Hey, I believe him! 10,000+ posts should get you SOME trust, eh?
But the SGE downtime will be a good move in the long run. Even if they just improve the story (A LOT) and leave the effects as they are (except for the chili dog breath), then I can't wait to see it come summer!
As for Everest, I agree with Testtrack here. The new Disney safety codes require a HUGE amount of testing time, with amny many hours. Case in point: Tower of Terror at DCA didn't start its soft opening until TWO WEEKS before its official opening! But this year at DL, for Buzz and Space Mountain, Matt Ouimet and his crew are firing the testing at all cylinders so the attractions will open earlier. If they do this for Everest, the EARLIEST that soft openings will be is in Feb. 2006.