ever lose anything on a ride?


New Member
On our very first day at WDW (ever), on our very first ride (PotC), the lens popped out of my son's glasses just as we sat down in our boat. He spent most of the ride feeling around for the lens (which he found) and the screw (which he didn't). There was nowhere in the park to buy a repair kit (so the CM told us) so he stumbled around the rest of the day, missing a lot due to limited vision.:p We were able to get a repair kit in one of the Poly's gift shops that evening. On our very first day at DL, my daughter left her waist pouch thing in the net basket on Indiana Jones. She had been saving her $ all year and it was all in there. The worst thing was, we didn't realize it immediately. When we did, she and I ran back and flew through that reeealllly long queing they have to get to a CM. Hannah was almost crying by then, but Disney saves the day! The CM found it right after we got off the ride and had already left a message for us at our hotel (wisely had put our info. inside). She hadn't sent it on yet, so we were able to get it immediately. Gosh, CMs are the most awesome people ever.:sohappy:


It wasn't a ride, but my niece's sunglasses fell off her head while leaning on the rail during the Home Improvement segment of the Backstage Pass tour.

Also, on that same trip, we left our video camera on a table in AK. When we realized that none of the nine adults with us had it we went rushing back. One of the cleaning people had put it away for us.

Also, on that same trip, someone picked up my nephews backpack by accident at the Backlot Express. When they realized they had an extra they brought it back. Everything was still in it.
A few days ago on Splash Mountain, my hat flew off going down into the Briar Patch... Luckly, my dad & brother were behind me, & my hat hit my dad in the face.. :hammer:

Hmm..... oh yea, my mom washed our annual passes last year, but they gave us other ones, we just brought the pieces back to them :lol:

..I know those things weren't really "lost", but that's all I had, lol


Active Member
Things Lost...

Things Most Lost At WDW...

1. $$$
2. My dad lost my little brother...never found. :lookaroun
3. My best friend lost his brain on Cranium Command...never found :lookaroun

Finding an unused Fast Pass...PRICELESS! :sohappy:


Active Member
Things Lost...

Things Most Lost At WDW...

1. $$$
2. My dad lost my little brother...never found. :lookaroun
3. My best friend lost his brain on Cranium Command...never found :lookaroun

Finding an unused Fast Pass...PRICELESS! :sohappy:


New Member
Flagg11 said:
When my cousin was about 10 her shoe fell off while getting on POTC, we were staying off property then and had no time to go back and get her another shoe. She spent the rest of the day sitting in a carriage with a plastic bag on her foot!

OMG!!! :eek: A PLASTIC BAG ON HER FOOT?!!! Im sorry for laughing but thats sooooooo darn funny! I think im gonna get fired for laughing so loud at work!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
I lost my cellphone my first day in MK (it was returned) and a CM had to fetch my sunglasses for me after they fell off my head in the heffalump section!


New Member
I lost one of my Napoleon Dynamite buttons outside of Primeival Whirl and we lost an autograph book with over 75 different characters' autographs on Haunted Mansion a couple of years ago. It was at the kennel club waiting for us! Sad to say, I never recovered Napoleon and his Happy Hands Club pin.


Account Suspended
This was really strange....I put my annual pass in the Buzz fast pass machine, took it out, and put it in my wallet. At the end of the day I noticed that my annual pass said, one day pass on it. Still cant figure out what happened there unless the machine took my pass and gave me another that it had eaten earlier.


New Member
OMG!!! :eek: A PLASTIC BAG ON HER FOOT?!!! Im sorry for laughing but thats sooooooo darn funny! I think im gonna get fired for laughing so loud at work!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

I dont blame you for laughing!!! It's still has my family in tears everytime we talk about it


New Member
no but seriously she did leave aq very nice camera in the norway bathroom. Three hours later we realized it was gone and ran back. it wasn't there so we asked som of the norweigan cast members. At first they couldn't find it but right before we were about to leave, one of them brought it out. i remember saying to her if this had been six flags, we would have never seen it again.


