Everest vs. Universal article


Well-Known Member
Competition is good. I think that is the main reason Disney would NOT buy Universal. Due to location and the Disney factor, Universal is a difficult property to manage. Therefore, if NBC were to pull out, it would not be that easy to find someone to take the reigns (necessarily). As bad as it sounds, a mismanaged property down the street with a decent draw is MUCH better for business than owning it yourself. Besides, with around 60k employees already, Disney is a logistical nightmare, and it has started to show simply because of size (I am not bashing. For that many people in an entertainment role, they do a strong job. It just a fact of nature when you cram that many employees in.) Adding another 20k would be suicide.


New Member
I have to say that I am not impressed with Universal Orlando or Hollywood and that even though they offer admission deals every other month, I have to say that you get what you pay for. Disney would never buy Universal, or NBC Universal (from my understanding that is more of a partnership and not so much a conglomerate). And NBC-Universal is not concretely linked to the parks, GE has ownership of them. On a related note, doesn't GE also sponsor an attraction at EPCOT?


Well-Known Member
Nicole said:
Well I tell you what, comparing the "I've outgrown fairy tales" commercial for US to the "I'm too excited to sleep" commercial for WDW, there is no contest. Why would I want to go to the place that has the bratty kids when I can go to the place with the family who is excited to go on vacation together? :)

I couldn't agree more! When I told my daughter about the little girl on the US commercial that said if "she had to hug one more princess she would hurl", she was not happy. She thought it was a rude thing to say.

Mecha Figment

New Member
Comming from somebody inside the company. the official statement we say about Univeral Studios is that we at Disney have no competition. Even the costumed characters are allowed to sign on universal material as long as it is not on the logo. In fact they are allowed to sign most anything from other parks. they can't sign money hats or clothes on your body,newspapers and legal documents.

we have no competition.


Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
we have no competition.

Sorry, but that's not true. Business deals, decisions, and strategies in the last decade clearly show that Disney recognizes the competition they have in Orlando.

From day one Disney has recognized Universal at competition.

Of course, the don't want to give Universal any credit, they just want to build roads and railways that bypass Universal altogether.



New Member
nicely put

In regards to pretty ALL of the posts before mine--WORD!!
I do not think everyone "bashes" Universal in these forums, it is just that true Disney people see the difference between a park such as Universal and a park like Disneyworld--two totally different approaches and the attention to detail and overall passion that Disney applies to every square inch will take the cake every time for me!!


New Member
I do believe Universal proved it can build something that can scare Disney, even if they wouldn't admit it. Think about how Islands of Adventure and AK compared when they first opened; there was no comparison. There was talk throughout the industry and the media about Universal starting to challenge Disney's dominance.The difference now is that Disney has sound financial backing all the time, no matter what the economy or industry is doing. This is not so for Universal and probably will never be to the extent of Disney and this is the reason they cannot compete with them. I know many people here will not admit it, but IOA was a wake up call to Disney and you could see it. Luckily for Disney, Universal's parent company(ies) put nothing into the resort and it could do nothing but sit there and age instead of capitalizing on their success and pushing Disney further. And yes, Disney's marketing is far superior. I did like some of the earlier Universal ads from the last couple of years but this whole taking on Disney directly in their ads is just too much and does more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
Comming from somebody inside the company. the official statement we say about Univeral Studios is that we at Disney have no competition. Even the costumed characters are allowed to sign on universal material as long as it is not on the logo. In fact they are allowed to sign most anything from other parks. they can't sign money hats or clothes on your body,newspapers and legal documents.

we have no competition.

the grocery store is their competition, the gas station -- all dollars that could be disney's are competition


Well-Known Member
IMO when they say there is no competition is more of a pep talk then a statement of fact. Do you think? I personally have never been to US or IOA. I really have no desire to go to them.


JimboJones123 said:
the grocery store is their competition, the gas station -- all dollars that could be disney's are competition

Hmm, it's almost like the only reason they give you a free ride to the airport is so you can't spend money anywhere else.

With or without Universal, a lot of teens have the I'm too old for Disney point of view. My freshman year in HS (1975), I took heat for wearing a DL T-shirt, and never wore it again. Maybe should've pointed out that I had it because WE'D taken a cross country trip from Alabama, but his dad had enough $ that it may have backfired. In 1983 I, now living in California, I visited home, and when told my friend and I were driving to WDW, the response of my 17 year old sister was "Why?". From reading DL forums, I get the impression that this happens to teen Disney Fans in SoCal quite often. So many parents want everything Disney builds to be suitable for a 3 year old, forgetting that these kids will get older, and teenagers have, throughout time, rejected "kid stuff".

Actually, a strong point could be made that Disney is getting concerned about the teen market. The planning DVD I got last year had four hosts, one a teenage boy. None of the planning videos I've seen for WDW or DL prior to this even acknowledged the existence of human beings between the ages of 11 and 25.



Well-Known Member
Raven66 said:
IMO when they say there is no competition is more of a pep talk then a statement of fact. Do you think? I personally have never been to US or IOA. I really have no desire to go to them.

I think you are missing out. It really is a totally different experience and product...but one that shouldn't be missed. Of course it is Universal's job to convince people like yourself to head on over....and as the figures show...they're doing a terrible job of that....

Yo Ho

New Member
I don't know about anyone else, but I was really turned off by Universal's "Express Plus" pass system. We were there earlier this month, and the lines were two or three times longer than they should have been, all because of that awful system. First, it's a poor value: roughly $25 for one express pass for each ride. Second, there are enough dopes out there who buy it to clog up the standby lines, even for the less popular rides (45 minutes for Poseidon's Fury?) While we were there, regular Express Passes were not available. Just the Express Plus. What a rotten way to make a buck.

