Hey there folks, just came back from MGM with some hot-off-the-camera photos and updates from the Studios today! Some REALLY major TSM progress is the big news so let's get right to it then, shall we?
-So a (little) bit of the wall around Toy Story Mania to reopen the bathrooms came down, and it now sports slick new brickwork and silver-ish Pixar-ish signage! And also, as expected, the overpowering smell of paint. The BIGGER news? The Pixar Place Emeryville-style gate is up! It has no words yet, but it's clearly it!
-Pretty funny, in the morning I say a parking Cast Member informing a car how to get off of the TRAM LANE!!! That's right, a car had managed to get in the tram lane, get all the way down past load, stop and get told off by the bathrooms (where I was watching)

-Crowds not too bad. Waits were good, and I walked on RNR through the Single Riders line more than a few times.
-Had everything from a restraint not being able to click all the way down right next to me (Don't worry, it was fine.) A kid needing to be bailed out of the Limotrain while in load, and a mis-Launch (when the audio starts before the launch) at RNR. Though in the morning it was running great! No waiting for the launcher to come back, and no waiting at the hold before Unload! Had to be because they weren't running many Limotrains.
OK, that's pretty much it. Now for the pictures!
Oh, and if you haven't been reading my blog on the UpdatePage, or here on WDW Magic's fantastic blogs (which I suggest everyone start using by the way) you may have not heard: I discovered Zazzle! (Me: "Wait a minute? You can make stuff? Easy? I like making stuff! Where do I sign!") That means I made a slew of cool Official Update gear, and some neat WDW-related stuff I've always thought would rock, you can check it out over at my gallery if you have the mind too...
Also, I raised the suggestion of weekly WDW Magic meets over at the Spaceship Earth reopening thread. What do YOU all think? If MiceChat can do it, why can't we? I mean, just as many of as possible meeting at the hub and riding stuff every two weeks or so. Pretty much every other forum does it except us. So what do you, the viewers at home think?
Again, thanks a bunch for tuning in!
-So a (little) bit of the wall around Toy Story Mania to reopen the bathrooms came down, and it now sports slick new brickwork and silver-ish Pixar-ish signage! And also, as expected, the overpowering smell of paint. The BIGGER news? The Pixar Place Emeryville-style gate is up! It has no words yet, but it's clearly it!
-Pretty funny, in the morning I say a parking Cast Member informing a car how to get off of the TRAM LANE!!! That's right, a car had managed to get in the tram lane, get all the way down past load, stop and get told off by the bathrooms (where I was watching)

-Crowds not too bad. Waits were good, and I walked on RNR through the Single Riders line more than a few times.
-Had everything from a restraint not being able to click all the way down right next to me (Don't worry, it was fine.) A kid needing to be bailed out of the Limotrain while in load, and a mis-Launch (when the audio starts before the launch) at RNR. Though in the morning it was running great! No waiting for the launcher to come back, and no waiting at the hold before Unload! Had to be because they weren't running many Limotrains.
OK, that's pretty much it. Now for the pictures!
Oh, and if you haven't been reading my blog on the UpdatePage, or here on WDW Magic's fantastic blogs (which I suggest everyone start using by the way) you may have not heard: I discovered Zazzle! (Me: "Wait a minute? You can make stuff? Easy? I like making stuff! Where do I sign!") That means I made a slew of cool Official Update gear, and some neat WDW-related stuff I've always thought would rock, you can check it out over at my gallery if you have the mind too...
Also, I raised the suggestion of weekly WDW Magic meets over at the Spaceship Earth reopening thread. What do YOU all think? If MiceChat can do it, why can't we? I mean, just as many of as possible meeting at the hub and riding stuff every two weeks or so. Pretty much every other forum does it except us. So what do you, the viewers at home think?
Again, thanks a bunch for tuning in!