Active Member
$80 during wishes last night...had the money in my wallet before the show...after when i went to pay for my dole float...no cash...im sadly thinking pickpocket as we were in a huge crowd with people constantly touching me

what a maigcal moment...life goes on

but i wasnt in the best of moods at work tonight because of it


New Member
We had never lost anything (that we knew of!) until our last trip - Sept 2004. We were on BTM where my husband & 6 year old daughter were riding together. She was proudly showing her dad how she could hold her hands up above her head for the entire ride, when without knowing it, she knocked my husband's glasses off. It happened right where you come out of a tunnel, right by the river - he turned around as they came off, they hit me on the shoulder, and we could hear them bounce on the ground. We were pretty much sick for the remainder of the ride, since he has 20/800 vision, technically blind. We told a CM, who said they would do a walk-thru at close, and anything they found would be taken to City Hall. (This was about 5 p.m.) MK closed at 8:00. We wandered around with our poor blind dad shuffling along behind us (it actually cracks us up now!) Unfortunately at 9:00, they had received their lost & found from BTM, but not dad's glasses. We called a # they gave us the next morning, still no luck, he stuck it out for the morning but we had to take him back to our room around noon, he wasn't having fun not being able to see ANYTHING. The next morning, our last day there, we called that same #, and to our surprise, they had them, we think Dave was as excited as we were (he had been the same CM we had spoken to the previous morning). A very happy ending for us, considering I was sure they were lying at the bottom of the river. He still is wearing that slightly scratched up pair!


New Member
KaliSplash said:
So far, two hats and one Annual Pass (almost!)

Lost a hat on the speedy Tomorrowland Transit Authority a few years ago, just blew off to the pavement below. By the time I got down there, it was goine. Never went looking for it.

Lost another hat while walking along the dock to the ferry at WL. Blew off and into the marsh. Never tried to track that one down either.

But on our trip last month, I lost my Annual Pass. Just got prescription sun glasses for the first time and was switching back and forth between them and the regular ones at Epcot as we moved from pavilion to pavilion.

Had the pass in the same pocket with the eyeglasses case and it apparently came out during a transition.

So I realize it as I'm switching glasses and I run back through the exit in Ellen's Energy Adventure. A nice CM went with me to my ride vehicle. No AP. She suggested Guest Relations to get a replacement.

So my wife and I headed there and one son went to Mission: Space and the other toward Test Track, both of which we had ridden. Well, fortunately, there's a line at guest relations, and before I could report it missing, my youngest son comes dashing in with it. The fine, fine folks a Mission:Space had found it.

After that, kept pass in a different pocket!

Good work to the CM's who keep an eye on things!

that reminded me, i put my AP on a fastpass machine while i put my fastpasses in my fastpass holder, and about 15 minutes later i realize it's gone. i ran back to the fastpass machine at RnRC to find it ontop, no one had even noticed it!! i was reallly lucky because it was fairly windy that day too.


I've never lost anything at Disney except for maybe two pin backs, which were no big deal.

But I've gone to Disney twice now with my best friend, Heather, and her parents. The first time we all went together, in 2002, Heather and I bought autograph books. We used them a little, but not too much.

Eventually, after we got home, we realized that Heather left her autograph book at Disney. It was actually pretty pathetic, because we didn't even realize it until we got home. But we weren't too surprised, because Heather is always losing things. So we weren't sure if Heather lost it, or if she just forgot it there.

Anyway, Heather got a package in the mail about two weeks later, and in it contained her autograph book. Luckily, her mom had us write our names and addresses in the cover of the book, which we probably wouldn't have done, because you know, who would ever lose it? Heather was excited and as she was flipping through the pages, we noticed that there were about twenty extra signatures that she never originally got. I think that was very kind for the CM's to do, it really shows that the magic of Disney is still with you even when you return home.

I think I'll be "accidently" forgetting my autograph book at Disney this year... :animwink:


New Member
Thank god I never lost any thing yet, that includes "my Lunch", I have a strong stomach. I know that I can do "Misson Space" with no problems!!

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