Epcot needs refurbishment


Well-Known Member
Is that person every going to go away?

Anyway, Epcot may look dated at what the current popular thought of what the general population thinks the future will look like. But what will the future look like? The houses that I saw being built in 1984 look very similar to the houses that I see being built in 2004. The office buildings being built 20 years ago also look very similar to those being built today. In many cases, todays buildings are being built to look more classical or gothic, or even art deco, which are all trends of the past.

If Epcot truly wanted to have the look and feel of the "future", or as popluar impression of the future, then they should look to Discovery Bay at Tokyo DisneySea.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by speck76
In many cases, todays buildings are being built to look more classical or gothic, or even art deco, which are all trends of the past.

What you are talking about is essentially "Post-modernism" which came into vogue as a reaction to the stark nature of "Modernism". Few architects remain proponents of "Post-modernism", this is a resurgance of interest in "Modernism" (Mid-century Modern) but the largest thrust in the industry currently is "Green Architecture". Post-modernism is dead, or will soon be, thankfully.


New Member
Originally posted by disfreak-o
I know the flowers and landscaping are nice but I don't think the "City of the Future" is actually going to have colorful flowers everywhere.
Personally I think a city of the future would. :D


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Epcot needs refurbishment

Originally posted by barnum42
Personally I think a city of the future would. :D

I sure hope it does. Anyone here really want ot live in an all concrete and steel city with not green spaces?


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Epcot needs refurbishment

Originally posted by speck76
I sure hope it does. Anyone here really want ot live in an all concrete and steel city with not green spaces?
Anyone on the boards live in Milton Keynes? They should be able to tell you :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Epcot needs refurbishment

Originally posted by barnum42
Personally I think a city of the future would. :D

Great, now I'm going to have the "Talking Heads" stuck in my head all day...

(Nothing But) Flowers by the Talking Heads
Here we stand
Like an Adam and an Eve
The Garden of Eden
Two fools in love
So beautiful and strong
The birds in the trees
Are smiling upon them
From the age of the dinosaurs
Cars have run on gasoline
Where, where have they gone?
Now, it's nothing but flowers

Click here for the full lyrics



Well-Known Member
Epcot is my fav park too and I wouldn't mind seeing a few updates here and there, but the overall design and look of the park I still enjoy. Change is inevitable (otherwise it's difficult to attract new and old guests alike) so you may as well use them to your advantage!

Don't worry .. the bean counters make sure there aren't too many changes at one time ;)


Well-Known Member
Most of the attractive cities seem to be ones with large amounts of green space.

Post-modernism is dead, or will soon be, thankfully.

Hey - I like some aspects of post-modernism! Sure the modernists have bad mouthed it, but done right it is kind of fun. I think he is talking about the neo-traditional styles anyway. Green architecture isn't a style, it is a design method. you can have green buildings that are traditional in style.

UOE being green, besides having solar panels on it, there isn't much "green" about UOE,

For it's time (remember, this was late seventies) it ws pretty forward looking. Solar driven, efficient layout. The glass sides were supposed to be helpfeul in reflecting unwanted energy (they didn't account for the problems with a mirrored building). The presentation even tries to plug a little environmental awareness (plug being the key word) into their ride.

You are not going to be able to have a truely timeless novel design. I think you could get away with doing somethig in a kind of art modern style, Which would really push the world's fair comparrison. But I think the key is just to stop trying to make it so carnivalish and work a little more on things such as lighting and better traffic patterns.


Well-Known Member
Yes I agree retro is in LOL.:lol:

Truly if you look at the way the future is seen by invsionaries right now, you will notice that alot of it is reminsicent of the 60s and 70s. Nice cool and relaxing colors. Gardens everywhere. Water falls. Energy effint modes of transportation. Monorails and peoplemovers. So similar to a percect city of EPCOT.

The land pavilion is a great example. I think it is so welcoming. The different color schemes. The gardens and ponds. The tiled walls. It hasn't changed too much since the 80s, but I think that architecture is suitable for the pavilion.

World of Motion. Yes the exterior, like already pointed out, has survived the test of time, and reguardless if the actual ride could have been saved, orange, rainbow accents, and chrome interiors don't last a life time. :zipit:

SSE, timeless, though it looks misrepresented with a wand, stars, and a baren entrance in front of it. With the wand gone, stars gone, facelift to the exterior, leave a legacy moved to between future world and world showcase, will once again add a fresh new green entrance to maybe a 'second' EPCOT Center.

UoE would look much better if they once again repainted it in shades of orange. I am not nearly concerned with the exterior as I am with the actual ride.

As for commincore/innoventions, as much as I would love to reminsice about EPCOT Center's 'tan era', something needs to be done to brighten, and green up that area.

The only thing right now that I feel should be done, is SSE, the entrance, and Wonders of Life.