As an adult with no children, I have always enjoyed the two Universal Parks more than most Disney parks. However, after this last trip, I don't know that I'll be back.


Well-Known Member
IMHO, the Universal parks offer a quick thrill and nothing else. What draws me to Disney is the attention to detail that goes into EVERYTHING they do. Whether it's a ride, a show, or just standing in the queue - there's always something new to see or do.


Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
we have no competition.

Actually thats not what is taught at Disney, at least it wasn't to me. When I went through my training at the MK we were very strongly told that Universal is NOT our competition. Universal gets people to the Orlando area just like Disney and they help each other in the long run. Disney sees its biggest competitor, on many fronts, as actually Las Vegas. When people go to any other place other than Orlando Disney looses out 100%. Vegas is seen as their biggest competitor especially for the very profitable convention business. People do not realize just how big of an affect the convention business is at Disney. It is huge and counts for a very large percentage of profits. Any one on these boards long enough can see that Disney is shifting in that direction. Just look at what is happening at the Contemporary right now. They are trying to make it very trendy, similar to the W hotel chain, gearing it toward the convention crowd. Downtown Disney is quickly changing with many rumors of it becoming much more high end with many more high end restaurants and stores. Lets not forget over the years Disney has tested the waters with actually placing some kind of casinos on property. They have actually put out questioners to guests asking about this. Disney absolutely sees Vegas as its #1 competitor and is definitely shifting itself in that direction.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
objr said:
I think you are missing out. It really is a totally different experience and product...but one that shouldn't be missed. Of course it is Universal's job to convince people like yourself to head on over....and as the figures show...they're doing a terrible job of that....

I don't think it's fair to say Raven66 is "missing out", you only miss what you want.

I'm in the group that only goes to Disney, to the exclusion of other Orlando attractions. The reason is fairly straightforward, I'm content with what Disney does for me:

- A self-contained complex that I don't have to over-organize. Having a bad day at a park? Change at the drop of a hat.

- The "Disney Experience" is all-encompassing. From the moment I step out of the airport until I return there, everything is Disney.

- Security. I feel comfortable taking my son. I can give him simple instructions on what to do if we become separated [which has never happened], just find a CM or Disney Security and ask for help. He carries contact info [and nowadays his own cell] and can provide them everything they need to find me. I would still be concerned [ok, I'd panic] if we were separated, but not as concerned as in a local mall at home.

- Last but not least, Disney has yet to become "old". When we arrive, we have things we want to do. When we leave after a week we have things left we wanted to do but didn't have time for.

I don't dislike or like Universal, I just don't need it. I have a nice, warm blanket I sink into with my son and we cuddle. Why would I leave?


Well-Known Member
Rosso11 said:
Actually thats not what is taught at Disney, at least it wasn't to me. When I went through my training at the MK we were very strongly told that Universal is NOT our competition. Universal gets people to the Orlando area just like Disney and they help each other in the long run. Disney sees its biggest competitor, on many fronts, as actually Las Vegas. When people go to any other place other than Orlando Disney looses out 100%. Vegas is seen as their biggest competitor especially for the very profitable convention business. People do not realize just how big of an affect the convention business is at Disney. It is huge and counts for a very large percentage of profits. Any one on these boards long enough can see that Disney is shifting in that direction. Just look at what is happening at the Contemporary right now. They are trying to make it very trendy, similar to the W hotel chain, gearing it toward the convention crowd. Downtown Disney is quickly changing with many rumors of it becoming much more high end with many more high end restaurants and stores. Lets not forget over the years Disney has tested the waters with actually placing some kind of casinos on property. They have actually put out questioners to guests asking about this. Disney absolutely sees Vegas as its #1 competitor and is definitely shifting itself in that direction.

It would be real nice if they allowed gambling here in Florida. The state has been missing out and losing out on all those tourist and taxable dollars for a long time. I think Disney is moving in the right direction...although personally I've always wondered why they don't build something over in Vegas.


Well-Known Member
e4ymod said:
IMHO, the Universal parks offer a quick thrill and nothing else. What draws me to Disney is the attention to detail that goes into EVERYTHING they do. Whether it's a ride, a show, or just standing in the queue - there's always something new to see or do.
Have you been to IOA? The theming and attention to detail there on EVERYTHING is remarkable. IMO I'd put it on the same level as MK regarding theming.


Have you been to IOA? The theming and attention to detail there on EVERYTHING is remarkable. IMO I'd put it on the same level as MK regarding theming.

IoA is no where near Old School Disney (MK, EPCOT ect...) when it comes to theming. AK is also much better themed.

IoA might just be about the level of MGM when it comes to theming (I'd still put MGM ahead), but dont kid your-self IoA is no here near as well themed as the vast majority of Disney parks (Excluding DCA and WDS in Paris).


Well-Known Member
MuRkErY said:
IoA is no where near Old School Disney (MK, EPCOT ect...) when it comes to theming. AK is also much better themed.

IoA might just be about the level of MGM when it comes to theming (I'd still put MGM ahead), but dont kid your-self IoA is no here near as well themed as the vast majority of Disney parks (Excluding DCA and WDS in Paris).

Wow, you sure you're talking about the same IoA i'm talking about? I've never heard anyone talk down the theming of IoA *that* badly. Worse than MGM??? Guess we'll have to agree to disagree in a major way.

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