Everest vs. Universal article


Wow, you sure you're talking about the same IoA i'm talking about? I've never heard anyone talk down the theming of IoA *that* badly. Worse than MGM??? Guess we'll have to agree to disagree in a major way.

I didnt say IoA's theming was bad, it's good in fact, just not up to the level of MK, EPCOT, AK ect...

Yes I am talking about the same IoA, the one with two large unthemed roller coasters, where you can see metal show buildings poking out behind facades in the Lost Continent, most of the scenery on Dudley Do Rights is metal poles, and all Super Hero Island is, is a bunch of cardboard cut out facades.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
objr said:
To see what else is out there....:lookaroun

And when I reach the point that I feel the need to see what else is out there, I will. But I'm very content with what I get where I am.


New Member
IOA's themeing to me is just as good, if not better than any Disney themepark. There is so much detail, and yes Superhero Island is cardboard cut outs but thats the point. The themeing is 2-D comic books coming off of the pages. I highly suggest you go over to Universal if you've never been. I have heard many, (espically foreign tourists) say that Islands of Adventure is the best park they've ever been too, including Disney and these are people with young families.


There is so much detail, and yes Superhero Island is cardboard cut outs but thats the point. The themeing is 2-D comic books coming off of the pages.

If they were coming of the page then they would not be in 2D, it's just a easy way out.

I have heard many, (espically foreign tourists) say that Islands of Adventure is the best park they've ever been too, including Disney and these are people with young families.

This is also the same general public which goes to watch crap like The Fast and The Furious in droves, and buys 50 Cent albums in thousands.

Then again you could say the GP are right on this one, since Disney blows Universal out of the water in attendances.

IoA on face value might look to have great theming but look a little deeper and it does not compare to most Disney parks at all, especially Disney Sea, MK, EPCOT.


Well-Known Member
jackfrost said:
IOA's themeing to me is just as good, if not better than any Disney themepark.

Im sorry but the themeing at IOA does not even come close to that at Epcot, Magic Kingdom Tokyo DisneySea, or Animal Kingdom.


New Member
First off Disney did not fund Disney Sea, they never would fund something that orignal anymore because it's cheaper to put in clones and the Imagineers had a field day with that park because of it. Second, EPCOT is themed to be a worlds fair. How did World's fairs make money? Advertising. That is exactly what EPCOT does. When I ride Test Track I feel like I'm riding through a GM commercial, because really you are. EPCOT Futureworld, to me, is one big adverstisment for a huge corporations. Thank goodness for Soarin' because that park would be sorely lacking without it. Now I have been to IOA 4 times and besides being frustrated with the lack of new attractions I must say the themeing is incredible. I have been to the Disney resort at least 7 times in my life, including twice in the last two years and I know the traditional themeing of Disney is better to a certain extent. The thing is the originality of the themeing seems to be lacking a little. The type of theming has been overused so much by Disney and themeparks in general that is a little taboo. Disney created it and is the best at, but I find it hard to believe that they haven't decided to build something completely different. At IOA you are put in comic book, Dr.Suess books, a cartoon world, or a mythlogical world which is much harder to pull off. Granted DisneySea is the exception to this, but once again it wasn't funded by Disney. I do not mean to be inflammatory but I offer this for you to think about.


New Member
Universal Bashing

I am not so sure that people are Universal bashing. The problem is when Universal starts with the approach of "fairytales suck," or however they word it, you are definitely going to polarize people. There is, obviously, a very loyal following of the Disney product, especially the theme parks. Some people are going to take this ad as some sort of attack, which it is, and become defensive. I believe that marketing in this country is so advanced that an ad such as this is close to mudslinging or name calling in an election. Universal's ads, in a round about way, attacks what most of us love so much about Walt Disney World; therefore, it is natural that people will become defensive. Disney is something that is engrained in many of us in this board. It's a part of our lives. So, when Universal attacks Disney, some folks take it as a personal assault on themselves. Some of you may think this is a reach, but i believe there are many of you who will agree with this.
Universal went after the older crowd recently. I believe that there has been a serious shift towards families and family values within the last ten years. I believe that, also, has alot to do with Disney's success and universal's troubles. As a parent, I love the idea that I can ride just about every attraction at Disney with my almost 2 year old son. That's what memories are made of. Not constantly switching turns watching my little one with my wife because he can't ride most of the attractions at a park. Then, i wouldn't be able to ride very many with her either. Flat out, Disney is more family friendly, as a whole. Just my opinion. As humble as it may be........:wave:


Well-Known Member
jackfrost said:
First off Disney did not fund Disney Sea, they never would fund something that orignal anymore because it's cheaper to put in clones and the Imagineers had a field day with that park because of it.

