EPCOT Update!

General Grizz

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EPCOT Update! - Figment Video!!!

Here are some updates from EPCOT:

All AT&T logos and announcements are still intanct. It seems that to the left on the "backwards" return to earth (before we see the city or the communcations between i.e. the mother and the children), there seems to be wooden structures (like tree roots) placed on both sides of the tunnel. Also, we see lightning strikes to the left side at this time and the stars move around. Nice effect.

Nice crowds at Cranium Command and the Sensory Funhouse. Rumors are that the rehab is way overdue and will start as late as next Memorial Day, if not late this summer.

This attraction will be a training center for outerspace. When put in pods, something goes wrong! We can tell which planet we land on *ahem* exterior *ahem*. Fastpass will be put in the red planet structure in the pavilion, making it the first WDW Attraction designed with Fastpass.

Yeah, it broke down again ;)

The tarps covering the windows in the inside have been taken down for refurbishment. Food Rocks' hours have been increased; however, the crowds are small. An area directly behind The Land's entrance sign is under construction. This is probably due to plant work.

My Rating: B+ as an attraction, A+ when compared to JIYI, and C when compared to JII
VIDEOS WILL BE POSTED ON THE WDWMAGIC FTP IN LESS THAN THIRTY MINUTES - Or, it will be posted on www.figmentsimagination.com - you will be VERY impressed ;) . Clever attraction. Nice new merchandise. LOW CROWDS - Maximum wait ALL Day - 5 minutes. The Philharmonic Orchestra is still intact in the old Image Works upstairs. The old Image Works floor is currently being destroyed for an unkown reason to me!

The first time it's ever...been on perfect queue! Everything was perfect.

Breathtaking as always!

Check back soon for videos!!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Here are some updates from EPCOT:

Yeah, it broke down again ;)

Check back soon for videos!!

:lol: When is it not broke?;)

Thanks for thr update gizz...looking forward to your videos!:D

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
The video is posted in the WDWMAGICFTP: Sections: Public/Uploadz/GrizzlyHall - MAJOR SPOILERS!! ENJOY!!

BTW, The Skunk smell is now ALL OVER the pavilion - even in the IMAGE WORKS!! :eek: Bad mistake..

Test Track was closed both times in the afternoon it was went past...


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Well-Known Member
Department of Road Kill Sanitation

Originally posted by grizzlyhall
BTW, The Skunk smell is now ALL OVER the pavilion - even in the IMAGE WORKS!! :eek: Bad mistake..

I was told that the skunk smell is one of the first smells in a WDW attraction not created by an artificial perfume. Rather, WDW has contracted with an organization known as the Department Of Road Kill Sanitation (aka D.O.R.K.S.) The DORKS are the people who remove dead animals from the middle of the road and properly dispose of them. Apparently, prior to and during the creamation of the little animals, fluid is collected at the base of the furnace. Although skunks have a more obvious smell, many animals share similar odors when dead. This is do to the rotting process, infection, etc. (Apparently WDW will not accept any batches in which the actual skunk odor ratio is less than 30%.) The intense heat automatically sterilizes the fluid, which is then mixed with certain chemicals which basically dilute and thin the fluid for vaporization.

WDW pays a nominal amount for this fluid, which is vaporized in the new attraction. Because the scents are "real" and not perfumes, they spread about much more easily than a perfume would. This has to do with the ionic makeup of the compound. Even air filters would have a hard time eliminating the odor. Not wanting to settle for weak perfume scents and imitations (such as those found in A Bug's Life,) this was just another WDW step in the direction of authenticity. This step may have, as mentioned, been a mistake.

I think it's a wonderful concept. WDW financially supports the DORKS with business they never would have had, whom in return continue their services to clean up our streets.:sohappy:



New Member
That was great!! :lol:
I´m also happy to see that the DORKS are finally given the recognition they deserve! :D
:lol: :animwink:


I agree--nice work, grizz! (I like the review of the new Imagination ride). I'd like to add something to the asessment of Mission:SPACE, however:
In the prelaunch center in innoventions, it has a model of the rocket that the experimental vehicle attaches to. One of the buttons is marked "hyperdrive." Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't hyperdrives mainly proposed to produce faster-than-light travels via alternate space? Perhaps the pods are supposed to go a little farther than the red planet, or they could land there afterwards, but I think the destination could be interstellar rather than interplanetary. . . just some speculation.

And btw, how did you manage to get upstairs in the Imagination pavilion?


Well-Known Member
As always, you were perfect, Grizz. Now, about the rehab on Wonders of Life, do you think they'll be changing Cranium Command?


New Member
Aside from clothing (hats, t-shirts, etc) how much new Figment merchandise is there? I tend to go wild buying souviners (especially figurines & the like) and I'll be there in about a week... so I'm dying to see what there is to buy!!!! Send some pictures this way please!!! =)


New Member
Originally posted by BNCordeiro
Aside from clothing (hats, t-shirts, etc) how much new Figment merchandise is there? I tend to go wild buying souviners (especially figurines & the like) and I'll be there in about a week... so I'm dying to see what there is to buy!!!! Send some pictures this way please!!! =)

I would be interested specifically in stuffed animals of Figment. I don't know much about Figment (learning more and more everyday from this forum) but I think Disney stuffed creatures are great!

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