I hate to sound spoiled, but my family does sitdown dinners so I am never hungry for lunch. Therefore, I don't see the lunch rush. Also, if I DO eat lunch, I eat at off times. Should I have a light breakfast or no breakfast at all, I am ready for lunch at 11 so the crowds are minimal.
However, I was a table buzzard one time. And it was embarrassing. Not my choice, believe me. But it wasn't at Disney, it was at Sea World. Due to some unexpected circumstances, we gained a day in Florida and instead of buying another day at Disney, we opted to go to Sea World. Well, we had no dining plan, no reservations for lunch no nothing so we got to experience the buzzard experience first hand. First, I would have chose to eat at 11 but my cousin wasn't hungry so waited to 12pm. Yea...

So of course, the little quick service place we found had a very small amount of tables so not enough to accommodate the lunch crowd. We couldn't find ANYWHERE to sit. While walking around with our trays a few minutes, we ran into a really nice CM...er...employee? and he found a nice empty table to clean. He cleaned it and waved us over. We were so appreciative of this guy because he didn't have to do that. We went to sit down and BOOM another family just slid past us and took our seats! I mean, I was half bent down to sit in the chair! The employee even tried to say something to the family but they weren't having it. We told the worker, thank you, but we will find something eventually.
It finally came down to us having to wait under the tents and wait for someone to finish their lunch. I don't think we were being rude, we hung out waiting but it just seemed like everyone at the tables knew we were waiting for tables and so took their jolly good time to sit there. Even when they were done eating. It was ridiculous. It's like "table rage!"

I mean...we're not trying to steal your first born. It would just be nice to not have to eat standing up! lol
Finally a family saw us waiting patiently and told us we could have their seat when they were done (which was only going to be a few minutes). They were so nice we actually stood and talked to them a few minutes. I mean, we had no where else to go, lol
After that my cousin pretty much swore off haveing QS ever again, lol I still eat QS but I eat at 11. No problems then.