The park needs help, but as well pointed, it needs cosmetics, and upgrades, yes big bucks, but we don't need damn roller coasters and gravitrons in a permanent world's fair. It is supposed to be fun education, if that. You can always go to six flags or universal stuidous, but not at the beloved EPCOT Center.
Originally posted by Expo_Seeker40

The park needs help, but as well pointed, it needs cosmetics, and upgrades, yes big bucks, but we don't need damn roller coasters and gravitrons in a permanent world's fair. It is supposed to be fun education, if that. You can always go to six flags or universal stuidous, but not at the beloved EPCOT Center.

So you wouldn't support a chinese parade dragon coaster for the china pavilion? It's an original Westcot idea. I think it would be nice there if room allowed.

I don't think everyone has to be so uptight about coasters in epcot, as long as there's no paridise pier clone I don't see the problem. Disney is notorius for making you forget what kind of ride you're on by the experience it provides.

They have simulators at US and six flags, so should epcot even have any?


Well-Known Member
It depends. What will the coaster really due? You won't have a ride where everyone can enjoy it. You can only have the thrill seekers, and the people suitable enough to ride it.

Look at space mountain and rockin roller coaster. Both have presentable que lines, and boarding areas, but once the ride really kicks into full gear, not that many people care so much about the effetcs. In space mountain you go right past the meteors, etc. In rockin roller coaster you go right past the road signs. It's only for the excitment, and satisfaction of riding the roller coaster that matters to many people.

Spaceship Earth is capable for people of all kinds. Anyone can see, experience, and learn how communication plays such an important role in our lives. It's a form of entertaining education. It is detailed, it isn't a mesh of track, and screaming people. Time racers would do nothing for us. Not only would it effect or destroy the world's first geodesic sphere, it could only take on people who could ride it, and would just be another dark rollercoaster zooming through twists and turns, with some effects here and there.

World of Motion, it was comical on purpous. Test Track, yup it's fun to ride, I enjoy it, but it teaches me why I need to use fast pass, and never go in a standby ride. It breaks down all the time, and if it really were like a real test track, they'd have to add a grave yard behind the pavilion to bury all the people who died on the ride.

Mission: Space, yes I have thought about it, though I miss Horizons and won't go into a debate on that, Mission: Space right now is state of the art, and for those who are able to ride it, can learn about what it takes to be in space flight.

When I think of Epcot the future, I am in fear of seeing a distraughtand very negleted Spacship Earth, I see super-man type rollercoasters towering over world showcase, I see free fall towers and sky coasters over the imagination pavilion.

The disney corporation is too concerned about the teen crowds right now. You don't need to free fall or go on a rollercoaster to make your vacation. EPCOT Center [If the park ever becomes that again] can be a place of culturual and futuristic understanding. You can take a relaxing trip on the rides in future world with your entire family, you don't have to ditch grandma, or your cousin because they can't ride test track or mission: space. You can be with them on rides like Spaceship Earth, and Universe of Energy, and go "hey look at the dinosaurs" or "hey look how the AA's look just like humans".

Future world can be updatred, but there doesn't need to be thrill rides galore. Same with world showcase. At EPCOT Center you should relax and take in a day of fun and enjoyment, but also come out smart and more well rounded when you could glimpse into the future, or saw a band play in great britain, or shop the world in an hour.
Originally posted by Expo_Seeker40
It depends. What will the coaster really due? You won't have a ride where everyone can enjoy it. You can only have the thrill seekers, and the people suitable enough to ride it.

Look at space mountain and rockin roller coaster. Both have presentable que lines, and boarding areas, but once the ride really kicks into full gear, not that many people care so much about the effetcs. In space mountain you go right past the meteors, etc. In rockin roller coaster you go right past the road signs. It's only for the excitment, and satisfaction of riding the roller coaster that matters to many people.

Spaceship Earth is capable for people of all kinds. Anyone can see, experience, and learn how communication plays such an important role in our lives. It's a form of entertaining education. It is detailed, it isn't a mesh of track, and screaming people. Time racers would do nothing for us. Not only would it effect or destroy the world's first geodesic sphere, it could only take on people who could ride it, and would just be another dark rollercoaster zooming through twists and turns, with some effects here and there.

World of Motion, it was comical on purpous. Test Track, yup it's fun to ride, I enjoy it, but it teaches me why I need to use fast pass, and never go in a standby ride. It breaks down all the time, and if it really were like a real test track, they'd have to add a grave yard behind the pavilion to bury all the people who died on the ride.

Mission: Space, yes I have thought about it, though I miss Horizons and won't go into a debate on that, Mission: Space right now is state of the art, and for those who are able to ride it, can learn about what it takes to be in space flight.

When I think of Epcot the future, I am in fear of seeing a distraughtand very negleted Spacship Earth, I see super-man type rollercoasters towering over world showcase, I see free fall towers and sky coasters over the imagination pavilion.

