless and for which I am truly grateful. Sincerely yours Julie Salam.

Just had to let you know that your software "saved my life". I had a very worrying couple of hours but have been able to recover almost all of the wedding photos on my memory card. I hope I'll never need the software again but how reassuring to know that it's there - just in case.
Best regards,
Iain Fairweather

Thanks, You've created a miracle for us . My daughter and I had both erased data from smart cards and now have almost every frame back.
Thanks again for a wonderful service
Harold Reed

very many thanks for your very prompt and helpful call. I have saved the 10 images recovered and look forward to the full edition which will allow me to do the complete job.
I must say it is very refreshing to have such excellent service. Thanks again.

One of my main reasons for switching from film to digital was the fact that digital capture was claimed to be so secure; no more lost films at the lab, no more failure to wind on, no more accidental opening of the camera back etc etc.
As a professional photographer I need to be sure that I get to keep the pictures I take. Imagine my complete horror when arriving home after a wedding shoot to find that not one but TWO brand new Lexar cards had failed and I had lost some of the key photographs of the day - cake cutting and speeches! As they were Lexar cards I naturally tried the Lexar 'ImageRescue' program but to no avail. I tried a number of other programs including ImageRecall Vers 1 but still no luck. I even sent the cards back to the 'experts' at Lexar who failed to recover a single image.
Eventually I had to admit defeat and gave up any real hope of getting the images back; it was not nice having to apologise to my clients! When I upgraded to ImageRecall Vers 3 the other day I tried the new version against the faulty CF cards, out of idle curiosity rather than any real hope, to see if it could do anything - remember the 'experts' at Lexar could do nothing at all with them. I could not believe my eyes when the ImageRecall software recovered all the key images one by one from the faulty card! Absolutely incredible! Worth every single penny and much more!!
Needless to say I backed the images up to a second hard disk and DVD immediately! As a result of the CF card failures I had previously been seriosuly considering going back to film because I did not want to have to tell another client that I did not have their pictures, but thanks to ImageRecall Vers 3 I am sticking to digital.
Best Wishes
Coole Media Wedding & Portrait Specialists

I'm over the moon! have just recovered 90% of my holiday photos which i thought we're gone for good, thank-you for a great piece of software.
Keith Bird

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Active Member
What about finding photos on a memory card? :veryconfu
I never uploaded them into my computer. :(

I had a similar problem once - and it turned out the pictures were stored on the fairly small hard drive in the camera instead on on the memory card. When I had taken the memory card out I hadn't inserted it back in all the way. It's a long shot for your problem, but might be worth checking out. Hope you can find your pics!


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem once - and it turned out the pictures were stored on the fairly small hard drive in the camera instead on on the memory card. When I had taken the memory card out I hadn't inserted it back in all the way. It's a long shot for your problem, but might be worth checking out. Hope you can find your pics!
Thanks for the suggestion!
I hope I can too!...I had some really good ones on there!
:D :wave:

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