What does that have to do with anything. I nor anyone else on this board said Disney funded Tokyo Disney Sea. I am very familiar with the WDC and the OLC. My point was simply that themeing at Tokyo DisneySea is far better than that at IOA plain and simple. And I stand my my position that the themeing at Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and the Magic Kingdom is better as well. As for your comments about Epcot, the park is far more than a simple worlds fair. But in any case when I referred to the parks themeing being far better than IOA's I was talking about the World Showcase.


Well-Known Member
What does DisneySea have to do with this article? DisneySea is most likely the best themed-park in the world, but they have nothing to do with the Orlando parks. The only ties to them is the Disney name. DisneySea is just as much competition to WDW as Las Vegas is... because a family of four isn't going to go to Orlando AND Tokyo in a summer, they will choose one or the other.

DisneySea is moot in this discussion.


Well-Known Member
Legacy said:
What does DisneySea have to do with this article? DisneySea is most likely the best themed-park in the world, but they have nothing to do with the Orlando parks. The only ties to them is the Disney name. DisneySea is just as much competition to WDW as Las Vegas is... because a family of four isn't going to go to Orlando AND Tokyo in a summer, they will choose one or the other.

DisneySea is moot in this discussion.
Jackfrost made the comment that IOA had better themeing than any Disney park. I made the comment that MK, Epcot, AK, and TDS all have far better themeing than IOA, to which he responded that TDS was not funded by Disney which made no sense in defending his argument.


New Member
Fine its themeing is better or equal to any Disney park in the United States, my point about DisneySea is that you will NEVER see anything like that in the United States from Disney because no one else will put up money like the Oriental Land Company did. I still believe that much of Disney's themeing has become taboo and overused and that EPCOT futureworld is one large ad for corporations and therefore its hard to say its themeing is better than IOA which has taken on original themes within the park.


Well-Known Member
jackfrost said:
Fine its themeing is better or equal to any Disney park in the United States, my point about DisneySea is that you will NEVER see anything like that in the United States from Disney because no one else will put up money like the Oriental Land Company did..

Im not debating that. Besides that the point is irrelevant. It is still a Disney park.

I still say AK, Epcot and to a lesser extent Mk have far better themeing. I think that IOA has nice themeing but I would say without a doubt that Animal Kingdom has the best themeing of any theme park in North America.

jackfrost said:
I still believe that much of Disney's themeing has become taboo and overused and that EPCOT futureworld is one large ad for corporations and therefore its hard to say its themeing is better than IOA which has taken on original themes within the park.

Again when I talk about Epcots themeing I am talking about the World Showcase.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the park themeing in Orlando would go:

1. Animal Kingdom
2. Epcot
3. IOA
4. MGM
5. Magic Kingdom
6. USF


Well-Known Member
I guess I am surprised MK is making it that far down the list. I will save my IOA opinions because I really think it defines superficial themeing and is why I don't like it (guess I am one that feels you should either do it full out or not at all). However, I think, some recent additions aside, MK comes in a very close second to DAK followed by Epcot. IOA would come in next followed by MGM closely. Finally, Sea World and UO would round out the list.

It is a matter of opinion, I guess, though. DAK is by far the most realistic. However, MK has the ability of blending the most styles in equivalent levels IMHO. There is a reason for each of the lands existing (celebrating a "spirit" of imagination) unlike IOA where it is merely a hodgepodge to me. It has some very well done areas, but the park is not themed as a whole, I guess. that is where it fails.


New Member
jackfrost said:
...and that EPCOT futureworld is one large ad for corporations...

Just to throw something into the conversation here...

The last two times I visited MK, the guidemaps had large ads for Kodak on the back of them. Many of the attractions around WDW have "Presented by:" under them. For example, it's Main Street Vehicles Presented by National Car Rental, Mickey's Philharmagic Presented by Kodak, The Barnstormer at Goofy's Wiseacre Farm Presented by Friskies.

Sponsorship does not a bad park make...

Thought that needed to be said ;):)

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