The disney corporation is too concerned about the teen crowds right now. You don't need to free fall or go on a rollercoaster to make your vacation. EPCOT Center [If the park ever becomes that again] can be a place of culturual and futuristic understanding. You can take a relaxing trip on the rides in future world with your entire family, you don't have to ditch grandma, or your cousin because they can't ride test track or mission: space. You can be with them on rides like Spaceship Earth, and Universe of Energy, and go "hey look at the dinosaurs" or "hey look how the AA's look just like humans".

Future world can be updatred, but there doesn't need to be thrill rides galore. Same with world showcase. At EPCOT Center you should relax and take in a day of fun and enjoyment, but also come out smart and more well rounded when you could glimpse into the future, or saw a band play in great britain, or shop the world in an hour.

It seems like it's all or nothing with you. Either it should be all dark rides or roller coasters will over run the park.

The simple fact of the matter is that not everyone is gonna like all of the rides in a park, so why try. Gear some toward one group and some toward another group, that way everybody comes. State of the art and traditional can coincide.

And if people just ride Space Mountain and rcnrc for the roller coaster ride, then disney spent a lot of money they didn't need to on ride buildings, ride effects, pre and post shows, queues, aerosmith ect.

And world showcase should not be bombarded by rides, and maybe a noisey coaster would negatively affect the mood and ambience of the area, but they need a couple more good attractions. And notice I said attractions, not rides(I think of an attraction as an experience as opposed to just riding something).

Instead of all 360 degree films, vary the form of presentation. American Adventure is the best example of what I mean.

I agree that things were going in a scary direction, and I'm still not sure of epcots future, but hopefully management will get the idea and not turn epcot into another MGM.


Well-Known Member
It was too the world's first geodesicsphere. It was the first one to be complete, and also to be lifted off the ground due to that.

And as far as oll or nothing for me, look at the magic kingdom, mgm, and animal kingdom, all three havea variety of rides. Yup it sure works for those parks, but it won't work for Epcot or whatever you want to call the park because Epcot is supposed to allow us to tap in with the rest of the world, and learn something from it. A rollercoasyer will not fullfill this. This can only be fulfilled with ride like Mission: Space, SSE, Universe of Energy Etc. Test Track teaches paracticly nothing. World of Motion atleast taught us in a comical way the world effects of mobility.

If you are so sick about praising rollercoaster and other fast rides that are not necessary for a park like Epcot, then be my guest and go to the other parks where you can ride them. No one's forcing you to go to Epcot and complain about why future world or world showcase needs to be chucked full of thrill rides.
Originally posted by Expo_Seeker40
It was too the world's first geodesicsphere. It was the first one to be complete, and also to be lifted off the ground due to that.

And as far as oll or nothing for me, look at the magic kingdom, mgm, and animal kingdom, all three havea variety of rides. Yup it sure works for those parks, but it won't work for Epcot or whatever you want to call the park because Epcot is supposed to allow us to tap in with the rest of the world, and learn something from it. A rollercoasyer will not fullfill this. This can only be fulfilled with ride like Mission: Space, SSE, Universe of Energy Etc. Test Track teaches paracticly nothing. World of Motion atleast taught us in a comical way the world effects of mobility.

If you are so sick about praising rollercoaster and other fast rides that are not necessary for a park like Epcot, then be my guest and go to the other parks where you can ride them. No one's forcing you to go to Epcot and complain about why future world or world showcase needs to be chucked full of thrill rides.

Did you even read my post at all? When did I complain that epcot doesn't have enough thrill rides? Epcot happens to be my favorite park.

You act like one roller coaster will turn epcot into six flags. Adding a few thrill rides along with the traditional ones will (and has been) turn(ing) on a whole new demographic to the park and it's ideals.

So, just to clarifiy, I'm not saying turn all of the current rides into thrill rides like they where doing, but one coaster in future world and one or two e tickets in world showcase wouldn't hurt.

These thrill rides you hate are an important tool in bringing new guests who otherwise might not have come and teach them about the world.


Well-Known Member
Certainly agree with you on that.

My only fear as that eventually is that Disney might not want to keep those slow rides. There is a reasonable balance in future world right now of both thirll and slow rides.

World showcase can get E rides. Norway is a good example as a "thrilling" type ride, while Mexico is a placid ride. Now of course there is room for improvement, I just don't know where a possible coaster could go in there, or wether it will be inside, or outside, and how big.

With future world I think the land pavilion will do fine. Soarin will help it.

So I guess that's my point overall. I hope Disney does keep the slower more traditional EPCOT Center attractions like UoE and SSE, and will take good care of them, instead of adding more thrill rides, if they decide to do it. I feel that we need to remember the past from EPCOT Center, and keep, atleast SSE as a slow moving ride.

So that's were I going with it. Epcot certainly must welcome change, but there must be a balance of what type of rides will go in, or what the themeing will be, so the fair majoirty can be satisfied.

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