Epcots 25th


KumbaRider said:
The only thing in my opinion I see happening to WS would be an updated RoE. Although I'd love to see Germany finally get its dark ride, I believe most attention will be paid to Future World. They need to take down the wand, gut the Leave a Legacy graveyard, finish LS with new seacabs, help WoL and UoE. To me those seem like more of a priority now than WS.

I would definitely tend to agree with you - Future World needs more attention. However, as much as we might like to see it happen, the wand won't go anywhere, unless to be replaced with a different word (2000->Epcot->25 Years). Same thing with the Leave a Legacy thing. People paid to have their images there, and Disney isn't going to spend lots of money to rip out things that have been there for 5 years AND annoy lots of paying guests at the same time. The only thing I can think of that they have added to a park and then demolished right after would be the 25th anniversary castle cake, and there was no way that was staying. I'd wager that even the gold filigree added will remain after the 50th celebration ends. The mirror might be the only thing to leave.

As far as doing something to WS, that's hard business. That's a US corporation dealing with international tourism bureaus, and that's not always an easy thing. Adding one country to WS would be an odd way to celebrate Epcot's anniversary anyway as it would draw all the attention to that country instead of Epcot at large. What I could definitely see, though, and probably more likely than updates to FW, would be an updated fireworks show. It seems like these things have seen the greatest change over time in all of the parks, and understandably so since it's entirely internal to WDW and doesn't take a whole lot of reimagineering money. I guess I could be ok with that, assuming they don't outright destroy the wonderful orchestration done now. Personally, I'm getting tired of all these celebrations. I just want to go and enjoy the parks. If you are going to celebrate the past, do it everyday in your approach to imagineering and park design.


New Member
WDWKat26 said:
Oh man, if they got rid of Reflections of Earth...I think i'd cry! I love that fireworks show, I just watched it again the other night and had a permanent smile on my face. It brings back good memories....
I'd be a basket case. That is the greatest show EVER.


Well-Known Member
Thorphin said:
Personally, I'm getting tired of all these celebrations. I just want to go and enjoy the parks. If you are going to celebrate the past, do it everyday in your approach to imagineering and park design.

I would not be surprised if Epcot's 25th came and went as quietly as MGM's 15th last year.

WDW has never done 2 "anniversary" marketing campaigns in a row, I do not think they are about to start now.

Now, Epcot's 25th could be a small part of a larger campaign, but I do not think it will be a huge deal in line with WDW's 20th, 25th, or HCOE.

My guess is that a new firework show, and possibly a parade, along with new entertainment will be added. I doubt they would open a huge E-ticket, although continued updates of TLS and SSE would not surprise me....


New Member
EPCOT is going to wait to replace ROE untill after Islands of Adventure premiers their nighttime pyro show so they'll know what they're up against.


Regarding the wand, I took the Undiscovered Future World Behind the Scenes Tour this week, and our guide told us that the word he had been told was that the wand was here to stay. It was just too pricey an investment to dismantle.

Funny story, he said that the day after the hurricanes last fall that Guest Relations took quite a few calls from fans wanting to know "if the wand was still there" in hopes of hearing that it had been demolished by them.

He mentioned that the red sequins from the new Epcot sign at the top of it do occasionally have to be replaced. I also did not know it was the tallest landmark on property, and was required to have the flashing beacon at the top. They were okay with it having one because it is "a wand".


Active Member
Since MK's 25th got the cake, I wonder if SSE will become a giant uhhhh, sprinkle or milk dud or dot or some other round candy?


maconMouse said:
Regarding the wand, I took the Undiscovered Future World Behind the Scenes Tour this week, and our guide told us that the word he had been told was that the wand was here to stay. It was just too pricey an investment to dismantle.

For anyone who's reading, that's an awesome tour - you learn a lot about the park, and on our tour, not just of Future World, but Reflections of Earth and backstage at World Showcase. I wonder, who was your guide?

maconMouse said:
He mentioned that the red sequins from the new Epcot sign at the top of it to occasionally have to be replaced. I also did not know it was the tallest landmark on property, and was required to have the flashing beacon at the top. They were okay with it having one because it is "a wand".

There was something about Tower of Terror related to that piece of trivia, but it escapes me at the moment... was it that Tower of Terror was sunk into the ground a bit or reduced in size to avoid needing a beacon? Or is there one there? I wish I could remember that one...


Well-Known Member
hey, as long as SSE doesn't metamorphasize into a birthday cake of some sort i'll be happy :) i am curious to see what is in store for Epcot's 25th!


New Member
If I remember correctly, Tower of Terror is 1 foot below the requirement for a beacon. 199 feet is the height and 200 feet is the federal requirement.

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